ForumsWEPRAliens real or fake?

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i believe that aliens exist but i wanna know wat all u think about it are aliens real or fake?

  • 955 Replies
5,552 posts

At this pt Im ready to call you an idiot. But I wont.

The feeling is mutual. When they point a camera at water and get all excited over a drop of water on the lens, I tend to not credit them.

The people in this video are high ranking officials charged with the defense of the United States of America,

I'd very much like to see the entire footage of some of those statements. They sound very much like "what if" postulates, and were just quote mined.

It's easy to take what someone says out of context, especially if they're asked questions and don't have a pre-prepared answer that has been checked for quote mining possibilities.

Oh, just another thing, UFO stands for unidentified flying object. It doesn't mean alien. If the government says, "there was a ufo" that means they are saying "we don't really know what it was" and applies to everything from unregistered civilian aircraft to a frisbee if they can't tell what it is.

These people are saying the conspiracy exists and they were involved in it.

People also claim that their limbs have magically grown back, that they saw bigfoot, and that a dinosaur lives in a lake millions of years after they went extinct.

The entirety of our space program NASA...

Find me one NASA public admission that they consistently spot what they believe to be aliens.

Thats good enough for me.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" -Carl Sagan

Blurry photos which and clipped speeches are very poor evidence. Especially for such a claim that invisible intergalactic aliens roam randomly all over our planet in "flying saucers" for no discernible purpose and that invisible organisms live in the upper atmosphere.
2,487 posts

all righty, what do we have here today? another crazy conspiracy theorist? well...let's see what you've got for us.

Why? People like you will just say thats not good enough! Because hundreds of people involved in the projects admitting it are crazy in your world. lol

perhaps because they really are crazy. have you ever thought of that?

But you can start here if you want. â¦
If you cant be bothered to watch the whole video, don't bother me again

based on what kasic said, there is no point to watching the video because of the fact that there is no real proof behind it. probably just wild speculation (I trust kasic's analysis)

Excessively long? How so? We are talking about the existence of et's and worldwide governments that are covering it up? 1.5 hrs is excessively long to demonstrate that?

yes it is...nobody in the right mind will listen to a conspiracy theorist, especially when he claims his proof is in a ridiculous video.

Hardly. You're just narrow minded. That will change soon.

or perhaps you are just not right minded. that will change soon.

Watch the whole video. Not one minute.

it isn't even worth watching one minute.

So watch the whole video or run along and continue to pretend you know what you are talking about concerning the matter.

lol, I'm going to stay right here. you calling us narrow minded isn't a way to convince us you are right, it just makes you sound like a troll. if anything, you are probably are one.

At this pt Im ready to call you an idiot. But I wont.

at this point, I think you're a total troll (or maybe you're high as a kite, either one). I won't call you that though...

The people in this video are high ranking officials charged with the defense of the United States of America, militarily upto the rank of a Brigadier General, and others such as many of our Astronauts and civilian contractors involved. The entirety of our space program NASA...

the quotes sound like they are taken out of context, and that they are more hypothetical if anything.

Thats good enough for me.

...okay, you aren't a troll. you're just a crazy person.

5,552 posts

based on what kasic said, there is no point to watching the video because of the fact that there is no real proof behind it. probably just wild speculation (I trust kasic's analysis)

To be fair, I've only seen 20 minutes of it. However it started with blurry pictures saying aliens are in invisible spaceships visible only with infrared organisms which are sticks with tabs in them (also invisible) which "fly" faster than the human eye can see in the upper atmosphere. So...yeah.
9,462 posts

I made notes as I watched the video, I'm sure I missed loads of points that should be made. Mostly due to just not having the time to research the loads of claims being made in this film.


Okay first off imediantly in the video I need to point out that ufo footage is incredibly easy to fake or have objects mistaken for aliens. For example with rods, camera can only capture a representation of what they see. So with insects and bird flying about, a camera will pick these up as streaks across the picture.

Another thing to point out UFO doesn't necessarily mean alien. All it means is an object that is flying that is unidentfied (unidentfied flying object aka UFO). We would have to identify and confirm these ufos as alien space craft, in which case they would cease to be classified as ufos. So long as they are ufos they are not evidence of alien visitation.

