Got knocked out once. This idiot tried to shoot, ball went left, My knee didnt' protect me fast enough. It hit me straight on the spot (Get it?). I swear, I woke up 30 min earlier. Hurt. >.<
Also, Girls do play soccer, heck, its fun.
Also, just to add... Most people think soccer is kicking a ball up and down a field. If that required NO skill, than how come people would needa train? It doesn't make sense to me, besides strategy and physical fitness, throwing and rare kicking I find no skill behind football compared to just a TON of footwork skill in Soccer. The game is fun, My feet get sore.. and I got no complaints. ^^ [Half the time, if we lose, I'mma be pissed waiting for the rematch. XD]
What's a Manly sport then? Does it have to be dangerous? Like 'you-have-a-small-chance-that-you could-get-injured-for-life' sport? I'd call that a moron sport. It's stupid putting your health in danger for a game.
I know a dude who has like 10 girls hitting on him at a time and he plays soccer. Theres no such thing as a girly sport, except maybe volleyball but i just say that coz i suck at it ^__^
If it was a girly sports girls would be like Ou I broke a nail.Its not a girly sport because I dont think there is any professional girl soccer players.Yea so pretty much its not a girly sport.It can be very brutal.
i played soccer for 6 years and got two broken bones. id like to see people got kicked in the knee cap have it shattered and think that its still a girls sport
wow if you thing "soccer", which is actually football, is girly then you need to rent the movie "GREEN STREET HOOLIGANS". this movie made me like soccer again. wow what a passionate, in your face sport. the only reason why people think that it's girly is because all the guys on your local school team are a bunch of prissy wanna jocks that cry about everything. to those people i say "GET OUT OF THIS SPORT, YOU DON'T BELONG IN IT! GO PLAY TENNIS OR SOMETHING!"