ForumsWEPRObama Vs Mccain

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I'm all for Obama.
Mccain is evil o.o

Apparently, the republics are trying to brainwash everyone that we might have a war with Russia and McCain is the best choice because he is "experienced" killing. He was in the army >_>

But of course, McCain IS the choice if you want to have a war...

  • 89 Replies
2,132 posts

Another point:
What has Obama done for you lately? He's only been in the Senate for 4 years, and before that he was in the Illinois legislature for 8 years. That is all of his political experience. I poersonally don't want a rookie senator as a president. Being in Southern California, I've had enough ecperience with a rookie politician as Governor *cough*Mr. Arnold*cough* and I don't want the nation to suffer the same mistake.

423 posts

Ugh, I can't belive people are buying into the same b.s. that the Right Wingers sold during President Bush's campaign. They run a smear campagin against a superior opponent and they believe that because they yell the loudest that people will believe them. Sadly, it works.

The Right Winders (including McCain) tell you what you want to hear even when it conflicts with statements they've made at other times. They tell each group one thing while tey tell another group another thing. And you people buy it.

Bush was/is a HORRIBLE president. He lied to get us into a war for Christ's sake. His cabinet was one of the most corrupt in history. The Nation's economy is in turmoil. We have failing realations with much of the world.

And the same people who elected Bush are trying to elect McCain. You made mistake voting for Bush, it's a mistake, it happens. But if you don't learn from your mistakes then you're an idiot. Don't buy the same old B.S we've been given again and again.

McCain graduated near the bottom (i think 5th from the bottom of his class). He started his political career as a Democrat, adn then changed his opinions and became a Republican that most Republicans hated and then changed his opinions again to now be your average everyday Republican all to get elected. Right Winders called John Kerry a flip-flopper LOOK AT MCCAIN !!!! It's so hypocritical!!! and idiotic.

McCain calls Obama elitist and then McCain doesn't know how many multimillion dollar homes he owns? Hypocrtical.

I'm sorry to go on a tangent, but I have no patience for Republicans any longer. They have weakened our once great nation and they need to be stopped. I'm tired of being polite. You're a republican you're an idiot. It's as simple at that.

When all of our civil liberties are gone, maybe then you'll realize your mistakes, but probably not. You'll all (right wingers) probably still be buying the bullshit propoganda.

Ignorance is contagious and it's spread through this country like a plague.

1,523 posts

JFK was a rookie and that worked out pretty well besides the whole assassination thing. Besides, I'd much rather have a rookie who would change our current situation than a veteran politician who would keep things the same as they are now. Not to mention McCain's anger problem...

2,132 posts

The Right Winders (including McCain) tell you what you want to hear even when it conflicts with statements they've made at other times. They tell each group one thing while tey tell another group another thing. And you people buy it.
Um, the Left Wingers do the same thing...

Obama's said that he's been to 57 states. That what happens to him wnen he loses his teleprompter. He just becomes another bumbling idiot. I've had enough time listening to bumbling idiots because the mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, is the exactly the same way. The only differences between him and Obama are their skin color, and the Mayor has been getting away with it better.
2,132 posts

And if you think John McCain is a "Right Winger", I fell off the chart a long tima ago. He's a centrist at best. And you need to watch out with centrists. The Governator, Mr. Arnold, Passed himself off as a centrist, and because he didn't fit in with either side, he tried to play both sides of the middle. The result: This year's budget is almost 2 months late, and there is a $25BILLION defcit.

Don't blame that on not enough revinue, either. The proposed budget would raise my sales tax to 9.25% and we already have the highest gas tax in the country, highest income tax in the country(the highest bracket, 9.3%, kicks in at only $44,000/year) and the highest business taxes in the West. And they're still asking for more money.

2,132 posts

McCain calls Obama elitist and then McCain doesn't know how many multimillion dollar homes he owns? Hypocrtical
He doesn't know how many he has because technically, they aren't in his name. His wife really owns them. 2 of those homes are housing relatives of Cindy McCain, rent-free. I'd like to see Michelle Obama do that... she has the money!
614 posts


3,880 posts

I think you all have the wrong definition of left and right wing. Right wingers want to uphold the current system and civil society, while left wingers want to abolish it and create a new system. (communism, socialism, etc)

So yeah both Mccain and Obama are righters.

423 posts

Obama has one 1.5 million dollar home. McCain has at least 8 that he owns.

423 posts

Obama's said that he's been to 57 states. That what happens to him wnen he loses his teleprompter. He just becomes another bumbling idiot.

Do you recall McCain's flubs? He said that Iraq and Afghanistan had a border (which they don't). So if you're going to give Barrack shit for mistake you should give eqaul consideration to McCain's flubs as well.

But you're just another example of someone who is affraid to realize that they are mistaken and change their mind, because you don't want to admit you're wrong. I could prove my case to you several times over and you'll never change your mind, simply because you can't forsake your ego for the good of the country.

McCain WAS a centrist before he began campagining for presidency. Since he began campagining his position has shifted dramatically to the right. I believe he's done this to appease the republican base who was (not anymore but was) farther right then he was. However, now his ideals fit right in line with the rest of the party. All this is besides the fact that most of the "wester" world is far more "left" then we are. People in the UK have said that our left wingers are like their conservatives.

423 posts

Sorry Drace but the definition most in soceity would give to Left Wingers or liberals would not be one of communists. Perhaps the traditional definition would be one closer to what you belive it to be but in this day and age it has lost that meaning.

423 posts

Obama picked Joe Biden for his running mate. I think this was a great decision as it will help against arguments of Obama having too little experience. Biden has over a decade more governmental experience than McCain.

97 posts


3,880 posts

Sorry Drace but the definition most in soceity would give to Left Wingers or liberals would not be one of communists. Perhaps the traditional definition would be one closer to what you belive it to be but in this day and age it has lost that meaning.

Meh, the terms "left wing" and "right wing" originated from the French revolution few hundred years ago >_>
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