Some of the things this video is claiming to be ufos are clearly just planes.

Not big on how the video insiuates that what they are claiming was already intuitivly known. Making such a claim hurts it's credntials as evidence for ufos.

At 4:40 we see a message from NASA astronuat claiming to have just seen an alien spacecraft. There are a number of phenomena in space that woudl need to be taken into account before jumping to such a conclusion. Claiming that this is evidence just because it's a statment made by an astronuat is nothing more than appeal to athority.
The images following is made impossible to tell if this was what the astronuat saw or if it's just another random video of an out of focus spot that could be virtualy anything.

At 5:08 we have yet another attempt to make an appeal to authority. The quote is often attributed to General Douglas MacArthur which goes as such "The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets." This is also a rather interesting quote as it could esentially be a form of quote mining. MacArthur never actually made this statement per say, it's an extrapolated statement from a number of commmets he had made at different points. Here is a link on the subject on snopes.

So far I'm hardly five minute in and the credibility of this video is seriously lacking, but as I said i will continue to watch.

The Battle of Los Angeles reports of extraterrestial spacecraft is eniterly based on speculation made by the media.

About 14:00 in. Numerous times this video has made the claim that eye wittness reports are the most reliable as anyone actualy analizing the situations are just coving things up. This seem to do nothing more than speak to paranoina. Eye wittness reports of events often tend to be the least creidble forms of evidence, which so far seems to be the only actual evidence the video has provided. Given such credibility, it's the eye wittness testimony that needs to be taken with skepticism.

It makes mention of aliens being seen all over. It needs to be pointed out that these mass sightings only began to become wide spread when stories of such things became wide spread. In short we were given a preconditions bias to see various unknown objects and phenomina in the sky as aliens.

17:48 Fox News report, U-F-O or what? lol Fox New you are so much fail.

Seeing as this is further touching on rods here is photographic evidence that they are nothing but bugs and birds.

Here we see rods.

In an image moments later we see that these flying "rods" in less than rod like form.

At about 21:00 they start talking about a space craft with a broken tether and claiming that the other objects around the tether are ufos. but even in there own clip the astronuats state that they had debris around them.
Oh and the claim of the tether being a functional ruler is not accurate. The objects could be much closer or further to the ship then preceived, making the tether useless as a messuring device. The appearance of being behind the tether can be nothing more than an optical illusion.

OKay about 31:50 in we have been getting clips of various people who have worked for teh government claiming to know that these black ops missions (making the presumsion they involve alines) exist. but at the marking I mention the guy flat out states we are not being offered evidence of any such alien encounters. His claim is that it's not because it simply doesn't exist, but because of soem massive cover up. Again we are forced to buy the existence of a massive global cover up taking place across multiple government around the world, involving hundreds, possibly even thousands of people. Rather than these things simply don't exist and these seceret operations are unrelated.

33:36 If I'm not to mistaken weren't these Roswell symbols long debunked?

34:46 That doesn't look alien at all.

Okay about 40 minutes in all these people talking aren't really offering anything to back their claims. This goes for prettymuch every clip of someone speaking thus far.

Around the 52 minute4 mark. They are now claiming that we have alien structures on the moon and Mars. Given the quality of these images being displayed in this video we could be looking at almost anything. It seems to me paradolia is playing a large part here.

About an hour in. I was noticing that when someone in an official possition in this video states that it's not an alien, it's a cover up. But when they say it is an alien (usually with an unbacked assertion) we are to treat them as credible. This appear to be confirmation bias.

100 we get pleas to emotion even with violin music included.

100 Most of this talk of weaponizing space for aliens is based on preemtive hypothetical situations. The rest falls under assertion. Though it's rather laughable considering this would be like cavemen weaponizing to defend themselves again a modern military.

100 It sounds like I'm listening to a 50s propaganda film. Why video, why? Can't really say much more since it's not really saying much of anything to it's point.

100 not sure what hydrogen fuel cells has to do with aliens.

100 claims to global consperiacy again. Not really giving evidence to aliens, it's just NWO bs.

Glad to see it has 7 minutes of credits I can skip.

