
84 15247
145 posts

Whats up with all those ppl Cursing and whatnot, I peasonoly hate it when ppl start cursing at me, or using very bad language at me. Peasonoly, if my friend start cursing, i start to think twice about having them as a friend. What do you think about Cursing or not Cursing?

  • 84 Replies
718 posts

I dont think people should curse but it is just a bad habit that some people have. They just cant help it sometimes.

270 posts

cursing is sort of wrong i guess but so many people do curse, basically they are just words, sometimes even words like bi***, which also means a female dog, and a** another word for a donkey or something similar, they are just words that people have adapted to using. Curse words are kind of like words to help express anger, frustration and pain in my mind, and the only thing i dont agree with is saying the F-word every sentence you say, after awhile it just gets annoying.

1,281 posts

Honestly, there are more important issues and bigger evils than a few curse words that somebody randomly made up.

660 posts

I don't see the problem, they're just words, it's not like when I drop the F-bomb I punch someone

140 posts

Now I'm a person all for anti-vulgarity but anyone who thinks long enough about this issue realizes that the only reason they are considered curses is because people have marked it to be. Was it The Bible? Well, how bad would these words really be if they weren't listed in The Bible? Just another problem religion and beliefs cause. Yes, it's annoying when someone uses curses in every sentence, profanity in every phrase but if they weren't labeled as curses how annoying would it be? Now think about "um" and "yo", thats pretty much how annoying it would be which isn't very irritating. I find curses nowadays' to express anger or a replacement for a adjective for the unintelligent. I admit I use curses but as I said before, not a big deal. Much more important issues to worry about. Besides, after a while, profanity doesn't even pass as an insult. I expect curses to be old news in a few thousand years or so. *shrugs*

5,043 posts

I think cuss words are just words used inapropriately so much it became bad itself. For **** (a female dog) was just that. People began calling other women a female dog and they never used the word for anything much else except as an insult. So eventualy it went from insult to bad word. I beleive most words go throguh some phase like that.

750 posts

I have absolutely no problem with "swearing." Words have varying degrees of connotations; for example, slender versus emaciated; swear words are no different; f**k versus intercourse. Swear words are simply words with much greater connotative strength, if everyone were to use them they would lose their strength. Also, words evolve over time, originally "n*g**r" only meant "dark-skinned", however, the abolitionists changed its meaning by instead referring to blacks as "coloured people," increasing the words connotative strength. Through selective use and disuse words gain and lose power, like Lamarck's theory of evolution. Look at how in "gangsta" cliques swear all the time, it has absolutely no meaning to them beyond the literal definitions. If people want to use the words, don't get angry at them, thank them for taking away its power.

5,420 posts

truthfully, In my oppinion its bad to curse, or insult people at all.The only problem is it happens anyways, especially with 10-year olds on x-box live(and I don't wanna this to turn inot some ps3 vs. 360 argument)And I personally never use curse words on the forums, and instead replace anything I would see as inapprpriate with the * symbol.

564 posts

i dun think i really trust people who spew vulgarities.
they give me a feeling of unstability in their mind,because they just say it for no particular reason.

8,052 posts

Who labels words as "bad" or "Curse words" in a language?

If the F-word is bad why can we say sexual intercourse after each word?

S word is just another word for poop, so it's like yelling Holy POOP!!!!

the D-word is just Condemning to Hell! or condemn as a failure

The B-word is just a female dog

Did someone choose a letter at random and point their finger in a dictionary and label them as bad?

What..The..Hell..Ya Wanna Hang with Us? Don't Cuss!

4 posts

What gets ME riled up is when people curse in public in general. Most people do not want to hear vulgar terms when they're trying to do taily tasks, or trying to relax.

750 posts

@Graham- I looked at that site and all I can say, is what a bunch of losers, they probably only increase social harms. So I had fun sending them a complaint. Fun little Ransberger Pivot, lol.

"There is nothing wrong with swearing. If everyone swore, there would be less harm. Words have different connotative strengths, compare "slender" to "emaciated," they have approximately the same denotation, however they conjure very different mental images because of their connotations. Comparatively, "cuss" words are no different, take for example "f*ck" and "sexual intercourse;" they have the same literal definition but very different connotations. Here is another example, "n*gger" for a long time was connotatively and denotatively synonymous wit "dark-skinned," it was not until abolitionists started treating it as a racial slur and called African-Americans "coloured people," that it gained its modern connotations. Now let's re-examine your stance with this in mind, you are actually only increasing the power of "cuss" words by treating them as a "dirty" object and refraining from using them. You only cause more hurt from "cuss" words, your members will only feel greater pressure when confronted with them, and those at the schools with many members at them will have their own presence vastly increased by their use of "cuss" words. Also note, that in "gangsta" cliques, "cuss" words are commonplace and have little effect on the members, when used by everyone within a social group words lose their connotative meaning and defer from stronger normatives, just as when they are not used they gain power over the normative. If everyone is comfortable and accepting of another's use of so-called "cuss" words, the social harm is decreased. Contrastingly, if people alienate others by their exclusion and non-acceptance of others based on things like swearing ,"Ya wanna hang with us, don't cuss," the social ills are exacerbated. Your club causes more harm than good, love isn't based on what you say, but acceptance of another's differences."

@ricki24- Why do you care what people are saying, just ignore them if it really bothers you.

3,675 posts

Foul language is just some random thing that society has formed over generations.

For the most part, almost all the the curse words are related to 'rivate' things. Like bodily functions, body parts, sex and so on.

I really do think it stems from the times when everyone was really up tight about such things. In this day and age where everyone for the most part are more open and such, it should not be an issue. But old habits die hard.

15 posts

thats messed up dont judge a person on how they speak,
i swear everywhere it just comes out, with parents, teachers,friends nobody cares lol

396 posts

It's just they're way of life. If they slip something in, I don't care.

Showing 31-45 of 84