Not eating meat, Reclying, using a canteen, walking instead of getting rides, 2min showers without hot water, those little twerily light bulbs the eco freindly one, Not Eating Meat, i do lots of stuff and many others can as well !
I garden my own veggies for the summer, and I recycle (I get a $7 credit on my utilities for this!). I have lots of hair, so a 2 min shower is not possible :S I take the bus to school, ride my bike when it's warm, and try not to use too much electricity to heat my house or keep it bright. But, I do some of these things because they also SAVE ME MONEY. So if no one else is clever enough to act thrifty, then their loss.
I spray my aerosol can at the sky saying "Daddy likes it HOT!" ... No, seriously. I do absolutely nothing. Why should I? No one else does.
First line.. LMAO.
Second, Just caz no one else does it doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Most of it, My family does for money. I have a recycling bin near where I study and the computer desk, so I just throw paper in there.
We buy those annoying 6$ Lightbulbs that eventually save you 145 Dollars over their lifetime.
And... I don't eat hamburgersers, so whatever. xP
Lastly. ... Umm... Er.. >.> I throw my trash away. Littering sucks All i could think of :P [I do more than others, though]
I do take long showers, but I think I make up for it because I always make sure I set the heater and cooler off and on in the morning. Since, I always try to help my parents keep the heating bill low, and usually in the morning and kinda darkish but still lightish times we leave the lights off. Until we really need 'em. [The sun does the rest in the meantime]
I talked to my dad about getting a solar roof when I was litteler, he was like "Yeah, give me a million dollars, I'll get you one" I was like "Crap ><"
Anyway, I don't know WHERE your going with the hamburger.