It really didn't provide anything convencing. It made loads of statements, many of which are debunked, many of which are unbacked. It also used a number of fallacies.

5,129 posts

The entirety of our space program NASA...

everything nasa say's officialy can be found on the site of nasa.
if you can proof to me whit a link to the site of nasa that they have made contact whit aliens. then i might consider checking it out.

as long you are making these falls examples i have no need at all the believe all this BS.
whatsoever you are unable to give us proof.

we do not ask who is saying it. because that doesn't say ****.
for example. a astronaut of nasa. is not nasa. it's just 1 guy that had aexperience that he made wrong conclusions about.
yes nasa are humans aswell they are not almighty.
what we want to see is actual undenyable proof. a blury pics is not proof.

i could throw a frisbee and snap a photo of it in mid air. this will look like a spaceship but is still just a frisbee. (works 100% everytime, try it)
9,462 posts

i could throw a frisbee and snap a photo of it in mid air. this will look like a spaceship but is still just a frisbee. (works 100% everytime, try it)

Wouldn't even need to do that, one can easily photoshop a very convincing ufo.
5,129 posts

Wouldn't even need to do that, one can easily photoshop a very convincing ufo.

my bad i was still thinking pre-photoshop =P
24 posts

Like I said. You people wont believe anything until its too late.

This video has high ranking people charged with the defense of the USofA claiming it is so.

It was all well and good once upon a time when a hillbilly made these claims, at that time your ilk would say who are these people? I wont believe until credible people say it is so.

Well this tape and the disclosure project show DOZENS of credible people from our esteemed astronauts to brigadier generals and SAC commanders saying its true.

Now you wont believe them. One dummy in this thread cannot even be bothered to watch the whole thing, not even 1/3 of it yet he continues to flap his jaws like he knows more than these people.

Sorry, but you don't. None of you do.

And to the clown who would trust someones opinion on this matter who spent 20mins on it, you're nothing more than a tool who will always do what you are told and never question it. Not only that but you would take the opinion and word over an internet poster rather than people like Edgar Mitchell and James Corso, and the list goes on.

lol too funny!

have fun in life lemmings.

24 posts

everything nasa say's officialy can be found on the site of nasa.
if you can proof to me whit a link to the site of nasa that they have made contact whit aliens. then i might consider checking it out.

as long you are making these falls examples i have no need at all the believe all this BS.
whatsoever you are unable to give us proof.

we do not ask who is saying it. because that doesn't say ****.
for example. a astronaut of nasa. is not nasa. it's just 1 guy that had aexperience that he made wrong conclusions about.
yes nasa are humans aswell they are not almighty.
what we want to see is actual undenyable proof. a blury pics is not proof.

i could throw a frisbee and snap a photo of it in mid air. this will look like a spaceship but is still just a frisbee. (works 100% everytime, try it)

Dont bother talking because everything you said is handled in the video you wont watch. One person from NASA?


Dont trip over your clown shows running after others who tell you what to think.
5,552 posts

Like I said. You people wont believe anything until its too late.

Too late for what? At this point, if there really are invisible aliens in shapes which cannot fly that are capable of intergalactic travel, we're screwed if they're hostile (which apparently they're not, since you're saying they've been around for over 60 years) whether the public believes in them or not.

This video has high ranking people charged with the defense of the USofA claiming it is so.

And there's even more high ranking people charged with the same thing and more that there isn't. Not very good logic there.

Well this tape and the disclosure project show DOZENS of credible people from our esteemed astronauts to brigadier generals and SAC commanders saying its true.

As Mage said earlier, "About an hour in. I was noticing that when someone in an official possition in this video states that it's not an alien, it's a cover up. But when they say it is an alien (usually with an unbacked assertion) we are to treat them as credible. This appear to be confirmation bias."

You're just taking whatever you want and ignoring everything else.

One dummy in this thread cannot even be bothered to watch the whole thing, not even 1/3 of it yet he continues to flap his jaws like he knows more than these people.

I have no need to. From Mage's summarization it's exactly what I thought it would be. It is me you are talking about right?

I never said I know more than them. I sure as hell know though that it's extremely ridiculous to claim that intergalactic aliens with infrared light spectrum ovoid spaceships come to earth to meander around aimlessly for at least 60 years in such numbers that the average citizen can take a blurry photo of them almost at will.

