ForumsWEPRLouisiana Petitions To Secede

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Not all Americans are enthralled with obama.
According to a news article published online by World News Daily (WND), The residents of Louisiana have started a petition to peacefully secede from the U.S. and form their own government. The petition was started on November 7 of this year, the day after the election.
(Now I'm going to opine a bit.)
While it causes me great pain to see America in the sorry state it's in now, and an act(s) of secession would only intensify the situation, this may be what needs to happen. I love my country and desperately want to see it return to its former glory, but the current regime has taken conditions ranging from fair to poor and exacerbated them to such an extent that the national condition is in a rapidly worsening state of untenability for all involved. The people of Louisiana realize this and are acting accordingly.
I believe that if obama actually cares for this nation like he says he does (which personally I doubt strongly), he would take this new development as a sign that he and the rest of the regime need to reverse their actions and/or resign. If he doesn't, it is likely that this will be the first of many cases of Americans separating themselves from a government that is no longer Of, By, and For The People but rather seeks to enslave them with government dependancy and weakens the nation on the foreign and domestic fronts.

America is dying, people. Something has to be done in short order, or America will be consigned to the ash-heap of history as a great nation that forsook its own ideals and killed itself from within. And I can't stand the thought of that happening.
All of you who believe in God or prayer, please say an extra prayer for the nation tonight.

  • 110 Replies
508 posts

Obama's administration inherited the GFC. Do you suppose you could explain to me how the US's part in the GFC came about?

Ooh! Ooooh! Pick me!

A large part of the Financial Crisis was triggered by the collapse of the Housing Bubble in the United States in 2007 (kind of like the bursting of the Dutch Tulip Bubble in 1637). The collapse resulted from actions by two parties--the American government (in this case, the Bush administration), and Private Banks.

The rapid growth of the United States' real estate market started in 2000, when the Bush administration provided strong incentives for home ownership, even to those who could not normally afford housing. As such, many private banking firms performed inaccurate risk-assessments, loaning money to those whom they would not normally provide loans for. Come 2006, when as more and more of those loans were defaulted on, not only did the banks lose huge amounts of money, but the values of properties dropped dramatically, causing an estimated $15 trillion in losses.

This was largely a problem because over 70 countries were invested in the United States' housing market, not to mention countless corporations and shareholders. So as investment capitals dropped in the housing market, they dropped for individuals, businesses and countries all around the world.

The causes GFC are, of course, slightly more complex than this, but they can mostly be traced back to the real estate bubble and actions on the part of the Bush Administration.

On another note, the reasons the economy did so 'well' under the Bush administration had nothing to do with the administration itself. Say what you like about Bill Clinton, but the man's administration knew how to handle debt. The Bush administration rendered their efforts null, managing to stop the decrease of the national debt and start big spendin' all over again.
6,737 posts

Okay they want to secede :O That just isn't right... If Romney won its not like California is gonna secede (California being heavily democratic)

3,087 posts

Eighteen States Have Now Filed to Petition

seven of those states went for Obama, It would be hilarious is the petitions from the blue states get the required number of signatures. (counting Nevada and Delaware)

I say let Nevada leave.

(*pondering how long until petition from Indian Reservations shows up*)

~~~Darth Caedus
5,043 posts

Honestly, calling the people who want to secede butthurt is a pretty lazy argument. [butthurt = mad] I mean, obviously they're mad, otherwise they wouldn't want to secede.

Anyway, I would actually like to see as many states meet their quota as possible. Obviously they aren't going to be allowed to secede, and I'm sure not enough people will support secession to actually protest and stir major events - whatever they may be. I just want to see how everyone reacts though.

The idea of states seceding, is intriguing. I almost want to see it happen.

3,379 posts

Are any of these petitions taken seriously by anyone? I haven't even heard about the petition in mt state until now and it probably won't even get far. Also, 25,000 seems like a really low number for some places. It's not even 2 percent of my city. It seems to me like nobody but the petitioners are actually serious about this. And considering they're asking to secede I feel that we should be. At least a little. Does anyone know if this has ever happened before?

9,470 posts

Does anyone know if this has ever happened before?

No this isn't the first time this stunt has been pulled. Texas even has it's own wiki page on it.
1,707 posts

Taxas has now reached over 55,000 petitioners.


10,816 posts

Honestly, calling the people who want to secede butthurt is a pretty lazy argument. [butthurt = mad] I mean, obviously they're mad, otherwise they wouldn't want to secede.

Sure okay, let's acknowledge this. I also want to see how far this goes. It'd almost be amusing (because I don't live there), to see how a presumably legit election causes civil unrest on this scale. I'd be amused to see a symbolic failure of the democratic institution in the process of observing its own ideals, no less in a country that presumes to export its democratic model of governance to other nations. It'd be amusing that a country that's used to running the show becomes its own spectacle in this manner.

And pretty much the rest of the world thinks the same thing. So really, yes, butthurt might be a lazy way of putting it, but when that's what most of the so-called free world thinks, does the laziness matter?
5,043 posts

And pretty much the rest of the world thinks the same thing. So really, yes, butthurt might be a lazy way of putting it, but when that's what most of the so-called free world thinks, does the laziness matter?

An appropriate response to "They're just butthurt," or, "They're just mad," would be the following.

No, they aren't 'just' mad. They believe the government is running off course, and they believe it's their duty to keep the government on track. Of course they're mad, but to suggest that anger is their only motivation completely dodges all ideology those people hold.
10,816 posts

It's like you didn't even read the rest of my post, Nemo D:

5,043 posts

It's like you didn't even read the rest of my post, Nemo D:

Sorry, I really have nothing else to comment on. What you say makes sense.

It would be interesting to see how the government reacts to seceding states, except the states need the government's permission in the first place. It's not going to happen unless the federal government is okay with them leaving.

It's an interesting idea though.

I just have a pet peeve when people use the word butthurt. It works great for trolling or at times when you don't need to really back anything you say up, but when it comes to discussion debatable topics, I avoid it, because it's not a proper argument - and when used alongside a proper argument, it's redundant.
1,707 posts

In other news 5 states have reached nearly/slightly above 20,000 signatures in their petitions, Louisiana has reached 28,000 signatures, and Texas has reached slightly above 78,000 signatures.

Oh and there is a petition that has above 33,000 signatures for a recount of the election.

White House Petition Site

13,055 posts

How about all those whining people move in the same state and then we replace them with people who have an above average IQ . This way, there will be more Blue states. Problem solved.

1,707 posts

How about all those whining people move in the same state and then we replace them with people who have an above average IQ . This way, there will be more Blue states. Problem solved.

This reminds me that there are actually two petitions with about 1500 signatures that are asking to deport everyone who signed the petitions and to remove their citizenship and exile the petitioners lol...
13,055 posts

This reminds me that there are actually two petitions with about 1500 signatures that are asking to deport everyone who signed the petitions and to remove their citizenship and exile the petitioners lol...

That's actually a good idea.
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