ForumsThe TavernIntroverts (Quiet people)

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2,226 posts

Hey there fellow introverts! I created this thread to be a general discussion forum for introverts to talk about their experiences and give tips to other introverts on "general life stuff". I am an introvert by heart (don't get me wrong, I can be loud and obnoxious around my friends/ in a small groups or places where people don't know me)and want to see what the armor games community has to say about "quietness". As an introvert, I see myself as emphasizing hard work and commitment but often struggle to make "small chat". Extroverts feel welcome too

  • 65 Replies
13,344 posts

*hides in corner to avoid discussion*

I've noticed that sometimes when I'm talking to someone I don't really know, I slur my sentences together as though there was no period at the end of any of them.

"Oh, I put it over there. I didn't know what to do with it."


"Oh I put it over there I wasn't sure what to do with it."

And in an entirely monotonous voice, so it sounds like some idiot using the speech function on their computer and leaving out any form of punctuation.

2,226 posts

@Ernie15: Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes it's kind of hard to make eye contact too, but you really need to push yourself to catch a person's glance every once in a while. And the thing that really bugs me is that it is so hard in school, but when I hang out with friends or meet people elsewhere I tend to be fine.

5,952 posts

but when I hang out with friends or meet people elsewhere I tend to be fine.

its so true! i very rarely talk to people im not really friends with. it was awful being the new kid like that, but im good now. i talk alot with my friends, just not with many other people. it kinda gives me a bad reputation.
2,226 posts

If anyone is interested, I have found that getting involved in activities at my school has really helped boost my confidence. Chewing gum also helps reduce some of that "hallway anxiety" too.

1,606 posts

Sometimes it's kind of hard to make eye contact too, but you really need to push yourself to catch a person's glance every once in a while.

I'm not really an introvert (not loud, but not quiet) and I really have a hard time making eye contact because I self taught myself to always use my periferals just so I would have a wider veiw of everything and now I have to relearn actualy focusing in on something instead of just pushing it into my perifierals so I could see more things.
13,344 posts

Eye contact has always been difficult for me. To this day I still get nervous if I look into somebody's eyes while they're looking at me. I don't know what it is. You think I would have been able to solve this issue by now.

9,438 posts

Everyone just assumes I'm a stoic bad***, which I am. A few years ago on the school bus at the start of the year, as I'm passing a group of African Americans, one of them tugs at my backpack solely to test my reaction. I silently shrug him off and keep walking. A low murmur begins in the group, mainly consisting of "woah, he don't **** around."

"Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding."

599 posts

Eye contact has always been difficult for me. To this day I still get nervous if I look into somebody's eyes while they're looking at me

me to like when i talk to the girl i have a crush on i get really nervous and look anywhere but back in her eyes lol
561 posts

oh yay, nice to see there are other people like me. I'm very shy and quite around people i don't know. But around my friends i'm a chatter box (just a quiet one.) I find it hard to make new friends because i can't talk to people and i think some people don't know what to think of me sometimes.

My best friend however is the total opposite and i think she helps me though. I love discussions especially ones were i'm passionate about the topic. But struggle to make new discussions with people and can only answer peoples questions, if i'm asked. i love armor games especially the forms were i can talk my mind. i love you guys

3,139 posts

I'm pretty shy when i first meet someone, although most of the time i can force myself out of it relatively quickly. Eye contact is always difficult, or when you have to present something and everyones eyes are on you - terrible.

3,766 posts

I'm pretty shy when i first meet someone

Same here. I am fine with the eye contact and that stuff but I never know what I should talk about. I don't really know the person so usually after the introducing there is an awkward silence.
62 posts

I'm Pretty shy when i first meet someone
I am as well. Quite a lot really

2,226 posts

Eye contact has always been difficult for me. To this day I still get nervous if I look into somebody's eyes while they're looking at me. I don't know what it is. You think I would have been able to solve this issue by now.

Yeah, I just kind of started forcing myself to make eye contact and it's really made things easier.
me to like when i talk to the girl i have a crush on i get really nervous and look anywhere but back in her eyes lol

I'm trying to ask out this girl I like (who always says hi to me in church and does track and cross country too) and today I caught her glancing at me, turn away, and blush so that's an awesome sign... problem is, I don't have time to go on a date really and there aren't any great movies out there, so I may have to be creative.
Eye contact is always difficult, or when you have to present something and everyones eyes are on you - terrible.

I find that if you are in a good mood and just don't think about what you're doing, you should be fine. Or just imagine that everyone thinks you're the bomb and is waiting to hear what you have to say. Often times, you have to think after you do.
3,371 posts

I'm a terrible in social situations. Especially if I'm not used to it. I usally get to school just after breakfest ends, so when I happen to get there early, I have no idea what to do. And sometimes when I feel sad, I avoid groups of people who are happy to avoid making them sad. But being alone only makes me more sad, so... yeah, bad logic there. I also have no idea when to enter a conversation if I'm not with friends.

2,226 posts

^Yeah, it can be hard. If I don't feel adventurous, I try to keep myself busy to avoid just sitting (or standing) awkwardly doing nothing and staring into space. I like to jot things down in my planner (one we can buy from the school--helpful for knowing when there are special events and schedule changes going on), do homework, check the time, or go on my phone (if I'm outside).

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