And to the clown who would trust someones opinion on this matter who spent 20mins on it, you're nothing more than a tool who will always do what you are told and never question it.

Try applying some thinking to this matter. What you're claiming is absolutely groundless and doesn't even make sense anyways. Why would aliens come here? Why would they float around for over 60 years? If they can travel across the universe, and are immune to artillery fire, why are they crashing? If they're so advanced, why haven't they already conquered us? If it's so easy to find pictures for them, why are none of them clear? How is it that we have never found a corpse of one of these "rods?" How would those rods even move?

On and on I could go. It's absurd, quite frankly. I'm not saying there's not other life in the universe, I think it's almost guaranteed that there is. But what you're claiming is borderline crazy.

have fun in life lemmings.

This makes you sound like you believe aliens exist and are here solely because the majority of people do not.

Do you also think Bigfoot/the Locke-Ness monster/fairys exist too?
9,462 posts

Like I said. You people wont believe anything until its too late.

As stated before for this claim to be believe it needs evidence. The video hardly provided any such thing that could be called evidence. What little could possibly be called evidence is some of the least reliable source of evidence. For an incredible claim like aliens not only visiting Earth but taking over, needs equally incredible evidence.

This video has high ranking people charged with the defense of the USofA claiming it is so.

It doesn't matter that they are high ranking or not. Relying on the fact that they are high ranking thus what they say is correct is just an appeal to authority fallacy, not evidence.

The claims these people are making still needs to be backed.

It was all well and good once upon a time when a hillbilly made these claims, at that time your ilk would say who are these people? I wont believe until credible people say it is so.

Again it doesn't matter if they are hillbillies or not.

Well this tape and the disclosure project show DOZENS of credible people from our esteemed astronauts to brigadier generals and SAC commanders saying its true.

Yet again appeal to authority.

It's not the person making the claim that's important but the evidence supporting that claim.

Now you wont believe them. One dummy in this thread cannot even be bothered to watch the whole thing, not even 1/3 of it yet he continues to flap his jaws like he knows more than these people.

Sorry, but you don't. None of you do.

It's not about that at all. The problem is these people who know more aren't backing up what they are flapping there jaw about.

Not only that but you would take the opinion and word over an internet poster rather than people like Edgar Mitchell and James Corso, and the list goes on.

Edgar Mitchell American pilot, engineer and NASA astronaut. Believes that he was cured of cancer through remote healing. Has made the statement "90 percent sure that many of the thousands of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, recorded since the 1940s, belong to visitors from other planets" In short such a statement amounts to,

Philip James Corso (1915-1998) Lieutenant Colonel in the US army. Wrote the book "The Day After Roswell". The claims made in the book are left unsupported.

Dont bother talking because everything you said is handled in the video you wont watch.

I watched that whole thing, no what was stated wasn't handled by that video.

have fun in life lemmings.


Throwing out insults won't change people's minds or support your argument.
24 posts

Again it doesn't matter if they are hillbillies or not.

It sure as hell does matter. We peasants entire life is based on listening to what the higher ups tell us. Presidents etc. You chose who to listen to. You have some people who you don't know that you will take what they say as the gospel. You are probably an Obamatron and believe because he says the nation is doing great that it is so.

This subject has been covered by standing Presidents to high ranking Generals, (MacArthur who knew a lot about it says the WORLD MUST UNITE because one day we will be fighting interplanetary invaders!) in our country saying its true, yet you dopes cant get it through your thick heads that the government is covering this up, EVEN when people involved in the projects come out and try to expose them!

lol the list is full of scholars and people at the highest level of security in the nation and yet some skeptics still wont believe.

Soon when it is an absolute fact these same skeptics will be like, I knew it all along...
9,462 posts

It sure as hell does matter.

No it doesn't. If someone says their are extraterrestrials visiting us and goes "see I have an alien right here with me." and the alien goes "hi I'm from Zeta Reticuli, how you doing?" It wouldn't matter if that person was a general in the army or some no account hack farmer, the evidence speaks for itself.
Now if the person just said "there are extraterrestrials visiting us, you just have to take my word for it." We have no reason to believe them. It doesn't matter if they are a general in the army or some no account hack farmer.

