In a nutshell, he is saying the almighty cliche, everything comes from something. To be honest, I think there can't be a real scientific explanation of creationism. I'm not saying that they're not beliefs, just something that can't be explained scientifically, but I'm with Strop. If you can explain it, I'll praise you forever XP
I just think it's pure ignorance to look out the window and deny a creator.
it's just not possible that this beautiful world was created by chance.
Personally. I think that Evolution is just an excuse to live anyway we want..because hey...if there is no God..then there is nothing the hold us accountable for our actions.
I also think it takes way more faith to believe in Evolution.
You know I think about this alot. I slightly believe in both. I understand Adam named all the beasts. Thats why I lean towards creationism. But if there was evolution then I believe it was caused by God.
There doesn't have to be. My view takes a bash on science and establishes the "anything is possible" + more
There's actually science based around this "anything is possible" idea if you get into quantum physics and whatnot =P
I also think it takes way more faith to believe in Evolution.
There is very little faith involved in the theory of evolution beyond believing in what we can see and trusting that human logic is at the very least applicable to affecting the world that we think we're seeing.
Personally. I think that Evolution is just an excuse to live anyway we want..because hey...if there is no God..then there is nothing the hold us accountable for our actions.
I honestly disagree with this statement. Maybe you need to believe that you'll be punished/rewarded for your choices to be good or bad in the here and now. But I personally find little difficulty understanding that there are people around here who have thoughts and feelings, and the negative choices that I make effect them negatively here and now. It just comes down to whether you think that it's enough to not hurt others here and now because you're hurting them here and now, or whether you need the promise/threat of future (eternal) action for or against you base on how you treat others and the world at large.
There's actually science based around this "anything is possible" idea if you get into quantum physics and whatnot =P
What I mean is that science is not as superior as we think. Our understanding of it as little, and we must define what we see. It is something only of our observation and we have not seen it all. We will never see any more then our universe.
If we will never see anything more then our universe, then chances are we won't encounter something more then our universe (hence our not seeing it) which means that science is still applicable to everything that we do see (and thus experience inside what limited amount of the multiverse we are able to experience). One of the many things that I would argue science has allowed us to experience and understand here would be evolution.
Yes, of the world today, science is superior. If were talking about 5 billion years ago, you can't disprove that Xenu flew in and magically made everything appear.
But even if I am to accept the laws of nature applied through all out of history, who is to say God of another world did not start it?
Also, because these things in another universe are nameless, and science does not apply. I ask, does our form of logic do?
Logic is learned, and we only seen what we seen.
So can we use our form of reasoning to say whether if its like that another reasoning?
Also, how does this make sense? Because for my reasoning of the universe being nameless to be true, my logic of another world must be true.
But none of that matters, we're debating whether the theory of evolution is more applicable then creationism here on Earth, in our universe. If you want to make up a dimension that you say we can't reach where evolution doesn't apply, by all means go ahead but that doesn't change the fact that evolution is real here where it matters for all practical intents and purposes.
Without the relgious aspect, there is no creationism. Lol.
Those saying Creationism isn't relgious don't really know what Creationism is.
Drace, you only replu LOL because you have no argument. You know I'm right and you have no way of refuting my logic. Quit lying to yourslef. Creationsim is an inherently relgious theology.
People who say "I believe everything I'm taught in Church is true" are idiots and I have no symapthy for them and I feel no kindness toward their stupidity.
Look at all the mistakes churches and Pastors (who are human and totally fallable) have made throughout history.! For craps sakes people! Churchs have taught that women shouldn't have rights in the past, that dancing is evil, that you can buy forgiveness for your sin with money, and a ton of other things that people finally woke up to and realized were wrong.
You should be killed (I mean this sincerely) if you are that totally STUPID! I know people won't appreciate this, but I am sick of idiots and I have no sympathy for them. It is because of them that the world is not the beautiful place it could be.
Also, what some people don't understand is that you can believe that the world was created by a diety (God) and that evolution is real. Yes the Bible says we were created in God's image, but what does that mean. It's a matter of interpretation.