ForumsGamesExit Path 2

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I don't know if this thread has been made previously, but if John is going to make another Exit Path, don't you think there should be a level editor? I want to know if any of you guys agree with me on this.

  • 380 Replies
566 posts

Just because two games have the same concept, which with these two is to race doesn't necessarily mean you can compare the two.
Mario - drive, get items, hurt the other racer, turn the vehicle.
Exit Path - Run towards the end. Can't do anything else than that.

Pro Tip: Saying two things aren't comparable and then proceeding to compare them seems like a weird thing to do Nevermind that EP has flow which is in essence a power boost.........just like that there mushroom from Mario Kart)

Besides my main point with all this wasn't comparing Exit Path with Mario Kart, it was debunking and I quote:
Only having a game for racing isn't enjoyable.

Which I did considering you acknowledged that both are racing games and that Mario Kart is also fun. The point just got seriously derailed along the way.

but you simply can't compare these two games due to them being vastly different from one another which makes them incomparable.

Just a side note: This makes no sense. So you can only compare things that are.....identical? I could compare the moon to a banana if I wanted too.Being vastly different is EXACTLY why two things are comparable. I could comment on the Mortal Kombat thing (Hint: They ARE comparable) but I fear it would just further derail the thread so I'm not going to unless someone really wants to hear my ranting. Which brings me right back to...

If you want to compare Exit Path with something then compare it to something like Nascar or anything else that doesn't have so many features in such as Mario Kart. In Nascar you go to the end and that's it. other point for bringing up the Mario Kart thing. Of course I could compare it to Nascar instead of Mario Kart but that doesn't help me come up with new ideas for a sequel. Because the thing that Mario Kart does differently (like you said) are the "many features" it has. Because let's face it: The games that have the longest replayability are those that offer you different choices in how to play them.
So if we apply this to EP2 we can come up with new ideas for it (and looking at John's website, he already said there'd be "new ways to interact&quot. If he uses those ways to make interesting (and actually diverse levels), then you can come up with a truly amazing game.

But anyways I'm done ranting for now(and completely highjacking the thread with my crazy ideas ;P).

Now then. Back to the topic of Exit Path 2.

Let's. My posts are way too big as is. <_<

We all know that it's in the making and that Beta invites should be coming out soon.
But, is there anything else about it?

Slopes are the newest piece of information we have. Seeing that I got it off of John's Twitter, it might be worth checking out in the future.

And to try and spur some discussion: Any other ideas you guys have for new mechanics and obstacles?

Because it went totally ignored in all this arguing.

I'll just go ahead and give you guys I got (which I ironically got from writing this post xD): Maybe add slipstream to the game? It could actually reward you for intentionally slowing down in a close race.
22 posts


15,622 posts

Slopes are the newest piece of information we have.

Slopes. Hmm, would be good for speeding the character up and slowing the character down.
Any other ideas you guys have for new mechanics and obstacles?

Eh, I'm not very creative when it comes to such things unless I have the map in-front of me with the tools to make a stage. I would just like to see harder obstacles for more experienced players and longer ones at that. I enjoy the longer maps on Exit Path, but there aren't many.
Maybe add slipstream to the game? It could actually reward you for intentionally slowing down in a close race.

Slipstream? Unfortunately, I don't know what that is. Mind explaining it?
5,346 posts

hey what do you think about an icy floor to make it slippery espacially when you need to move backward and farward. i guess it sounds pretty lame but i think it can be worked out to be something better??

15,622 posts

Saying two things aren't comparable and then proceeding to compare them seems like a weird thing to do

Was to prove a point. That Exit Path and Mario Kart are completely different from each-other.
Which I did considering you acknowledged that both are racing games and that Mario Kart is also fun.

That line that you quoted from me was vague. Let me rephrase: Playing Exit Path just for racing isn't very enjoyable to me.
This makes no sense. So you can only compare things that are.....identical? I could compare the moon to a banana if I wanted too.

It makes sense. Comparing a Flash Game to a Video Game isn't logical. You're comparing something so simple such as Exit Path to a complex game such as Mario Kart. And you can go ahead and compare a lot of things to one another, but it won't make sense when doing so.
I could comment on the Mortal Kombat thing (Hint: They ARE comparable)

You could compare the two as you could compare just about everything, but it won't make sense in comparing two vastly different games to one another. My sentence earlier was bad, I should've said that you can compare things like this, but it won't make sense to compare them. other point for bringing up the Mario Kart thing. Of course I could compare it to Nascar instead of Mario Kart but that doesn't help me come up with new ideas for a sequel. Because the thing that Mario Kart does differently (like you said) are the "many features" it has.

Yes, however, John said in the Exit Path Idea thread on Get Satisfaction or the General Exit Path Discussion on here that he wanted to keep the game as simple as possible instead of adding all these complex things that are made for bigger games.
"new ways to interact"

Well then, I don't know what he means by that. I think he means new ways to play each level, perhaps. I don't think he would put something like bumping other players into a simple game like Exit Path.
hey what do you think about an icy floor to make it slippery espacially when you need to move backward and farward. i guess it sounds pretty lame but i think it can be worked out to be something better??

