PLEASE NOTE: 1. I do not post game glitches/cheats. 2. Some glitches will be fixed during site updates. 3. FireFox is recommended. If you have an excessive amount of glitches, swith to FireFox. 4. Restarting your browser or refreshing usually fixes it up, but it may occur again. 5. There are many glitches with this site. please do not complain 6. Most glitches happen at the same time, so if you have one look out for more. 7. I have seen more and more glitch posts, this is a improved version from my other one. 8. I have listed them by problem and solution. Similar to the FAQ.
Here is a list i have created of common glitches you will see.
When I went to my profile, I appeared as a gold king!
Problem: This glitch may happen to you sometimes, but quite rarely. It's nothing to worry about, nobody has hacked you and nobody will think you are a hacker. On you profile it doesn't show your amount of AP or anything else. It will only show gold king and a blank armatar.
Solution: It is only temporarily and nobody will see it. Just refresh the page and forget about it.
Why does it say �� or somthing like that?
Problem: This happens usually when you bring something from another source. Like a word processor or another website. The messenger can't process these symbols and will appear like this:��.
Solution: Symbols that cannot be used in the messenger or forum can be put in your about. Try not to use certain symbols in the forums or the messenger.
When I post a comment, it very messed up. Another post comes out or nothing at all. Sometimes it bring me to an empty page with a comment on it!
Problem: What may happen is that: your comment repeats the one before yours, or when you press submit, a blank comment comes out. You may also comment and it bring you to a blank page with only your comment in it. Even a new comment might come up!
Solution: If a blank comment comes out or it repeats the last one, wait 30 seconds. The 30 second rule applies for comments as well as the forums. If it brings you to a seperate page with only you comment on it, i don't know what is happening, but its not a major problem. Also when you type in a comment a new one comes up because that is a comment after yours. Yours is still there, but hidden under the new one. You can see it if you refresh the page.
When I went to the community, all the sections said "38 years ago by______"
Problem: Sometimes in the community, you will see this error pop-up.
Solution: This is nothing to worry about, just refresh and it will be back to normal!
When I try to bold somthing or italicise it, it doesn't work!
Problem: Its not a glitch or anything else, your doing it wrong.
Solution: You need to press the bold or italicise button twice. Once before you type and once after. Or you can highlight what you want and press the button.
I'm getting these 404 error messages, what's wrong?
Problem: 404 messages usually occur when that page is deleted or sometimes it happens randomly.
Solution: Refresh the page about 20 or so times. If it is still there, then the page you are on is deleted. If you an another person's profile, that person has been banned.
Hey!I lost some armorpoints!
Problem: This isn't a glitch.
Solution: Something you did for points was deleted. Most likely your spam was deleted.
Things are missing from this page!
Problem: Once in awhile things might be missing from the page, like a big chunk of information with a blank spot, or jsut images.
Solution: This stuff usually is related to your browser. Images may be blocked because of adblocker. Refresh, restart your browser, or switch browsers.
I clicked to rate a game, but it just sent me back to the hompage. Why?
Problem: This happens a lot for an unknown reason. When you go back to your game, it is unrated. It may happen more than once in a row.
Solution: Restart your browser. It always works.
Why does the blue backround keep flahing, it is so annoying!
Problem: This happens for some reason. The blue usually flahes and makes the advertisements keep flashing. This is related to certain MYSQL errors.
Solution: Restart your browser and it will be back to normal.
Why is there so much lag! After the page is done loading, the images are missing!
Problem: This is related to your browser. It may happen once in awhile, and make take several minutes jsut to load one page. After the page is done loading, the images might be missing.
Solution: The main solution is to switch to FireFox. If you do not want to switch to firefox, refresh the page everytime it happens.
Thats all the usual glitches around here, remember, glitches are only temporary and will be fixed!
Really cool some of the glitches on this forum I haven't encountered.
I think it's because some glitches only occur on certain browsers. I agree with Plokkey, use Firefox. Firefox is currently the second fastest browser (after Google Chrome, which I highly recommend you don't use). It's also the safest in both security and errors. Usually, if you encounter a bug, its happened to other people too. The next update will solve the problem 99% of the time, unless it's a really, really, really rare bug or glitch.
@Plokkey: Dude, well done on this post! It even got stickied, probably one of the greatest achievements a normal user can achieve. I think it's pretty useful, although I must admit it isn't very useful for me, because I haven't encountered any of these problems.
Dont want to seem like a jerk or anything but a found a couple spelling mistakes that might want to be fixed, nothing much but itll look nicer.
The thread has still managed to be stickied. Plus, I think that when you write a long post like Plokkey did, you tend to miss spelling mistakes. Anyway, the spelling and grammar mistakes are minor, so you can still read it with ease.
i don't think there's many glitches except if a ton of people talk at the same time it makes it impossible to read what they said. (on the forums)
Sending text through Armorgames doesn't require a lot of server space. If you estimate that this text I've written here is about 4 KB, and the server can send and receive a minor amount of 5 GB, it would be able to manage the forum with ease. I think it's when loads of people play games, like Sonny 2, which you may have noticed slowed the site down for a week after a release.
well actually noticed that the monthly leader board is always glitched
No one can prove this statement except maybe the administrators. And this statement too:
How so? It is based on monthly averages.
How do you know this? I mean, I've read a lot of theories about how the monthly leader board works, but I don't think I've ever seen an administrator agree with them.
I think not: I losed my similar thread on this that was stickied because the glitches on Armorgames have reached an all time low(Which is very good). Optimization is either finished or almost finished, as many glitches have disappeared or become exceedingly rare.
This thread is very old. I suggest you post in the current index of glitches, which is here. It was closed at my request, but is basically up to date, unlike this thread, which is over a year old. It answers some simple questions, but some problems do not occur anymore or new ones have risen.
Also, reviving lost-to-the-ages threads is not a good idea. It's called necroposting (I think) and is basically a sort of spam.
Let's try using this thread again for listing out all glitches. If needed, I will sticky it. I am trying to get each forum section organized and clean. This is going to be the trial run.
Bout time lol. Maybe now people won't post them all over the place. NO, these glitches on a web site do NOT go under the Flash Games section! How many times must I tell you... /ramble