ForumsGamesModern Warfare 2

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This thread is for anything related to Modern Warfare 2. Post your classes, reviews, glitches you found,random talk about the game, or anything else. Although if you wanna talk about, and see other peoples tactics/strategys for playing MW2, then go here: because I don't want to repeat a topic.

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1,207 posts

At the moment I am running on three different classes, 'Transform Scout', 'Polar (and Urban and Desert in some cases) Sniper', and 'First Assault'. These create a sniper an assault rifler, and a basic scout.

Transform Scout

Primary: Riot Shield
Attachment: ---
Camouflage: ---
Secondary: Supplies Bag (Refer to Perk 1)
Attachment: ---
Camouflage: ---

Equipment: Tactical Insertion
Special Grenade: Flash-bang

Perk #1: One Man Army
Perk #2: Coldblooded
Perk #3: Ninja Pro
DeathStreak: Martyrdom

Polar/Desert/Urban Sniper

Barrett 50. Cal.
Attachment: Silencer
Camouflage: Dependant on map. Urban - Favela, Desert - Afghan, Polar - Derail
Secondary: G18
Attachment: Akimbo
Camouflage: ---

Equipment: Semtex
Special Grenade: Stun Grenade

Perk #1: Sleight of Hand Pro
Perk #2: Coldblooded
Perk #3: Ninja Pro
DeathStreak: Painkiller

First Assault

Primary: ACR
Attachment: FMJ & Holographic Sight
Camouflage: Digital
Secondary: M1014
Attachment: FMJ & Grip.
Camouflage: ---

Equipment: Semtex
Special Grenade: Stun Grenade

Perk #1: Bling Pro
Perk #2: Coldblooded
Perk #3: Commando Pro
DeathStreak: Final Stand

Death Streaks

3 Kills - UAV Support
5 Kills - Sentry Gun
6 Kills - Precision Airstrike

My current tactic is: before the map starts, set my sniper's Barrett 50. Cal. to the appropriate camouflage before the start of the game. Once in-game I'll start by choosing my Scout and using the Riot Shield to protect me (and sometimes kill) until I can see the enemies positions and where they're firing at. Then I can interpret what they'll do and therefore I work out how I shall help my comrades. In claustrophobic maps I'll use the One Man Army perk to switch to my Assault class, when there's a nice hill handy or lots of good overwatch positions I'll choose my sniper.

As a sniper in Favela I normally stand upon the shop and house roofs, watching the area where the football pitch and the barbers lay. In Afghan I watch the bunkers that are hewn into the mountainside, in Derail I watch from either the office or warehouse, and in Quarry I'll wait in whichever window I'm needed in.

Assault does everything, the ACR allows him to snipe a long distance, and do a lot of damage at close range, whilst the M1014 simply pwnz, but is not over-powered like later shotguns *hint, hint, wink - Model 1887 Akimbo Style*.

UAV normally goes as soon as I get it, just so I have a better idea as my scout as to where I should go, and on any other class it allows me to see where I should be aiming. The Sentry Gun is normally dropped in a crate somewhere we've just cleared as the team runs off. This gives me a lot of time to collect the crate, unless someone was planning to flank us and continues with that plan, but in the world of CoD multiplayer it is rare that someone is that tactical. I normally deploy the Sentry Gun in a room that overlooks a busy area, but only has two entrances, so I can watch one whilst my Sentry Gun fires through the other one, leading to an almost unbeatable defence (despite the fact that I'm defending). Finally, Precision Airstrike comes in when a comrade sends off a UAV, so I can see where the enemies are gathering and land some pretty explosive bombs on them.

I know most of you have not read this, but so far this has served me well.

111 posts

[/quote]What is the advantage of prestige[quote]
also every other time you prestige you get an extra custom class

3,562 posts

What is the advantage of prestige

more titles and custom classes for every odd prestige not ever prestige.

just got my 31st nuke. soo happy. 2.56 K/D what what

Assault does everything, the ACR allows him to snipe a long distance, and do a lot of damage at close range, whilst the M1014 simply pwnz, but is not over-powered like later shotguns *hint, hint, wink - Model 1887 Akimbo Style*.

ACR is only accurate it does little to no damage at all and if you have to shoot through a wall.... the damage is even less. the rangers are actually better than the m1014 at close range because of wider spread and damage. with steady aim or such it makes it a potent weapon to be reckoned with.


elite magical I dont think your &quotolar/desert" sniper would be that effective due to coldblooded and a silencer, with a barret, unless you hit the head it will most likely take 2 shots to kill and sometimes 3.

Non conformist. Unless your K/D is like 3+ i dont think youve gotten 64 nukes.

the best weapon/class set up in my opinion now is

Scar-H with heartbeat. so you know where people are. plus scar's iron sights are one of the best in the game. After asking my friend The Sandy Ravage (you can see him on youtube) claymores are the way to go to get lots of kills and prevent ambush. and you want scavenger pro, stopping power pro, and ninja pro. with this set up you'll turn more positive games than ever.
1,101 posts

Non conformist. Unless your K/D is like 3+ i dont think youve gotten 64 nukes.

um buddy Im sorry to say this but your kinda very quick to judge...

