ForumsThe Tavernag is falling apart

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665 posts

there are threads in the wrong sections very few mods and admins left glitches everywhere so many spammers just telling you all this mabye we can have a discounshin in this about something

  • 68 Replies
9,323 posts

New Armor Games directive, create a Banana Farm.

10,816 posts


Because you never know when the next hurricane's gonna decimate Queensland and send banana prices to $14/kg for 3 years...

1,094 posts

Hey, inactive mods return sometimes. :P

I dropped all my spaghetti when I saw Zeph post.

The site's missing mod activity, that's for sure. Back in '08, I remember seeing almost every single mod and admin posting fiercely everywhere.

But as for AG falling apart, that's far from true. Haven't seen an update to the site like this since Games of Mordor.
9,504 posts

The section titles are pretty obvious, and for the common sense-ly impared, there are little descriptions too.

I like to imagine quite often members see "All topics and conversation" for the Tavern and just STOP RIGHT THERE and post, as well as using the Game Walkthroughs forum as a "support and suggestions" for flash games.
4,170 posts


We're looking at mod possibilities. We realize we could use a couple more, so are polishing up some deputy stars and six-shooters.

Good to hear. While it's good to see mods come back after so long, we do need that consistent feel of moderation looming over our heads. Not just 1 or 2 mods overwhelmed in work while the other 5 or 6 or whatever are inactive. That really isn't how the team was meant to work. When someone can't fulfill their duties, you get someone else to do it instead. Not calling any inactive mods here lazy or anything, but if you aren't able to mod for whatever reason, it doesn't help.

Besides, as I've tried pounding this into everyone's heads since I made an account back in June, the reason why we haven't had mods is because that filtering code made by Cormyn hasn't been used, and it definitely should be.

When I spoke to Dan about the Pickle thread, he said he'd look into getting a new community manager to help out with getting a better mod team, and he said he'd have his team show themselves a bit more, just to show they know what's up. I really do believe that's happened, and **** am I ever happy for it.
15,595 posts

Besides, as I've tried pounding this into everyone's heads since I made an account back in June, the reason why we haven't had mods is because that filtering code made by Cormyn hasn't been used, and it definitely should be.

There are at most two-three dozen forum regulars, the current mod team shouldn't need that to make a decision. Just looking at the how to become a mod thread and the currently active users, it's clear who will and won't be a mod.
9,504 posts

the reason why we haven't had mods is because that filtering code made by Cormyn hasn't been used, and it definitely should be.

Eh? We need code to find potential moderators? I mean, the code was sexy, but it is still the mods who find mods, not a "bot". There were a multitude of reasons why there weren't any new mods since me, but it is definitely not that.
1,094 posts

I thought they had mentioned that Cormyn took the software with him when he left. I could be wrong, though.

Yea, I think dan told that to me when I asked about the coding, could be mistaking stuff though.
But how long could it take to remake? (not a computer whiz here, so forgive my ignorance)
4,170 posts

There are at most two-three dozen forum regulars, the current mod team shouldn't need that to make a decision. Just looking at the how to become a mod thread and the currently active users, it's clear who will and won't be a mod.

I do remember reading somewhere that mods wouldn't be chosen without using it. I couldn't tell you where though. And, if Ferret really liked, he could easily appoint a few mods with a click of a button or two.

it's clear who will and won't be a mod.

I think "should" would be a better word and instead of "will." Don't get ahead of yourself, Matrix! :P I do have a few ideas of who might get that life-changing email, and, if they ever do get that email, I hope they accept it.
9,504 posts

I do remember reading somewhere that mods wouldn't be chosen without using it. I couldn't tell you where though.

This is the master thread depicting the software used. It guided us on whom to choose based on if they were worthy enough, if we haven't found one to nominate already.

And, if Ferret really liked, he could easily appoint a few mods with a click of a button or two.

We are the bros who have to work with the new candidates, which ultimately and conclusively means we decide who gets to be promoted. Effective communication and trust is a must.
1,094 posts

We are the bros who have to work with the new candidates, which ultimately and conclusively means we decide who gets to be promoted. Effective communication and trust is a must.

Just asking out of curiosity, but does anyone have the power of veto? It doesn't seem likely that anyone except for Dan would have the ability of veto, but it's still a possibility some admins have it.
4,170 posts

I thought they had mentioned that Cormyn took the software with him when he left. I could be wrong, though.

Actually, I thought of that, I think. I remember when I was talking with someone about it (Xzeno, I think) we were discussing what could be done about the mod team, and that came up somewhere, and it took off as an accepted rumor... which was probably more of my fault than anyone else's... Although, I could horribly wrong myself.

Eh? We need code to find potential moderators? I mean, the code was sexy, but it is still the mods who find mods, not a "bot". There were a multitude of reasons why there weren't any new mods since me, but it is definitely not that.
It guided us on whom to choose based on if they were worthy enough, if we haven't found one to nominate already.

Gotcha. Then all that would be left for is having you guys talk about candidates, and letting Ferret approve, right?

[insert a "Well, it's not that simple" response here]

Yea, I think dan told that to me when I asked about the coding, could be mistaking stuff though.
But how long could it take to remake? (not a computer whiz here, so forgive my ignorance)

I haven't the slightest idea. He never really told anyone about it, so it wouldn't be wise to make a guess. Considering we don't need it apparently, would it matter?

We are the bros who have to work with the new candidates, which ultimately and conclusively means we decide who gets to be promoted. Effective communication and trust is a must.

And that's why you guys approve the important stuff.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

It's been "falling apart" for three years now. The glue must have been strong....Bail ship if you want to, the rest of us will be drowning on the deck for a long time.

Hello Strop. Hello Zoph.

4,170 posts

Just asking out of curiosity, but does anyone have the power of veto? It doesn't seem likely that anyone except for Dan would have the ability of veto, but it's still a possibility some admins have it.

Ferret would have power of veto, no doubt. If he's the guy who gives them the badge, he can decide whether or not he really wants to give them the badge. *Waits for Frank to back me up/argue me as much as possible*
9,323 posts

Mods and Admins work together on this venture, it's not about veto power or no veto power - it's just about everybody finding the best fit for the community.

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