Personaly, I like soccer but all my buds on my baseball team say it's a girl sport.
wel im a spurs fan but wanted united 2 win. Anelkas penalty was shite aswel and so was Ronaldos
i dont watch a whole lot of soccer definitely don't watch US soccer... but i like man u
Why would you think Soccer is a girly sport that's just stupid
kl man manu are such a global brand and i dont blame u for watching mls soccer its shite and i agree wiv mac_mk
Everyone has a different style playing other sports so if you don't like soccer play something that you like and good at
David Beckham? Is he girly? NO WAY!
Yea I think that should answer the topic.
soccer is great... 45 minutes straight.. 15 commercial break, 45 minutes straight.. none of this crap with commercials every 12 minutes...
Soccer is a old game and there's billions of people who like it and play it
plus soccer is played ALL over the world...
It IS a sport...but yeah, its kinda girly.
cchsviking don't watch it then and its not for you anyway
Socker is not all that girly, to demonstrate i shall now sighn you up for netball And in my opinion how is baseball manly? You cant tackle anyone without getting in trouble...
lol yea that's true at least in soccer you can get some punches at someone
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