ForumsWEPRIs Obama a good president?

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10 posts

What has he done to help/hurt this country? I want to start getting into politics and I think it would be best to first understand what our current president has done to our country so I can learn from the next one. Please help me with as much information as you can.

  • 242 Replies
5,552 posts

i still don't see why it would matter. he has been democraticly choosen. that counts more then the little law for me.

I've never agreed with the "you must be native born" law either. At this point it's just a deceit thing than anything else.
421 posts

The reason why they let him go with his forged birth certificate is because these democr**s are very corrupt.

8,257 posts

The reason why they let him go with his forged birth certificate is because these democr**s are very corrupt.

Have any evidence that the certificate was forced? No? So please shut up.

You don't like him because he's not American and Muslim? Well judging by that you should really like him because he's American and Christian. Unless you're performing some sort of advanced self-deceptive No True Scotsman fallacy (which I think you are).
2,487 posts

I can't wait for 2012. Bye bye obama (obummer).

now I want him to win for the sake of shutting you up.

Like wikipedia is the best and most reliable source there is.

it's actually better than you think. it will always cite its sources if the information is credible. if there is no citation, then you can ignore it and keep going.

I still believe that Obama was born in Kenya. And in order to be president, you need to be born in America. His grandma even was recalling his Kenyan birth. are a fool. his birth certificate is real, and has been proven real. all you are doing right now is making yourself look stupid, which will reduce your already nonexistient credibility.

During the 2008 election, Obama promised transparency on everything he does. It is the complete opposite. Behind closed doors, he appoints these "czars" that wasn't elected by us. Who knows what he's up to. These biased crappy news agencies won't tell you much about obama's problems. He controls them. Some freedom of the press. And the only job he cares for is his. And he will do everything he can to keep his job.

1. no modern president has ever been fully honest about his dealings.
2.there is just as much bias against him as there is for him. look at fox news.
3.I doubt you know what a czar is. when you can tell me what a czar is, then I might listen to your opinion.

Hussein or hussain (however it's spelled) are muslim names.

so what?

but many muslims hate America and Israel, and Obama wants to tear down America

european countries also hate us, but you seem to like them just fine. israel is its own can of worms so I'm not going into that right now. obama has done what he can to help, and foolishness like yours will do nothing to help this nation in the long run.

But there are conservative organizations that send emails about all these bad things that obama does, so that's how I know. I also listen to conservative talk radio

if the names "glenn beck" or "rush limbaugh" are in that list of people you listen to, then your credibility is already gone.

[you show me his phony birth certificate and I laugh]

laugh all you like, it is the real thing.

No, I still believe that obama was born in kenya and I'm not a "redneck"

maybe not a redneck, but you are still quite the fool.

The reason why they let him go with his forged birth certificate is because these democr**s are very corrupt.

1.look at the terms of Presidents: grant, Taft, and harding. you will then see how corrupt the republican party can get. strikes me as rather funny that you won't say the word "democratt". it makes me think that you consider them agents of satan, which makes me think that you are even more foolish than I originally thought.

4,104 posts

The reason why they let him go with his forged birth certificate is because these democr**s are very corrupt.

Republicans are very corrupt. HOORAY FOR BASELESS STATEMENTS

Also, there are still 60 million republicans who could want to prove it fake.
9,462 posts

Interesting video covering what Obama has done.

Obama Reduced Taxes, Spending and Deficits - Romney Refuted By Facts

If you don't believe TYT for say being to one sided, you can check their sources provided in the bar below the video.

959 posts

How Im suposed to know Im not American but I think his fine

24 posts

He's a puppet just as the BUshes were and most presidents before them. Kennedy was the last president to cut his strings with the puppet master and got himself killed for it.

So is he a good 'uppet'? No. They are all idiots bent on destroying America as we know it and creating a police state ran from Europe.

