Partnering with Atmos Games

Armor Games has partnered with Atmos Games to promote Pinstripe, the same developer who made Coma and Skinny. Pinstripe was successfully funded on Kickstarter with over 3700 supporters. Thank you to everyone who supported the game! Get ready to explore the world of Pinstripe as ex-minister Teddy on a journey through hell to find his daughter. Coming to Steam this Summer.
Can’t wait for Pinstripe? Run through the Redwind Fields with Pete in Coma or collect batteries in the post-apocalyptic world of Skinny.
Armor Games will be promoting Pinstripe at PAX East. That’s right, Armor Games will be at PAX in Boston this year. Stop by the booth to say hi if you are going to be there. Check back Tuesday for more about this.
Pinstripe Trailer:
- Follow Pinstripe on Kickstarter
- Play Coma on Armor Games
- Play Skinny on Armor Games
- Visit the Atmos Games website
- Follow Atmos Games on Twitter