ForumsThe TavernAre Ghosts Real?

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Tell me if you think ghosts are real or fake

  • 64 Replies
2,226 posts

Can you not consider how strange and illogical that would be if ghosts were real?

There are so many known things in our world that are strange and illogical, so your statement cannot be used as evidence or disprove anything.
If ghosts were real, they'd just keep blapping some stuff like ''boooo'' or somthing like that, so we couldn't sleep at night. Ghosts are only your imagination when you're scared. Well, scared when it's dark

Why? Are you saying that just because ghosts are supposedly self-aware that they need to go around saying boo? You have a conscience, do you run around saying boo constantly? Also, maybe some ghosts prefer to stay to themselves or cannot appear in front of people.

Personally, I think ghosts exist. Of course, there's only people's accounts and strange recorded phenomena that cannot be directly correlated with ghosts (because the whole debate is if they even exist), but that's why I say I think they exist.
It's very possible that they could exist in a different dimension or light spectrum invisible to humans.
614 posts

I think ghosts are real, you just have to interact more with the spiritual world to see yourself...

4,170 posts

Absolutely rediculous. People always describe ghosts as "unexplained phenomenon," while there is always an explanation. Most scenarios can be explained by the wiring in your home. Your wiring can give off waves that stimulate a very low-harm form of halucination. Otherwise, you can explain these things by looking into your own mind and realizing it's your imagination.

Why are "ghosts" always being questioned in the media? It's a source of income; people love the idea of having a mystery within their own lives that is extraordinary in itself.

The idea of "ghosts" comes from thousands of years ago, when people didn't have any scientfic knowledge to explain things that seemed to question reality. That's why they thought that earthquakes, tornados, floods, and even the way the stars ocupied the night sky were because of Gods. I'm religious, but in the sense that not everything is literal that is given to you.

In short: No.

3,152 posts

Since I have never seen a ghost, and I have yet to come across a picture (or a video) that remotely looks like it's a real ghost, I would have to say that ghosts do not exist.

If ghosts existed, you would think that with all the cameras in the world (E.G. cell phones) that someone would have captured a realistic picture by now.

13,344 posts

After watching Ghost Adventures, any remaining beliefs I may have had that ghosts exist have been shattered.

Those guys are dumber than Trevor and Cory, and I've met cats and dogs who were smarter than Trevor and Cory. E-pepperoni for anyone who gets the reference.

8,253 posts

There are so many known things in our world that are strange and illogical, so your statement cannot be used as evidence or disprove anything.

Of course you cannot disprove ghost sightings by saying how improbable they are.. you can however explain how ghost sightings could occur and thus render paranormal explanations mostly obsolete. I already posted a link to the fourth part before, but here you are with interesting blog entries about ghost sightings:
- Part 1: Pareidolia
- Part 2: Temporal lobe epilepsy
- Part 3: Electromagnetic disruptions
- Part 4: Infrasound

Just curious, what sort of things do you qualify as 'known and illogical'?

It's very possible that they could exist in a different dimension or light spectrum invisible to humans.

Not to say you have to be wrong, but you're making many 'bold' assumptions.. the existence of such beings, of souls (if you define ghosts that way), of a different dimension, which can even interact with ours, that those are the causes of ghost sightings,...
1,356 posts

Ghosts are only your imagination. When you are in the dark, you are scared and then you just imagine those creepy noises so you would have a reason to be scared! Ghosts have never exsisted, they don't exsist and they never will exsist! Any other questions?

5,340 posts

Ghosts are only your imagination. When you are in the dark, you are scared and then you just imagine those creepy noises so you would have a reason to be scared! Ghosts have never exsisted, they don't exsist and they never will exsist! Any other questions?

though when it happened to me (again, im not saying it was a ghost. i have no idea how it happened. could have been my imagination who knows? you could even go wild and say it was telepathy???) it wasnt dark, i wasnt scared, i thought about pizza, the timing was CREEPY and i only knew about the timing AFTER a few minutes when this happened. not to say it didnt really scare me either... it was just weird.
1,356 posts

What is this "it" you are talking about?

5,340 posts

What is this "it" you are talking about?

in short i was upstairs in my house and i was about to go down. a second before i went down the stairs i could have sworn i heard my step grandmother whisper my name from one of the rooms. it was so real that i went check just in case someone is actually there. there was no one so i just went down as if nothing happened.

after a few minutes my mom got a phone call from the hospital and they told her that my step grandmother died a few minutes ago.

i doubt there is an explanation to that. then again, im not saying it was a ghost for sure.
385 posts

I do not think ghosts like dead people are real. However Heaven and Hell are real and their are demons and such that can do specific things (most to dark to post on here). So really ghosts, no. demons, yes.

8,253 posts

I do not think ghosts like dead people are real. However Heaven and Hell are real and their are demons and such that can do specific things (most to dark to post on here). So really ghosts, no. demons, yes.

Look at how convincing you are. "Demons and such" that can "do specific things". Yep, this explains everything...

First of all you may have to explain how exactly heaven and hell are real. Second, explain how you know there are demons, how you know they can intervene here on earth, how you know what they do, and how you know all this are the real explanations of 'unexplained' events.

Also, if you say heaven and hell are real, I can assume you believe people have souls. If people have souls, and the soul leaves the body after death, why is it so absurd to think ghosts are the souls of people? Personally if I would believe in the existence of souls, I would be much more open to the idea of straying immaterial beings.
10 posts

I think there are ghosts but then again we don't have any real good proof if they do exist.

275 posts

I don't really know what I think about ghosts, because I have seen evidence of ghosts in the past, but it wasn't really proof for certain. Everyone has different opinions on this.

1,356 posts

Excuse me, Darkfire45. I just realised a thing about heaven and hell. Dying is the same thing as sleeping without waking up. And when you sleep you see dreams. If it is a good dream it's called heaven, if it is a nightmare it will have to be called a hell. Any other questions?

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