You chose who to listen to.

I choose to listen to the person presenting hard evidence. Because they can back their **** up.

You are probably an Obamatron and believe because he says the nation is doing great that it is so.

irrelevant and no, I think this country is in deep.

This subject has been covered by standing Presidents to high ranking Generals, (MacArthur who knew a lot about it says the WORLD MUST UNITE because one day we will be fighting interplanetary invaders!)

Umm yeah, a bit of a half truth going on there. I already covered that in my long post on the video.

in our country saying its true, yet you dopes cant get it through your thick heads that the government is covering this up, EVEN when people involved in the projects come out and try to expose them!

And they are doing a very piss poor job at it since they aren't coming froward with anything to validate those claims. Which is why what they are saying isn't being taken seriously.

lol the list is full of scholars and people at the highest level of security in the nation and yet some skeptics still wont believe.

Still doesn't matter. Maybe you don't understand what an appeal to authority fallacy is?

X is (claimed to be) an authority on subject A.
X makes claim B about subject A.
Therefore, B is true just because X says it's true.

X might not actually be an authority on the subject. In this case the claim is that these military officers or astronauts are authorities on the subject of aliens. This has not been established. It's irrelevant that X is an astronaut or a military general. This doesn't make their claim true.
You're attempting to base the validity of the claim on the origin rather than the arguments for or against the claim.

"The irrelevant appeal to authority is a type of genetic fallacy, attempting to judge a belief by its origin rather than by the arguments for and against the belief. If the belief originated with an authoritative person, then the belief is held to be true. However, even authoritative persons can hold false beliefs.

The irrelevant appeal to authority is a type of genetic fallacy, attempting to judge a belief by its origin rather than by the arguments for and against the belief. If the belief originated with an authoritative person, then the belief is held to be true. However, even authoritative persons can hold false beliefs.

Appeals to authority do not become relevant when instead of a single authority one cites several experts who believe something is true. If the authorities are speaking outside of their field of expertise or the subject is controversial, piling up long lists of supporters does not make the appeal any more relevant. On any given controversial matter there are likely to be equally competent experts on different sides of the issue. If a controversial claim could be established as true because it is supported by experts, then contradictory beliefs would be true, which is absurd. The truth or falsity, reasonableness or unreasonableness, of a belief must stand independently of those who accept or reject the belief.

Finally, it should be noted that it is not irrelevant to cite an authority to support a claim one is not competent to judge. However, in such cases the authority must be speaking in his or her own field of expertise and the claim should be one that other experts in the field do not generally consider to be controversial. In a field such as physics, it is reasonable to believe a claim about something in physics made by a physicist that most other physicists consider to be true. Presumably, they believe it because there is strong evidence in support of it. Such beliefs could turn out to be false, of course, but it should be obvious that no belief becomes true on the basis of who believes it.

Soon when it is an absolute fact these same skeptics will be like, I knew it all along...

It would do you some good to not jump to conclusions.

"It is not what the man of science believes that distinguishes him, but how and why he believes it. His beliefs are tentative, not dogmatic; they are based on evidence, not on authority or intuition." -Bertrand Russell
5,552 posts

Soon when it is an absolute fact these same skeptics will be like, I knew it all along...

I find it funny that you don't actually provide any evidence/argue anything, you just point to people and say "they believe it!" and then lemming up yourself.

Care to argue any of my previous points?

Why would aliens come here?

Why would they float around for over 60 years?

If they can travel across the universe, and are immune to artillery fire, why are they crashing?

If they're so advanced, why haven't they already conquered us?

If it's so easy to find pictures for them, why are none of them clear?

How is it that we have never found a corpse of one of these "rods?"

How would those rods even move?
5,129 posts

This video has high ranking people charged with the defense of the USofA claiming it is so.

if it was real, it would be world news.
if your so sure and want to warn us then you should go whit your &quotroof" to the media and let them show it the world.
except from fox and a few of those others like the young turks. no1 will believe you.

are you sure thse people are actual what they say. can you post their background? i could also call myself a astronaunt. even if i aint. i have enoufg knowlets of the univers to play this role i guess.
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