Armor Games Support
**NOTE: This support information is NO LONGER UPDATED. Please see our updated Support Portal for updated documentation.
Need support on Armor Games? Have a question about a specific feature or question about official site rules? Click one of the selections below for more information on each topic. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please visit our Support Forum and post in an already exsisting thread or create a new one if needed.
- In-Game Purchase Help
- MMO Purchase Help
- Ad Free Gaming+ Help
- Resetting Your Password
- Favoriting/Rating Games
- Leaving Comments and Feedback
- Earning Merits
- Armatars
- Community Forums
- Moderators and Administrators
- Submitting Your Game
- Sponsorship and Licensing
- FAQ’s
In-Game Purchase Help
If you’re having trouble purchasing premium content for non-MMO games on our website, or if content that you have already purchased isn’t showing up when you try to play it, then fill out this support form completely and we’ll be sure to respond back to you promptly within 24-48 hours (Monday-Friday).
The games that we support are:
- Bubble Tanks Tower Defense 2
- Crush the Castle Adventures
- Drawfender
- Dungeon King – Dreadstorm Keep
- Enigmata Stellar War
- Epic Battle Fantasy 4
- Exit Path 2
- GemCraft Labyrinth
- GemCraft Chasing Shadows
- Infectonator 2
- Kingdom Rush
- Kingdom Rush Frontiers
- Legend of the Void 2
- Monster Den Chronicles
- Necronator 2
- Phage Wars Live
- Pirateers 2
- Raze 3
- Relic of War
- Sentry Knight 2
- Sinjid
- The Kings League Odyssey
- The Last Stand – Union City
If you’re having issues with one of the above games, contact us here!
NOTE: If the game you’re having trouble with is not on this list, it is most likely a MMO. Don’t worry, click here if you need help with an MMO Purchase.
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MMO purchase help
Many MMO’s have opportunities to purchase in-game content and currency. If you have issues with a purchase, each MMO page on Armor Games has support and forum links to help guide you to who to talk with. See image below for where to click.
Here are only only some of the MMO’s on our site, and their support links.
- R2 Games:
- Igg Games:
- Shinezone:
- 5th Planet Games:
- Dawn of the Dragons
- Legacy of Heroes or contact via E-mail
- Legacy of a Thousand Suns
- League of Angels
- Clash of the Dragons or contact via E-mail
- Game Fuse:
- IGG:
- ConArtist Games:
- Ray Media:
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Ad-Free Gaming+ Support
Having trouble with the Ad-Free Gaming+ experience? We only want you to have the best experience with removing ads from our website, please contact us and let us know! We’ll make sure to set things right. 🙂
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Resetting your password
If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it by visiting our Password Reset page. Simply enter the e-mail or username associated to your account, and we will send you a link to reset your password as well as the username you have on our site.
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Favoriting/rating games
To favorite a game, look for the heart icon with the green plus over it. Clicking this heart will add it to your favorites. If there is no green plus, the game is already your favorite.
Each game can be rated once by a logged in user. You can choose a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Once you rate it, you are able to re-rate it for a short duration. Every vote on the game counts towards the total rating of the game.
You can view an author’s other games by clicking his or her name under the author profile. Here, you can find any other games created by the same author.
If a game has a walkthrough, a magic wand will appear in the top right corner of the author profile section. This walkthrough will open in a new window, so your game will not be interrupted. If you would like to help contribute a walkthrough for a game that does not have one, visit the Walkthrough Forum.
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Leaving comments and feedback
Each game has an option to leave comments. These comments are viewed by everyone, and are held to the commenting rules. Users also have the ability to Flag a comment, which helps notify moderators if users are abusing the site.
The most important part about commenting is giving good, constructive feedback to other users or the author. Saying “this game sux” is worthy of getting flagged.
Note: If too many of your comments get flagged or deleted, you may be banned from commenting altogether. The same goes for people who randomly flag everything.
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Earning merits
On each user page, there is an area that numbers how many merits you have earned. Merits are earned by writing constructive, original, and thoughtful comments in the Games section. We reward those who take the time to think out a good comment, as it contributes to the website and sets a good example. The post does not have to be long, but interesting enough to grab our attention. When you receive a merit, your comment will be highlighted. Only moderators and administrators give out merits.
Do not bug the moderators or admins to give you merits. They will most likely cause them be sad for the rest of the day and gorge themselves on cookie dough ice cream.
