I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
i am actually a Muslim, and even though i disagree with somethings about i agree that athisim is wrong. i mean how is possible that some explosion happened which made stars and planets and life? oh yeah kiddslayer12, i believe the part that you go to heaven if you believe in lord
I mean Im no athist (is that how you spell it?) but why can't you have an opean mind? And with this kind of "threads" now I am starting to acctully belive that the world will end in 2012, you no why? Not because of some sort of Apcolypse, no, i think that people like you who belive this is wrong or can't stand others veiws if life, will ultimitly end life as we know it! I beg you to opean your eyes and recpect the view points of others! And to not devote a Hate Thread against another veiw of life!
One last qestion (I don't want to keep telling you that this is wrong, because I can go on forever...and ever!)
How do you know that there was no "Big Bang"? I mean how do YOU know that we are not evolved from apes? HOW DO YOU KNOW?
Basiclly in this thread you provided your "hate" olny, no facts, not evan a reason, just stated that Athisim was wrong.
Poor spelling and grammar shows a lack of education. Kiddslayer12 is incapable of capitalizing and spelling "you." Kiddslayer12 therefore lacks proper education.(not intended to be slanderous) Those who lack education are less credible on matters of science than those with education. Kiddslayer12 lacks education. Kiddslayer12 is therefore less credible on matters of science than those with a proper education. Those with education are more credible than Kiddslayer12 on matters of science. Nearly one-hundred percent of professional biologists or astronomers have graduated from high-school and have taken four or more years of college level biology or astronomy. Professional biologists and astronomers are more credible on matters of science than Kiddslayer12. Professional biologists and astronomers are more credible than Kiddslayer12 about biology and astronomy. Nearly all professional biologists and astronomers support Darwinian theory and Big-Bang theory. The professionals are more credible on evolution and the Big-Bang than Kiddslayer12.
Damn, I smell something burning!!!!.....No wait thats just Kiddslayer12!!!!
I'm not sure of the issue you are presenting. Is this supposed to just be like a throwdown or something? I'm not sure this thread can present anything that wouldn't already be covered in one of the dozen or so other christianity threads, no?
I'm not sure of the issue you are presenting. Is this supposed to just be like a throwdown or something?
That's a good point. When you say Atheism V.S Christianity, do you mean to start an argument ? You didn't really ask a question on your opening statement, so I believe that this should be locked. I'm a Christian as well, but I'm accepting of other religions. I just don't get what this topic is about. It just seems like your instigating.
this thread is going to be open to debate obviously. its one of the most known arguments. i was baptised christian but converted to paganism because i personally disagree with the christian religion, however i do understand why people believe in Jesus as their saviour. Many people find strength and belonging in the religion and they should not be harassed for their belief - it's part of their identity. Atheism give people room to breath. it's not all rules and structure. People are able to have a wider outlook on the religious side of life. it is open minded and very acceptable.
So there's no need for this thread to exist. if it was a simple question such as "can you compare these two religions?" then it would be alright. But by putting 'V.S' into the title, it's giving the impression that these two religions should be against eachother. Salvation is supposed to be universal.
ok guys i am a cristian and belive in christ the father band that if i belive in him i will go to heaven but if they want to belive some big explosion created them its not my place to say. if we cant except others veiws we r only gonna kill each other. Like cival war the whites thought the blacks were nothing and look at that it tore the country in half. c what im saying. (if u dont get it i understand that was a little confusing)
Bcause they are a different species. We evolved form one type of ape who i belive originated in ethiopia, this species evolved. The other species are evolving to their natural environment just not like us. Besides evolution tkes millions of years you cant say why havent they evolved because chances are they haveif u com[ared them to millions of years ago