I do have 64 nukes, and my friend bullettooth has i think 105 now. And his k/d ratio is 2.85. Mine is 1.50. When i first started i got r'ed by all the noobs using heartbeat sensors, and campers. I realized now how to beat them. And considerin its kinda hard to get a 3.00 average with a bunch of kills, even with over 100 nukes. Anyways posts like that DDX kinda make you sound like a d'ck.. Just because you think your amazing at this game, doesn't mean we need to hear you b'tch about others. Anyways i got 65 nukes now, and yea im sorry bout kickin your @ss nuke wise

156 posts

105 fucking nukes?!?!

2,920 posts

I think they should have more ranger ammo, and allow you to plant more than 2 claymores.

77 posts

How do you find out your k/d

111 posts

How do you find out your k/d

go to barracks -> leaderboards -> kills and on the right should be your k/d
3,562 posts

Anyways posts like that DDX kinda make you sound like a d'ck

No, Im skeptical thats all I mean if you post some pictures of your games, people would question less.

. I dont ever use nukes b/c it Usually ends the game, and therefore you cant get anymore kills. you just never mentioned your K/d so I didnt really know. you need to calm down, Of course everyone is gonna take everything with a grain of salt since you choose to not share your gamertag and therefore no one has no way of verifying.
I'm not really good at MW2 actually. 2.56 K/D sounds good for a lv 56 0 prestige but in reality my friend has a 8.3 K/D and all he does is snipe. He just hit 8th prestige, and still maintains his godly K/D

even with over 100 nukes

thats pretty amazing, but of course Im still gonna be skeptical.

Its just like me saying I have this many amount of nukes. ect ect.

But if you want to compare kill streaks rewards I can almost bet I have more EMP's than anyone. Out of the 300 games I played I know for sure Ive gotten emps on at least 200 of them almost every game.
1,101 posts

yo DDX sry bout that.. My brother was on here lol, and decided he wanted to pick a fight with someone, and wanted to have "my back" lol.. Anyways what he said is pretty much true. I got my @ss handed to me at the start cuz i would run in and pretty much kamikazee... I ended up sucking badly. lol but now i changed up my skill. I do have 65 nukes, just got one the other day. I raised my K/D ratio up to 1.50 so im very happy (its not that great, but when you got 16k kills, and only 11k deaths i must say thats at least half decent).
I dont have a xbox 360, but i do have a ps3. My friend bullettooth has i think 108 now. He keeps track under his comment list, so im not exactly sure if he's being truthful, but ive watched it go up since he started, and it seems somewhat reasonable since he plays alot. And yea i watch him play, and he pretty much beasts everyone... I've seen him get 10 nukes in the 15 games we played together, so i kinda have to say i think its true. He has i think 60k kills, and a little over 20k deaths (which explains the 2.85 k/d ratio).

As for me i use harrier, chopper, and nuke. I dont use emps because i find it doesn't help terribly as much as a chopper gunner. But i guess emps are alright.

370 posts

i got 5 nukes in the first 2 weeks of the game coming out. then i stopped because it is SO stupid! why not have a pred? and it ends the fucking game so you nor your teammates can get anymore kills. bullshit

842 posts

I hate the killstreak this dumb company named infinity ward made, the nuke just spoiled the game overall man. I have my killstreak set to radar drop and predator. I hate all the trashy killstreaks they just make it boring and frustrating, getting mowed down by a chopper. Anyway im selling my games i kinda grew some balls and got a life and a girlfriend...

3,562 posts

I agree headhunter. the Nuke is basically a Huge middle finger to everyone playing the game.

In my opinion I prefer harrier, c gunner, emp LoL basically I can be a d*ck to the other team like 2-3 times a game (domination of course TDM imo s*cks)

@ non conformist. thats cool, I prefer PS3 MW2 over xbox MW2 cause its easier, a lot easier imo.

9,824 posts

My K/D was like 1.51, but campers and akimbo1887ers be d*mned, my K/D is like 0.99 now.

I use a P90 with holo sight and rapid fire, bling, stopping power pro or marathon, either one works, commando pro, and bling(duh)

Secondary is anything, but right now I use an AA-12.

Killstreaks are 7 - harrier, 9 - pave low, 11 - chopper gunner. If I manage to get to 7 kills and survive past it, I'm pretty much guaranteed a chopper gunner and a loooot of kills.

Most of my games either end with me high in first or deep in dead last. I almost never place out of the top 3 or bottom 2.

3,562 posts

eww kirbzy uses p90.... god damn

anyway. they changed it so pavelow doesnt add kills to kill streak. you would have to get the next 2 kills manually.

if you can alt, use the striker as it has more range than the AA 12.

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