ForumsWEPRAliens real or fake?

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3 posts

i believe that aliens exist but i wanna know wat all u think about it are aliens real or fake?

  • 955 Replies
5,552 posts

defense of the USofA claiming it is so.

Which reminds me, adding to my list of questions...

Why would aliens come here?

Why would they float around for over 60 years?

If they can travel across the universe, and are immune to artillery fire, why are they crashing?

If they're so advanced, why haven't they already conquered us?

If it's so easy to find pictures for them, why are none of them clear?

How is it that we have never found a corpse of one of these "rods?"

How would those rods even move?

How are these rods evidence for aliens, even if they do somehow exist?

What about other governments of the world, or is it a world conspiracy?

What reason do they have to hide them?

Don't you think there would be conclusive proof by now if we've been looking for them for over 60 years?

Do you -really- think that the government could cover this up so effectively if it's apparently as easy as taking a video camera and setting it up to get footage of a UFO?
8,257 posts

If your high-ranking officials really said what you claim they said, I'm pretty sure we would all know about it. These kind of things don't escape media attention, yet I've never heard of that before. How then can a youtube video like that pass unnoticed by most people? Just think of how much the media have chewn and ruminated the 2012 issue. Can you explain that without accusing the media of covering the aliens too?

24 posts

if it was real, it would be world news.

It was world news you twit.

If your high-ranking officials really said what you claim they said, I'm pretty sure we would all know about it.

What I claim they said? Watch the video you reject. They say it right there in plain sight. lol
24 posts

It doesn't matter that they are high ranking or not. Relying on the fact that they are high ranking thus what they say is correct is just an appeal to authority fallacy, not evidence.

The claims these people are making still needs to be backed.

Our legal system sends people to prison on far less testimonials.

Theres another fact for you.
5,129 posts

It was world news you twit.

if it was world news how the hell can your government cover it?

if it was world news every1 would know and remember.
this didn't happen because of some magicly reason or what we all have amnesia? the entire world has amnesia?

What I claim they said? Watch the video you reject. They say it right there in plain sight. lol

so your still in the phase where you believe everything on tv and youtube is right..
i hope for you, you once will develope commen sense and see how stupid youve been (are now)

Our legal system sends people to prison on far less testimonials.

Theres another fact for you.

plz. show us proof of the so called facts you come up whit.
if you can't proof your fact then why should we believe you?

show us proof, backup this proof. don't just say "watch the video, watch the video. they have a high job. so they are right whatsoever. i mean comon stalin was right he had the best job in russia so he has to be right."

anyway basicly your saying that we should put you in jail right?
(can some1 call the cops to get him plz.)
8,257 posts

What I claim they said? Watch the video you reject. They say it right there in plain sight. lol

Yeah, because the reject that I am relies more on what I hear in several official news and not on some stupid youtube vid that was made in photoshop.

Our legal system sends people to prison on far less testimonials.

That's because your legal system is crap.
And it doesn't change anything in that the claims being made need backup.

Btw, you've got pages of points, comments and questions to address, how about you start with that instead of insulting the whole world?
5,552 posts

Theres another fact for you.

Another fact is that you have yet to actually say anything. All you've done is post a groundless video that just shows blurry pictures and small cut portions of speeches which are 50 years old.

So please, I'll repeat for the 4th time my questions.

Why would aliens come here?

Why would they float around for over 60 years?

If they can travel across the universe, and are immune to artillery fire, why are they crashing?

If they're so advanced, why haven't they already conquered us?

If it's so easy to find pictures for them, why are none of them clear?

How is it that we have never found a corpse of one of these "rods?"

How would those rods even move?

How are these rods evidence for aliens, even if they do somehow exist?

What about other governments of the world, or is it a world conspiracy?

What reason do they have to hide them?

Don't you think there would be conclusive proof by now if we've been looking for them for over 60 years?

Do you -really- think that the government could cover this up so effectively if it's apparently as easy as taking a video camera and setting it up to get footage of a UFO?

Boy, this feels so familiar. Repeating my questions over and over again because they keep getting ignored so that I can be called an idiot, moron, lemming, twit, and be warned of the "end of the world" time and time again.

Our legal system sends people to prison on far less testimonials.

