Drace:"Well one cannot say my beliefs are not my beliefs lol."
I'm not saying you can't believe what you want. I am saying that if you don't think Creationism is relgious then you don't actually believe in Creationism as it is a religius Theology at it's core.
"My view of creationism is not religious, you cannot tell me that I don't know what my beliefs are :-$
As stated, you need to know what something is before you say you believe in it. You can NOT believe in a Relgious Theology without it being relgious. It's not possible.
If you want separate my view from creationism, but all you do is change the definition."
Finally! We you prove my case for me. You say "all you do is change the definition." By changing the definition you get an entirely NEW word/meaning. So, you obviously know your beliefs don't fit within the definition of Creationism, so why fight us who say you don't believe in Creationism if you don't apply the religious aspect.
http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/creationism/ Go here and read this. It isn't a relgious website and it isn't an-anti religious website. It's close to being unbiased, as close of you can get. Then tell me how you seperate relgion rom Creationsim when it is the core belief of Creationists.
I just don't care that you say you believe in something when you know nothing about it. It's like all those people out there who say Well like X presidential candidate because of XYZ (which are all things they heard on campaign commercials). They haven't done any actual research they just jump on a band waggon.
Educate yourself before you decide what you believe. Don't let other people decide your beliefs for you. Do you really think God wants a bunch of unthinking sheep? If he wanted that then why did he give us freewill?
umm you need a life other then this and sayign you watn us to die why? because you are confused on what you beleive adn wonder if there really is someone more powerful then you who controls and runs the show or are you just sad and pathetic and beleive what scientists teach you?
i want ignorance to die, I guess is a better way of putting it. I'm not confused at all. You go ahead and keep being a mindless, thoughtless, ignorant sheep. At least science has some proof. You believe what you've been brainwashed to believe. I mean if your religious beliefs were so solid and concrete then why are you taught not to question them. Certainly if they were so self evident and true then questioning them wouldn't be a cause for fear.
we are taught not to question because somethings are not known by man we can guess but we do not want to give people the wrong impression of God so we do not question and science has barely enough prrof for any of it's studies to be true
This isn't really going anywhere. I don't like to see this sort of animosity between users. I would offer a different direction for debate, but I think it would be better if you guys took a break from this discussion for awhile.
yeah jesus did befriend lepers he healed them and turn the other cheek so you expect everyone to follow their religon to a T and do everything right also Jesus said that he also said many other things which he then said would be a struggle for mankind till the end and a hypocrite not hypocrit and i am not i never said anything that went against my previous words and for all i know you could be yau ming