2,487 posts

He's a puppet just as the BUshes were and most presidents before them. Kennedy was the last president to cut his strings with the puppet master and got himself killed for it.

let me guess, he is only a pawn that the illuminati have put into power, and only in sakes of fighting zombie hitler and his werewolf army.

So is he a good 'uppet'? No. They are all idiots bent on destroying America as we know it and creating a police state ran from Europe.

lol, how cute, another conspiracy theorist.

look, I don't know how old you are, or how educated you are (nor do I really care), you are wrong on this one. if europe ran the shots then wouldn't george III have ran it into the ground much earlier (that was a joke)? besides, europe (except for germany) is in a worse state than the U.S. is. if they ran the U.S., wouldn't europe have a better economic position of power?

5,129 posts

besides, europe (except for germany)

thats just so wrong.

it's all about 5 and 2 in particularly of the 27 countrys in the EU.
germany does well, but they are not the only1.

10 year ago people said europe except the UK. now it's europe except germany. why do people see europe as 1 country? we only have made agreements whit eatchother. thats all realy. eatch country still has his own economy and government.
90 posts

The way people think these days, you would think a President makes every decision, creates laws, and runs the country all by himself. This is completely false. The President cannot make laws, he can only veto them or issue executive orders. The President can't really do all that much compared to Congress. The President is more of a figurehead. Many of Obama's achievements simply occurred during his presidency by chance or did not happen because of his own actions.

2,487 posts

The way people think these days, you would think a President makes every decision, creates laws, and runs the country all by himself. This is completely false. The President cannot make laws, he can only veto them or issue executive orders. The President can't really do all that much compared to Congress. The President is more of a figurehead. Many of Obama's achievements simply occurred during his presidency by chance or did not happen because of his own actions.

lol, that much is true, but everyone gives the credit to the president because of the fact that it happened during his presidency (this also applies to the blame when things get bad). the problem is that people these days are too focused on their own problems, and congress has noticed this. they are now voting to get re-elected, not to get things done. ironically, the only way for congress to do what is necessary is for people to be more ignorant of what they are doing. this fact means the more tuned in we are, the less helpful they will be.

63 posts

Reading through this thread, I have seen a great many misconceptions about what Obama has done, about the state of our economy is, and what Obama can do about this mess. First, I would like to ackowledge that I know that Obama has LIMITED powers despite his role as our president (he can't control exchange rates, debt that effectively, etc.) However, he has not done enough. What is enough? Theres an inherent conflict of interest in being a president. There are two choices which may or may not correlate.

1.Please the people.
2.Do the right thing (may be painful short-term)

The latter statement is what America needs. Obama, however, seeks for show and not to do anything game-changing in our economy. Basically, he will kick the can down the road. If he were doing his best, bedget cuts are necessary. Major cuts.

Before we go into that, lets look at what Obama is proposing. His main ideas revolve around taxations for the rich, food stamps for the poor, gay rights, universal healthcare, and several other major themes. His belief is that the rich live too well while the poor suffer. The poor should pay for the rich right? Wrong. What he is doing is driving out talent while encouraging being lazy. If you live a good life doing nothing, why do something to pay for your neighbors who do nothing? Result is a failure. Good people leave, bad people come in. Even if good people did not leave, obviously, they will go to farther lengths to avoid taxes. History has shown that strict government policies often fail. Black markets for currencies form when goverments go for exchange-rate pegs. People immigrating from countries with poor demographic trends. General distrust in bad governments. What Obama is doing is cutting up the furniture to make a fire. OF course you have fuel, but how long will it last?

Gay rights, however, are good. I have nothing against them and they do not bother me. This universl health care, however, does bother me greatly. Of course a government health care system is good. After all it can care for those with no money and who are in dire need of health care. The funny thing is that his warps incentives. People, in general, will create inefficiencies in this "socialist" system. Government systems are badly managed, social security, China's SOEs, Russia's economy, and much more. People have an incentive for the business to do well as they make $$ while governments have little to no incentive to do well as doing well results in the same pay as not doing well. Besides, patients will choose more expensive medicines as the cost factor is taken out of equation. This is clearly a socialist system and a horrible one at that.