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Armatars (shortened from ‘Armor Games Avatars’) are the small images that display next to your profile name at the top of the screen, as well across the website. Your Armatar is a personal representation of you, so make sure you choose one you can identify with! Armatars are chosen through the control panel. You can change your Armatar at any time, and more Armatars are on the way so check back later.
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Community forums
Speak your mind! The community forums is a place to have lively conversation and make a few new gamer friends. Of course, there are guidelines to follow.
The forums should be a place where people feel safe and secure about what they are saying. Flaming or general rudeness will result in banning from the forums altogether. We want everyone to enjoy the site and not feel like they are wading through spam and hatred. Try to start conversations you know people would be interested in!
The Forums have their own tags for formatting text called BBCode.
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Moderators and Administrators
While the website is monitored constantly by the Armor Games Team, there are several moderators who work the site to make sure that users are not abusing the rules. View the moderators for the site on bottom of the Armor Games Team page.
The moderators also reserve the right to lock, delete or rename threads in the forums that may be considered abusive. This is at their own interpretations of the rules. If you feel a moderator wrongly acted upon a user, contact an employee of the company.
If you would like to become a moderator, you need to show that you are responsible on the site; show a good posting record over a long period of time (minimum a year) with excellent manners, patience, and spelling and grammar, and maturity in tough situations, and you may be granted these exclusive rights. We currently hand pick moderators, and will contact you if we feel you’ll make a good one.
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Submitting your own games
We would love to host your games! Just make sure that you are uploading a game that you worked on. Contact Tasselfoot to have your game reviewed. This process may take up to 3-4 business days. Please submit via the submit form.
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Sponsoring and licensing
As you have probably noticed, Armor Games has a large library of quality games made by developers that we sponsor. If you want to be sponsored by Armor Games, feel free to drop us an email via the Contact page with the subject “sponsorship”!
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Q: What is a “Knight”?
A: Those deemed worthy of being a “Knight” proudly wear the Armor Games coat of arms, gifted to them for their outstanding work within the Community. Being a knight means contributing to the Kingdom by helping other users in need, supporting the Moderators / Admins and being an example to other members of the kingdom by displaying chivalry and respect.
Q: The games are not appearing for me!
A: You must have the Flash Player plugin. If you do not have this plugin, or a game is not appearing correctly, you should install the Flash Plugin, available here. If your Flash plugin is current and the games are still not working, make sure you do not have a firewall or spyware programming blocking the site. Also try using another browser such as Firefox, Safari, or IE. You can get additional help in the Support Forum.
Q: Why do some games load faster than others?
A: Games are all different sizes, which means that it may take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to load a game. For example, a game like Fancy Pants Adventures World 2 may take several minutes while a smaller game like Retron will take only a few seconds. It also depends on your connection.
Q: I found a bug in one of the games, what should I do?
A: Leave a comment in the author’s profile page or in the game, clearly explaining what happened. Though they may not respond, authors love reading user comments and feedback about their games!
Q: The website is not letting me post and is blocking me!
A: We have blocks on the site that will prevent users from posting multiple times in a short time frame. Just make sure you leave a bit of time between posts, and that you push the “submit” button only once! Or, if alerted to being banned, you have been banned for being too abusive on the site.
Q: I would like a specific game on the site. How can I request it?
A: Drop us an email on the Contact page. If we get enough requests, we’ll try to get in contact the with the developer of the game.
Q: Did you ask permission to have all these games?
A: We do not steal from flash developers, because we feel like they should get the proper credit and dignity to have their work on the sites they want. We ask developers to upload their own content, or arrange with other flash websites to host their content.
Q: How do you make a Flash game?
A: We use the product Adobe Flash, and so can you! They have a free trial on their website, and you can try making your own game. Plenty of tutorials are scattered across the web, or you can get help in the Programming Forum.
Q: Can I download the Flash files for my own website?
A: Sure you can! All the game are available on the Free Website Games page. You can either host the content yourself or use the provided embed code to get a direct link to our content. If there is a game not on this page, please get in contact with us.
Q: What is the quickest way to get in contact with you?
A: You can contact our Community Champion, Ferret or use the Contact page. Leaving comments or feedback on our games or user profile pages may not be seen! Also, visit our Support Forum for more specific questions that other users can answer.