As we all know, the section on top of the Armor Games Website had Armor Games logo and a bunch of empty space, now it has the AG3 symbol and my profile account is listed there. Is this a update for AG3 or is this just a update?
@MrDayCee: Whoa dude, u r one step b4 me XD I was just about to report that Armatar bug but u alr DID IT XD Btw, can u tell me how to make a code that make a pic appear like the one u posted above? XD
The issue with the armatars seems to be related to only the ones next to user/game pages. I believe it is now fixed, please message me privately if otherwise.
@ Ferret : I haven't seen it pop up since my last message (which was horrible because of the T9 autofill on my phone... thanx Samsung! *sighs*), but I'll notify you straight away when it does! =)
And... once again... Thank you boppins! =D
You heard it here first ladies and gents...the answer to everything happening is Taco. We can all rest easy now
If it were only that easy... 1 + 1 = Taco ...that would riddle a lot of scientists I tell you!