ForumsGamesALL things Gemcraft 0 here!

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This is a reminder to all the people who haven't checked yet, as well as a general discussion on the game.


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652 posts

may start tomorrow at noon, then i have basicly a 3 day weekend to get a good start

2 posts

This may have been asked before, but trolling through this gigantic thread is a bit tedious. Is there anyway to summon monsters with anger without dragging the gems onto the incoming waves? As in, is there a shortcut key? That's got to be the most irritating thing for me, I spend so much time dragging back and forth I hardly have time for anything else.


636 posts

johanns-press and hold the shift key, then press one. You will enter gem-bombing mode; the gem to be thrown next will be highlited. keep shift held down, and click where you want to throw the gem. caution: do not have any gems in the inventory you do not wish to throw, and try not to click on the waves after you throw your last gem.

2 posts

Thank you very much fractalman! What a huge improvement!

652 posts

this is a breakthrough for me, fractal i read your post on kongregate and you said grade 11 sueprgetm + grade 13 retains dmg

i combined my grade 16 at 650k with a grade 16 and it turn into a grade 17 with 550k, if i had combined with an 18 would it be a grade 18 with 650k?

636 posts

650k damage plus a little extra from the 18, actually.
I do it with my grade 11's once I start stuffing them with higher grade gems, to protect them from grade 10 accidental gems.

To be honest, there's really no reason to do it above grade 15-16, unless you've got a lot of high grade gems that are causing lag...and even then, you can probably just combine those with eachother.

652 posts

hmm i wish i could see how munch is doing, planning on starting game in 16 hours 47 minutes

636 posts

as I was looking at the old, gemcraft 0 preview screenshots, I noticed the following: +1 beacon to appear after wave is called...
Good thing that wasn't implemented!

On the other might be usable in a "giants-only" mode, to keep it from beeing too profitable in terms of score.

652 posts

filling the area with towers would eliminate that threat alltogether

194 posts


OK guys here it is.

Sorry for the wait but this stretch was boring and I get nervous flipping between browser screens and uploading blah blah blah. Spent most of my time building dmg. Added 1.85m (11X100K 5X150K) and didn't compensate in my angering so lost some points there. Ah well. Got some pics but missed 108 for some reason.

I'm about two waves behind (score wise) because of under angering (see pic 112) but I hope to make up for it with two back to back waves 700 monsters half at 1.1m pts half at 1.6m pts. 38m hp and 52m respectively. That should give my towers something to chew on until 125. Also I still have about half or more of 6m pts guys left to pop from wave 91. They're in the yellow now but they will have a lot of blockers which I don't really mind. They could pop in 10 waves when I have a better multiplier. They are ONLY on their third lap after 23 waves w/no traffic cops :-0 They're on the radar as .8 speed and runners are cruising at 1.8. You'll see a lot of blue in my pics.

Seems like this game has been going on for ever and it's only 1/2 way through wave wise. Hours invested to date: 42


Why would preserving dmg to a higher gem be a breakthrough? I CAN understand why fractal wants bump from an 11 to 13 to avoid "reverse gemming" though. (I HATE when I do that.) But the higher the gem the more work it is to super gem. I'm missing something right?

Also, I put the pic "wave 100" in with the specs box popped up for wave 102 to show you how if I had super angered 102 w/the gems I used on 91 I would have gotten A higher return on my investment w/more monsters less hp to deal/w and higher pts. That wave (102) was angered to 1.1m pts, 8.5m hp using ONLY lvl 14s. The only draw back would be the timing for wave 125 but there's a happy middle ground somewhere.


wave 112
3.0t pts, *316 multiplier

lag report:
excellent, even too fast at the end because of under angering (see pic wave 112 lots of empty traps) had to throw some towers under foot to slow it down a touch.

music: Pan flute (Gheorge Zamfir), Beatles, Taking Back Sunday, Maroon 5 and audio book of Percy Shelly's Frankenstein

Here's the pics - enjoy

Wave 96 - Ever seen 1000 monsters w/ the blues?

Wave 98 - boring skip if your in a hurry :-/ trap to tower shuffle

Wave 100 - Specs for wave 102. Wish I had super angered this one. I'll know for next time (if)

Wave 104 - BEST PICTURE CANDIDATE. (GEMMY nomination?) If you got any hallucinagenics (acid LSD, PCP) take em now :-0

Wave 112 - 3T... only 2 more to go (or 7 if your Connor)

Wave 113 - skip if your in a hurry, last anger specs for wave 112

Time to pick my tunes and get to work.

Just reread sorry this is a novel.

194 posts

Can't believe I forgot 11 hrs 41 min - G/L Connor!

194 posts

I think it can be beat on lvl 45... But you have to work fast and flawless. The bad guys are coming out at 500b by wave 109. The key I think is to get very high dmg as quickly as possible without using the shrines too early or to late. But I defer to the master in all things endurance, especially 45. Plus you only have to get 1/3 of my score. I'm really REALLY looking forward to your posts. Your game should be the most fun to watch with all the twists and turns and different strategy and quick action compared w/these GoE marathons. G/L

PS. How's the weather on your side of the globe. Your 9 hours ahead of me but we seem to be on the same timetable for some reason.

652 posts

nice pics, ok assuming at your 314 multiplier or whatever theyre 60% dead. then youll get a total of about 960b for that wave, well there are like 3 swarms before 102 and 2 after so ill be fine on that, so basicly what your saying is if i get the chance, use grade 15/16 on 102 and get it to maybe 15m hp? should get it to like 2.5m per at 300 monsters at 15m hp, thats like 400b with a good multiplier dang,

so whats teh total firepower at? around 5m right

im excited for lankhrs game, key is to anger like hell from 30-80 and get all the score you can on those wave, but end up killing them like 50 waves later with high multiplier and shrined firepower, i bet he could get 2t easy but then hed have a triple coming of course

im guessing if you kill the rest of the giants youll hit around 3.6t by wave 120, an 50ish wave improvement, angering hard from 120-153 could get you over 5t easy

652 posts

oh and maybe i have an abnormal sleeping pattern which is why even tho i love in iowa 9 hours away i post at wierd times

194 posts

Alrighty then, I guess we're all on the same time schedule. I forgot to include by arsenal. With what I added tonight I'm up to 5.7m. I do have a dilemma though. I've popped out all these 1m point monsters in the 30-50 m hp range and I've been scanning ahead and I have another wave 102 at 123 so I have to super it and the giants and I've got all these nuisances (900) on the board right now at wave 118. I may have to drop my towers down and go into hyper lag to be ready in time. So the next 5 waves could take a couple of days.

Re your question for 102. That's your best opportunity to just kill my score. If had the chance to do it again knowing what I know now I'd keep wave 90 around 30m hp, drop wave 91 down to 80m hp. IMPORTANT note: the difference between 80m and 130m is only a drop from 5.8m pts to 4.9m and a drop of 30 monsters. Then you WHALE on 102 with as many 17s as you can. It shouldn't be hard to get at least 6X17s in 10 waves. Remember if you do eek out an 18 use it first. Theses are rough estimates - 400 monst, 124m hp, 5.5m pts/monst. The reason I would do it this way is the lower price per point AND these guys will pop 10 waves later than 91 w/that much higher multiplier.

Now if you don't slaughter me w/ this info I'll be disappointed.


btw did you know you can slow monsters more than. 100% w the special use shrine? I guess its a glitch because they don't actually go backwards but funny non the less. Don't forget no manapool shrine.

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