ForumsThe TavernAre Ghosts Real?

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Tell me if you think ghosts are real or fake

  • 64 Replies
385 posts

Look at how convincing you are. "Demons and such" that can "do specific things". Yep, this explains everything...

First of all you may have to explain how exactly heaven and hell are real. Second, explain how you know there are demons, how you know they can intervene here on earth, how you know what they do, and how you know all this are the real explanations of 'unexplained' events.

Also, if you say heaven and hell are real, I can assume you believe people have souls. If people have souls, and the soul leaves the body after death, why is it so absurd to think ghosts are the souls of people? Personally if I would believe in the existence of souls, I would be much more open to the idea of straying immaterial beings.
First, let me apologize on how long it took me to respond to your question.
To more of answer your first statement. I don't expect you to think I am convincing and I mainly typed that way because I am not patient enough to write down different examples. Plus, the examples I would give you I doubt you would even call it a source at all so I just avoided it.
I will explain but you will probably reject my explanation, so just bare with me. The first answer would be the Bible (Not an original answer but the one I think fits). The second answer would be in the bible when God banishes Lucifer and his followers from heaven and dooms them to hell. Furthermore, they are allowed to roam the earth (not getting into details so this won't be so long). Skipping ahead to a more pressing question, I do think people have souls and the "ghosts" are not people souls at all like I explained before. A good example (also in the Bible) is when Jesus expels the demons (there were more then one) from a man. He also does this more then once. If you want more recent examples just look around a bit and you should find a few that are in old papers of people being able to turn there head 360 and mumbling things as well as attacking other people. Going back on track I know these are the answer to some unexplained events. I also have some people in my family that have had strange events happen to them.

If you have more questions just shoot.
1 posts

no get a life

207 posts

The better question is, is anything really real? One can state that something is real or not, based on the evidence, and make a logical assumption from that, but it's impossible to truly say whether anything is but a mere fabrication of the imagination.

Of course, you can always live on with the satisfaction of knowing that, if not anything else, you're real... or can you? All in all, there is no current method within our human limitations (at least not that I'm aware of) that can allow us to determine whether ghosts, or anything, for that matter, is what we call real.

But we can always assume. In a sense, everything we know is little more than an assumption of the truth.

207 posts

Realized that I didn't quite answer the question at hand. Carrying off from my previous post...

Thus, in conclusion, ghosts can only truly exist if you allow them to do so.

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