ForumsWEPRAliens real or fake?

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3 posts

i believe that aliens exist but i wanna know wat all u think about it are aliens real or fake?

  • 955 Replies
5,552 posts

The only place where aliens could ever be is mars.

I assume you mean in our solar system. This isn't true. Mars is not very likely, actually extremely improbable, to still have life even if it ever had life, which is still suspect.

Inside our solar system, there's a few moons (mostly around Jupiter) which are candidates for possible life.

Outside of our solar system there's a lot to put it mildly.

And the scientists are saying that there could be found some microscopic beings.

They don't really expect there to be any though, it's just a hope. Although even some form of fossilized or dead w/e would immediately double our observed chances for life to form.

The biggest problem is though, even if there is life in the universe aside from us, what are our chances of ever running into it? It takes multiple light years to get to the next closest star, and we can't even travel half way out of our own.
1,356 posts

But I am saying exactly the same thing. Could be and hope is the same thing. OK, maybe there is a small difference, but it's still the same.

24 posts

Why? People like you will just say thats not good enough! Because hundreds of people involved in the projects admitting it are crazy in your world. lol

But you can start here if you want.

If you cant be bothered to watch the whole video, don't bother me again.

24 posts

Why? People like you will just say thats not good enough! Because hundreds of people involved in the projects admitting it are crazy in your world. lol

But you can start here if you want.

Proof requires time, so if you cant be bothered to watch the whole video, don't bother me again.

5,552 posts

Why? People like you will just say thats not good enough!

We say it's not good enough because random blurry photos and wild conjuncture don't actually prove anything.

Because hundreds of people involved in the projects admitting it are crazy in your world. lol

People see what they want to see. If I go looking for aliens I could claim anything I don't personally understand as an alien. Anything I find strange, it's an alien.

But you can start here if you want.

I've already told you my thoughts about the youtube video you linked. It's excessively long and doesn't have any proof.

Stop double posting by the way, it's fairly annoying. Only click the submit button once, and refresh afterwards to see that it posted.

don't bother me again.

You're the one asserting that it's aliens. Since you're making the claim, that lies on you to prove.
1,826 posts

I don't know if they are real or not, or should I say I don't care as long as they don't start an invasion

9,462 posts

Why? People like you will just say thats not good enough! Because hundreds of people involved in the projects admitting it are crazy in your world. lol

You're starting to spam and sound like a troll with this statement. I will be happy to watch the video all the way through, particularly since I am currently working on fiction involving aliens and it will be of good research for that.

However if your evidence is demonstrably so then it should be able to stand up to scrutiny.
24 posts

Sisnt mean to spam. The comment never showed up. So I came back every 15mins to try again.

24 posts

I've already told you my thoughts about the youtube video you linked. It's excessively long and doesn't have any proof.

Its full of proof from high ranking officials embedded deeply in the entirety of the subject.

Excessively long? How so? We are talking about the existence of et's and worldwide governments that are covering it up? 1.5 hrs is excessively long to demonstrate that?

Hardly. You're just narrow minded. That will change soon.
24 posts

So yeah. I'm not going to spend an hour and a half of my time listening to some person claim that blurry photos and random dots are UFOs.

Some person? Learn who people are and their credentials. Besides that its more than one person, had you watched the whole video you would have seen that its DOZENS of government officials and military people, of high rank and stature exposing what is going on.
24 posts

...and yeah, critters. Thats a term used for some of them. Guess who started it? NASA. Not some hillbilly.

So watch the whole video or run along and continue to pretend you know what you are talking about concerning the matter.

24 posts

You're the one asserting that it's aliens. Since you're making the claim, that lies on you to prove.


Watch the whole video. Not one minute.

5,129 posts

Excessively long? How so? We are talking about the existence of et's and worldwide governments that are covering it up? 1.5 hrs is excessively long to demonstrate that?

yes it's to long.

you could sum up the points of the video whit a CLEAR pics if a alian ship or whatever it's about. i just came home from 19 hours work and tomorrow 15 more to go. i realy don't have time to watch a 1,5 hour fiction docu.
5,552 posts

I've watched to 20 minutes now and I'm reaching my bullcrap meter for the day. Here's just what I wrote down while watching it, so sorry if it's disjointed.

Its full of proof from high ranking officials embedded deeply in the entirety of the subject

Sounds to me like a bunch of selected sayings which were conjuncture being admitted by the scientist or just general "the government does hide things from the public" quotes. Aka, quote mining.

Sure, there are some that flat out say that's what they think, but if the government was really trying to cover stuff up, would they ever let them go out and announce that?

Excessively long? How so?

Because it's an hour and a half of being shown photos with blurry dots? And being told everyone once in awhile with solemn white words on a black background, "Somewhere in the back of your mind you've always know it was true," when I never knew any such thing. Did I mention the mass repetition of blurry pictures? Don't forget hearing the same line from the same 7-8 people over and over.

We are talking about the existence of et's and worldwide governments that are covering it up?

No, we're talking about blurry photos/video.

Hardly. You're just narrow minded.

If I'm so narrow minded please explain this to me: Why are there apparently so many UFOs all over the world that they get caught in all these random pictures, and yet not one person is able to get a clear shot of one? Why is it that, if they've been swarming around down here for the past 60 years or more, there isn't anything close to any sort of conclusive proof?

Also take note how these "UFO sightings" apparently epicly spiked AFTER there was a news release of conjuncture about that one battle.

That will change soon.

Tell me when War of the Worlds 2 starts, the first caused so much damage and killed so many people. We should be prepared.
24 posts

No, we're talking about blurry photos/video.

At this pt Im ready to call you an idiot. But I wont.

The people in this video are high ranking officials charged with the defense of the United States of America, militarily upto the rank of a Brigadier General, and others such as many of our Astronauts and civilian contractors involved. The entirety of our space program NASA...

These people are saying the conspiracy exists and they were involved in it.

Thats good enough for me.
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