ForumsThe TavernIs lying OK?

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Is lying OK in some situations? If so when? why/ why not? How much lying does it take to make someone a liar?

  • 49 Replies
1,388 posts

Is lying OK in some situations?


If so when?

If lying will save your life or the life of an innocent. That is, assuming you are also innocent.

why/ why not?

Should someone die because someone else provided false witness against them?

How much lying does it take to make someone a liar?

If you can lie with a straight face, you are a liar. If you can lie and know it and not care, you are a liar.
13,344 posts

I don't believe that there is ever an acceptable excuse for lying. I understand why people do it, but I don't agree that it is ever the best option.

If lying will save your life or the life of an innocent.

If they're innocent, you don't need to lie to save them. You need to find the evidence that proves the truth to be correct.

Should someone die because someone else provided false witness against them?

The more false stories you create, the more inconsistencies and loose ends you'll have floating around. You'll also have a much harder time creating false events that completely disprove other false events than if you were to just give the actual truthful evidence that proves that they're innocent.
9,438 posts

If you can lie and know it and not care, you are a liar.

The real trick is to completely convince yourself that the lie was real, then you pass all the lie detector tests and show the right emotional responses that will convey your innocence, because it will be truth to you. Technically you can't get in legal trouble such as perjury, which states the person can be charged if they knew their statements were false. If you're truly convinced, then to the best of your knowledge, you did indeed tell the truth.
2,226 posts

I think it depends on the time. Also, there is a difference between lying and being sensitive :P

3,517 posts

Lying is okay in ways... In other ways, no...

An OK to lie scenario: Suzie's dad had passed away. Her friend Julie asked her if anything was wrong (because she didn't know). Suzie said nothing was wrong. This is OK lying because no one is offended.

A not OK to lie scenario: Suzie is angry at Julie for keep nudging her to talk about how she feels, so Suzie goes and tells the school she is a *profound word*.

See the difference?

5,952 posts

sometimes lying is ok, but not all the time
my examples
bad lying: did u steal? no....
good lying: does this make me look fat? no....
yeah..... lying really isnt a good thing ever, but it is a very valuable skill to learn. basicly what im saying is that lying when its about the law or something bad is wrong, but lying to make someone feel good is ok.

5,552 posts

I don't believe that there is ever an acceptable excuse for lying.

I lie occasionally, mostly because I just don't want to talk about something.

Ex. "How was your day at school?"
"Did anything happen?"
"No." (Well, I slipped and fell on some ice and asked my teacher about an assignment, but if I tell you that you'll bug me for 10 minutes on whether or not I'm okay and if I need help with that assignment, so nty.)
572 posts

white lies are okay, everything else is bad

5,340 posts

i think its ok to lie as long as nobody gets hurt. its not that simple but that is the simplest way i can think of.

also, as my friends physics teacher always used to say: "there are 3 kinds of lies in this world and i will now say them from the most ok one to the worst: a white lie, a black lie and statistics"

417 posts

Live life the way you believe you should. If you have to lie to do that, so be it. If you wanna lie to a bunch of kids over the internet, make a drinking game out of it.

1,388 posts

If they're innocent, you don't need to lie to save them. You need to find the evidence that proves the truth to be correct.

That's not the kind of lying I'm talking about. What if someone comes to you in your home and asks you for money? They hold you at gunpoint and threaten to kill you. Then they ask you if you if you have anyone else with you in the house. You do. There are two children somewhere in the house. You're going to tell them the truth and say, 'Yes, I've got two kids here with me.'?
27 posts

white lies are okay

2,779 posts

It's ok to tell a lie if you HAVE to like say a stranger walks up to you and say" I got candy in the back of my truck, do you like candy?" you can say "sorry, I got diabetes."

But if you DO tell a lie in situations like"I can't hang out with you this weekend because I gotta attend an engagement party to attend." you start teling more ies which eventually get bigger until you finally have to tell the truth over guilt or they found out. Similar to the movie Just Go With It when lying in general is a bad thing so you should just spit it out and get it over with the second you feel ike lying(even though the ending in the movie is good it won't happen in reality). if in some cases you HAVE to lie and keep telling bigger lies which is undoubtfully highly unlikely, you can lie but you would have to tell someone you trust or a police if the case is serious enough.

2,779 posts

How much lying does it take to make someone a liar?

It doesn't matter how much you do it but if you ever do it and how long you have been lying. If you have a lying streak from 1 time a month to more than 6 times a day, you are considered a liar to others(if they ever find out). But really a truly if you lie once you are a liar and maybe one lie can change your life. If you lie because you for some reason HAVE to it's alright but you're still a liar. We were all liars once or more times in our lives but thats something no one will ever change. No one can be perfect but they CAN become better.

I still don't know why teachers say it's never ok to lie even though we never not tell a lie.
1,388 posts

But if you DO tell a lie in situations like"I can't hang out with you this weekend because I gotta attend an engagement party to attend." you start teling more ies which eventually get bigger until you finally have to tell the truth over guilt or they found out. Similar to the movie Just Go With It when lying in general is a bad thing so you should just spit it out and get it over with the second you feel ike lying(even though the ending in the movie is good it won't happen in reality). if in some cases you HAVE to lie and keep telling bigger lies which is undoubtfully highly unlikely, you can lie but you would have to tell someone you trust or a police if the case is serious enough.

Yes, that kind of lying is unacceptable.

It's ok to tell a lie if you HAVE to like say a stranger walks up to you and say" I got candy in the back of my truck, do you like candy?" you can say "sorry, I got diabetes."

Never follow someone who tells you things like that. It's better to ignore them or make something up rather than possibly risk your life.
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