As we all know, the section on top of the Armor Games Website had Armor Games logo and a bunch of empty space, now it has the AG3 symbol and my profile account is listed there. Is this a update for AG3 or is this just a update?
Duly noted on the hiccups, can you tell any reason why certain people aren't showing? Maybe they haven't logged in for a while, or it's only a certain avatar?
I don't think the Armatars are showing because the users haven't logged in a while. The users facing the problem are users I haven't seen around for a while.
Duly noted on the hiccups, can you tell any reason why certain people aren't showing? Maybe they haven't logged in for a while, or it's only a certain avatar?
I don't think the Armatars are showing because the users haven't logged in a while. The users facing the problem are users I haven't seen around for a while.
Only things I can come up with are the possibilities that either the users who are affected by this glitch haven't logged in for a while, OR that it is linked to the online/offline button... I am constantly logged in on the website and when active it is green (as it should), but when I stop being active for a short while it automatically turns red and only turns green again when I commented to a certain user... could that be a viable option? =/
And of course... YAY BOPPINS!!! =D
Go boppins... go boppins...go boppins... go boppins... *makes 'victory swirl' dance*
Btw... I saw another one (profile) where all the armatars were set to the 'Starry Shield' default one and after commenting and hard refreshing the page, they all showed up normal again. =)
I believe Ferret mentioned that this was taken off of the messenger part, as meant to be... don't know for sure though GoM.
Armatar Glitch Update: I also noticed that several users (including me apparently) now have armatars from the 2009 Spring Edition set instead of the Halloween set that is currently available... =/
Armatars I've seen are the yellow sun with blue background, the white flower with seeds on a black background and the dark blue shark fin on a ligther blue background, etc... those are all from another set currently not available.
By any chance... did you have these lined up already for coming spring Ferret? Could this be what's causing the problem?! =)
No, because he made a post here saying it was fixed when first reported yesterday, but today it's gone.
I also doubt they'd intentionally remove these features. Flagging is vital for reporting users and we should always have the option to delete comments off our page.
Ok... I thought I had read that they meant to take this off the profiles' messengers... my bad! =)
And true, it is vital to report users with any misconduct here, but this option is still available in the 'show all comments' section of your profile... so it's not completely gone!