Now, I have been talking about socialism quite a bit. so, what is it? Socialism is the transition phase to communism. However, usually socialism and communism are used interchangeably. Communism focuses on the idea of 1 class. There is no &quotrivate property" and supposedly everyone would work for common good. In reality, work incentive is taken away and nobody works hard resulting in a stagnant economy.

Clearly, Obama may seem to have some nice goals, saving the poor, evening out society, these things cannot be done. Doing so will ruin the American Dream and doing so would cause people to loose belief in their government and for people to loose faith in their reward for their contribution to society.

Now, What can Obama do? Deflation is clearly not an option as deflation hurts the economy and freezes trade. Likely, inflation will be a common theme going foreward.

So, the stock market is a "manifestation" of our economy. right? No. Stock market prices are priced with variables. Simply imagin this.


Y= price of stock market
a= investor/speculator expectations/mood
x= economic situation

Clearly, this is a crude idea of the situation but it is handy to understand. For those who doubt my reasoning, I have had 3 Years of market experience with REAL money. I have traded commodites, stocks, derivatives, and bonds. I have watched currencies. I do admit to not knowing everything, but who does? Back to the point, often prices don't follow fundamentals. Dot-com bubble anyone? 1929? Does the U.S. economy suddenly slow out 25% in 2 days? 1978? 2008? Clearly, the market has several otehr variables that we do nto know or see. AS a general rule, markets are capricious.

Ok, now to the problem about our debt. Our debt ATM is about 15 trillion dollars. Thats 15,000,000,000,000 dollars. We should be going thorough a period of deleveraging to reduce leverage. Spending more is horrible.

Clearly, OBama is an ok president. He seems to have little spine to deal with public problems and I dislike his ways of making the U.S. economy worse. He may have good intentions, but will these intentions be good for the United States? Thats up to you to decide.


63 posts

Ah yes, sorry for double posting, but looking at the Dow won't help that much. Basically it is a big bunch of old stable companies that are stable. There are onlyaround 30 companies in the mix and it does not give an accurate perpective. Look at the Nasdaq or the S&P 500 both of which include may more stocks. They are called market averages for a reason.


13,055 posts

@fission12, you forgot to mention that Obama is trying to close the loopholes so that the crooked corporations like the ones who move the work to China can't benefit from a tax break. He made it possible for me to get insurance even though I have a pre-existing condition. Tell me what is wrong with that?

Insurance cost a fortune because drug companies are inflating the cost of medications. You can't believe all the lies spread by the Chamber of Commerce (terrorist organization) which is composed of thieves who have been abusing the system for years.
Now that Obama is telling them to stop committing crimes, they are mad so they spew propaganda in order to defeat all the good things the president achieved.

Why is it okay to bail out banks and not the poor people for a while so they can get back on their feet?

Most Republicans don't think about that.
Ever though about what happens to men who have been working all their life for a company, built a house, raised kids, contributed by paying their taxes and all of a sudden, their greedy boss decide to move his factory to China?

What happens is that those men lose their job,and their insurance.
Now they have to find another job which will pay way less than what they were used to, and that's if they find a job.
Then comes the insurance problem (ridiculously high cost) that starts eating at their savings.
Some get sick so they end up with a huge hospital bill, gets behind in their payments so the greedy banks seize their home, car, and what not.

In case you haven't noticed because you're so rich and don't have to worry about these problems, those people who lost their jobs are not lazy bums who try to get a free pass.

There's a big difference but it seem that you riches don't see it. All you think about is your profit. How are you going to get richer when nobody can afford to buy anything?

It will get to this point if nothing is done to change the situation and Obama tried but the opposition (composed of rich parasites) will do everything to stop the president from helping those who deserves to be helped so that they (the greedy ones) can continue to destroy the economy by draining the resources for their own criminal agenda.

Showing 46-60 of 242