Well, it's probable that a lot of molecules came along with meteorites, I think this can still be observed today (not sure, but I think I read something about molecules on meteorites). But abiogenesis, as partydevil said, surely happened here on earth. The chance of even the most resistent unicellular to survive the travel through the atmosphere is very slim, and we don't even know how it came onto a rock flying around in the universe.
Actually, we have absolutely no basis to say what non terrestrial life would look like. It may be so far from what we're looking for that we wouldn't recognize it as living if we just simply looked at it.
True, though if there is life somewhere else, it most probably involves unicellulars or even multicellulars. Maybe soemthing like a virus. Completely new life forms based on energy or whatever SciFi idea, sounds cool but I think it's improbable.
Looking at the trillions of solar systems and galaxies in the universe, I's say there are almost definitely aliens out there. Although most will be single celled organisms like on our own planet.
However due to light speed being the maximum speed you can travel, the likelihood of aliens reaching Earth is minuscule, and if they did they would probably only want to pillage our resources.
Completely new life forms based on energy or whatever SciFi idea, sounds cool but I think it's improbable.
Naturally occurring I have serious doubts that an energy based life form would emerge.
Silicon based life might be possible, but silicon doesn't have the same level of adaptability as carbon does. So the number of structures it can from are limited by comparison. A bacteria silicon based life form might be likely.
Boron based life is another possibility. Boron has about the same level of capability as carbon and does better in environments where carbon based life would likely fail. We have even been able to create a boron buckyball. The major downside for boron is it's scarcity. Unlike carbon boron is not abundant in the universe. An area that could possibly use boron as a basis for life would likely have to have had numerous supernova activity int he area in order to produce enough boron in a concentrate locations and the boron would likely have to be further supplemented with something like silicon. Though I have to admit something like that would be pretty interesting and I have been working on a fictional alien of this sort.
Finally the most likely alternative form of life would be that of an artificial being. This would likely be in the form of a robot of some sort that was sapient. This artificial form of life is also where the energy based life could become far more possibly with maybe a virtual lifeform existing as pure data.
Of course they exist. Our government, and others have been in contact with them for decades, some for even longer...
Its a massive cover up. To say there is no proof/evidences is asinine. Theres tons of proof. Whether an individual accepts them or not is another matter.
Its a massive cover up. To say there is no proof/evidences is asinine. Theres tons of proof. Whether an individual accepts them or not is another matter.
Okay, present this proof that aliens not only exist but have been visiting us.
Why? People like you will just say thats not good enough! Because hundreds of people involved in the projects admitting it are crazy in your world. lol
But you can start here if you want. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T0ckf005qo
Proof requires time, so if you cant be bothered to watch the whole video, don't bother me again.
Why? People like you will just say thats not good enough! Because hundreds of people involved in the projects admitting it are crazy in your world. lol
But you can start here if you want. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T0ckf005qo
Proof requires time, so if you cant be bothered to watch the whole video, don't bother me again.
It's generally considered bad form to just link an hour and a half long video without even summarizing the points it makes. Most of us don't want to spend that long, or may not even have that long, to view something which in all likely hood is nothing more than the random connections of superstition, limited fact, and plain conspiracy.
I'll watch it (unless it just is complete bull/heard it before) and tell you what I think.
so if you cant be bothered to watch the whole video, don't bother me again.
Why? People like you will just say thats not good enough! Because hundreds of people involved in the projects admitting it are crazy in your world. lol
But you can start here if you want. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T0ckf005qo
Proof requires time, so if you cant be bothered to watch the whole video, don't bother me again.
First thing it says is already bogus. Don't tell me what I have and have not thought.
A minute in it shows a bunch of blury pictures supposedly taken in infrared. I'm not seeing ufos.
"Critters." Wonderfully named.
I saw a few planes in their "UFO" films too.
Basically the entire argument from what I can see is that something appears on a camera.
So yeah. I'm not going to spend an hour and a half of my time listening to some person claim that blurry photos and random dots are UFOs.
If you want to assert your position, prove how these blurry photos which we can't even verify as anything prove that they are really aliens from another world in an invisible spacecraft that NASA knows about but showed live for over an HOUR even though they're supposed to be in on the conspiracy...?