Thank you for the Red Herring. Now please, address the above.
5,129 posts

Edgar Mitchell

if you would just have made a small search on his name whit GOOGLE.
the very 1st link is a interview whit Edgar Mitchell about this topic.
i will post the opening words of Edgar Mitchell here.

Edgar Mitchell) Jack, et al: The Washington Times (story) on UFO disclosure mentions my name as a witness for the Disclosure Project -- which I am not ...and have not been.

James Corso

the same we can do whit James Corso, just GOOGLE it and read the background.
we take the 2nd link now since the 1st seems to be broken atm.

to bad he died. but his son published the exact notes of what his father wrote down in the pentagon (wich has never been released in the usa (english) befor.
i will post the starting words he said on the release event here.

I had no intentions to put out this book. This one here [holding a book] is all in my dads original handwriting. Part of it is in typing and part of it is in handwriting. What it really [contains] is the original notes. The original notes without Hollywood involved is what the people really wanted. They dont want it edited. But it reads like a textbook, in other words. Its a manual. Well, Dad went through The Day After Roswell and was yellow lining everything that he didnt say and didnt like. He got half way through it and quit because it was impossible. He had almost every page blacked out. This book [The Day After Roswell], my dad was really very upset about it. he did not proofread it

so the people that you think are right just used the names.
if you would make a small attempt to search for what these people say by other sources then just only 1. you are able to find the truth. sticking to youtube as being fact will turn into falls truths and becoming stupid.

your happy now? i actualy went into your facts and came to the same conclusion i already had. and i use the same people to back this up as you do. except i have their own words.
9,462 posts

If they can travel across the universe, and are immune to artillery fire, why are they crashing?

This one is actually covered in the video. It's apparently due to them flying too close to powerlines and radio antennae. The claim of course makes little sense when you consider the conditions an interstellar craft would encounter on the way here. It also brings up the issue as to why they would continue to buzz around something they would clearly know could mess their systems up and would by all likely hood could easily detect.

if it was world news how the hell can your government cover it?

Yes something like this would have to be a global conspiracy, this in itself makes such claims highly suspect.

If your high-ranking officials really said what you claim they said, I'm pretty sure we would all know about it.

Yes there are military personnel and astronauts who make such claims. But this is of little consequence without evidence to back up the claims. Pointing to such officials and claiming all the other officials stating the opposite is true is nothing more than an appeal to authority and confirmation bias.

Yeah, because the reject that I am relies more on what I hear in several official news and not on some stupid youtube vid that was made in photoshop.

To be fair I think this video did go through some production value. It was likely one of those tv broadcasts on ufos. You know, like that Ancient Aliens series with this guy in it.
9,462 posts

If you believe rods exist as some unknown lifeform, here is evidence of what we are really looking at.
Rods debunked

This is also an example of how you can present evidence in a video. It's not making us have to take the persons word for it. The claim that rods are nothing more than birds, bugs and what not moving fast across the camera's field of view is being demonstrated to be as such.

12 posts

i just can say it "MAYBE"

44 posts

It depends on your definition of an "alien".

9,462 posts

It depends on your definition of an "alien".

I think it's pretty clear we are talking about extraterrestrial life, "alien" to the planet Earth. Further more the debate has been over whether this life has visited us or not, as such existence in general is considered to be quite likely.
1,031 posts

as such existence in general is considered to be quite likely.

Of course. It's almost delusional to believe that aliens don't exist. The universe is enormous. There has to be at least one planet with intelligent/semi-intelligent life.

My theory is that if there are aliens, they aren't extremely advanced. Since when did we get the notion that aliens are wizards with technology, able to travel light years in advanced spacecrafts?
Personally, I think aliens would be much like us in the Middle Ages, or perhaps earlier.
5,552 posts

My theory is that if there are aliens, they aren't extremely advanced.

If they're able to make it here, they would be extremely more advanced than we are.

Personally, I think aliens would be much like us in the Middle Ages, or perhaps earlier.

You really have no basis for that. Our solar system is relatively young. Further, our "middle ages" period was only a thousand years. By all accounts, if there's life out there, the greater proportion of the universe is older than our little area and 1000 years is like a speck against a planet and would mean that most likely there are far more advanced species most likely.
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