Hmm, I don't know about all that. It could be nice if you want a challenge with other players and you needed to survive and such.

I really do wonder when he'll be finished with it all so that he could send out Beta invites then I really want to know when the game will actually be up for everybody to play.
3 posts

Level editor is a good idea but i think making levels will be very hard.

566 posts

I would just like to see harder obstacles for more experienced players and longer ones at that. I enjoy the longer maps on Exit Path, but there aren't many.

Yes definately. The game would be so much better if it had 20 marathon-esque stages instead of stuff like zipper which is really just walking and occasional jumping <_<

Mind explaining it?

I'll just be cheap and link Wiki It basically means that behind a moving object, there is less wind pressure (aerodynamics are funny that way) and because of that you can utilise higher speeds (Random sidenote: It's also in Mario Kart ;P. If you drive very close behind another player you get a speed boost which is enough to race past them).

Here's a way you could implement it into the game: When you run very close to another player your flow bar fills faster than normal. So in a close race you could intentionally slow down a bit to gather more flow for the finish.

hey what do you think about an icy floor to make it slippery espacially when you need to move backward and farward. i guess it sounds pretty lame but i think it can be worked out to be something better??

Honestly I like the idea.Even though it IS a racing game, I think there should be more platforming sections to take advantage of the unique side-scroller perspective of the game. Small and icy platforms might make for some challenging stages.

Let me rephrase: Playing Exit Path just for racing isn't very enjoyable to me.

mkay. I'll grant you your opinion even though mine kinda differs.

Comparing a Flash Game to a Video Game isn't logical.

Keep in mind that Flash is just another programming language so this distinction is kind of nonsensical. Yes, flash based games are simpler for the most part but that doesn't mean you CAN'T make complex games with flash (Sonny 2 and Battle Fantasy 3 come to mind).

Besides, Every game ever made is a video game if it runs on a computer, handheld or console. It's like saying Halo 3 is not a video game because it's a 360 game or Minecraft is not a video game because it's a java game.

You're comparing something so simple such as Exit Path to a complex game such as Mario Kart.

Mario Kart is far from "complex". Admittedly it is moreso than Exit Path but it's still very basic. What it DOES have is more mechanics to keep the gameplay from becoming stale. But to make it a little more fair let's take the original Super Mario Kart for comparison, which does little more in complexity than Exit Path does.

Sure they still have different perspectives (sidescroller vs. normal racing view) but by comparing those different styles can give you unique ideas. What I'm saying is this: What unique mechanics can Exit Path use by being a sidescrolling-racing game instead of a traditional one like Mario Kart (ergo what can be added to make it even more unique) ? You could use a different angle for the Mortal Kombat example of course

Yes, however, John said in the Exit Path Idea thread on Get Satisfaction or the General Exit Path Discussion on here that he wanted to keep the game as simple as possible instead of adding all these complex things that are made for bigger games.

I realise that of course. But it seems far more interesting to speculate things like this instead of reading the 50th post just repeating "LOL Level Editor" instead of elaborating or finding new ideas.

Besides I'm not asking for a huge epic changes. I'd like more variety in gameplay that helps the racing part as well as the platformer parts of the game.

Well then, I don't know what he means by that

It's a very general statement to be sure. "Interacting with the game" can mean pretty much everything (like trampolines and saws found in the first game). I'd go so far as to say that every action you can do (even flow and jumping) can be called "Interaction with the game".

I think the slopes are a step in the right direction if used properly.

really do wonder when he'll be finished with it all so that he could send out Beta invites then I really want to know when the game will actually be up for everybody to play.

He said back on March 30th that he's still finalising the main game assets and multiplayer backend stuff. Since I have no idea how fast and/or frequent he can work on the game it's hard to estimate when the invites will be sent out.

At the very least it's safe to say we won't get those invites until those two things are done ;P
57 posts

I'm sure that a Level-Editor would be cool, but imagine, if we have 500.000 User-Created Levels how is it possible to find somebody, who plays in the same Level like you? Quite impossible, isn't it?

577 posts

im sure this has allrdy been posted but it needs a player search so you know if your friends r on or the last time they were on

1 posts

would be good to have some sort of upgrade system and that you gain money by how you preform like if he made it so you can do flips you'd earn some money

566 posts

would be good to have some sort of upgrade system and that you gain money by how you preform like if he made it so you can do flips you'd earn some money

I'm against upgrades as long as they actually influence the gameplay, mainly because it would give the eople that play longer a much bigger advantage. And that in turn would render the random lobby system for new guys virtually unwinnable
5,346 posts

true. that would make old plazers to be even more better (lol) then the new ones. old players already have a huge disatvantage. putting upgrardes would be pretty bad. also it would kill the simple way this game plays. i think flairs are enough.

3 posts

i feel they should

4 posts

yeah the levels get dull when you play it a lot. one way to fix that is to have a level editor. or make the game super hard. i think there should be a sequel. and there should at least be 20 maps for multiplayer.

220 posts

This should be duplicate locked. It has been discussed everywhere.

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