I wouldn't call soccer a girly sport at all, no sport is girly, a sum of girls play soccer yes, but so do men. I really don't like soccer. But still, it's not a girly sport, like everything, nothing is a girly sport.
The average soccer player runs over 5 miles a game. There are no time outs or extended breaks (except half time). Most American sports have long time outs and breaks when a foul/penalty is called all throughout the game. In soccer, when a foul is called, the game continues quickly. There are no time-outs. It is constant action and an endurance match. Whoever calls the game girly obviously never played it.
Many people stereotype genders for attributes. Boys to be tougher than Girls. I find this preposterous. I myself, a male, will not become immature and say whether a game is specified for a gender. Females, like Males, can be tough, intelligent, etc. Now, lets replace "girly" with tough. Is Soccer a tough sport? Yes, it is. You need to run all over a huge patch of grass, crash into other players, strain yourself for a lucky kick, and god knows what all over the place to get 1 point pass the goalie. Please. Making gender based stereotypes may offend many people.
WildStriker404: Hmmm, I'm assuming your either better than them or a girl. Please, do not post something generalized to a group of people because one team is bad in your opinion.
Check my profile; I'm American. Also, assumptions tend to be wrong. My statement had nothing to do with our national team; I hope they play well in Beijing, in fact.
So I've noticed. That's why I prefer it to most American sports.
What most Americans dont undersatnd is that apart form in the USA football or 'soccer' as you call it is the working class sport of the world. It is played by the hardest people around (to all rugby players, you're not hard just fat and stupid). I play for a Sunday league team and every week there are fights on the pitch. So to people who think its a girls sport go anywhere in the world with real football fans ie uk south america ppeople are shot dead at matches. How can a sport that provokes so much passion be a girls sport. Also it produces some horrific injuries eduardo for example so before u dumb americans slagg of 'soccer' just remember it's only in ur country that only white private skl middle class people play it
exactly like i said before how can a sport that evokes such passion and violence. My dad remembers when all british teams were banned from europe because of fan violence
soccer is definitely not a girly sport... i dont watch a whole lot of sports.. but what other sport does a World Championship? World Cup... greatest thing ever.. besides if you saw the UEFA championship this year AWESOME!!