it only looks girly when ppl that play tougher sports like me who play AFL (Aussie rules) NFL or rugby watch and see how the players fake being harmed by the opposition by such as a slide tackle. the worst i've seen is when two guys go up for a header. the guy makes contact with the ball with his head and follows through just... n i mean just touching the other player's head n he goes down being a drama queen
It is definately not a Canadian sport. Some pros are drama queens, but when you have 17-19 year old guys who's second sport is playing not so girly then now is it?
its only girly if your bad at it. i once played soccer and i was really good i scored half of the teams goals that year. but everyother player on the team wifed everytime they tried to kick it. In no way was i girly, it took a lot of athletic ability to do what i was doing, not what they were doing tho.
its not a girly sport its just that some of the people who play it are girly, not all.
At least we don't have football jocks saying that any American sport is better than soccer. I am (Not to brag) an A-Teamer. (The teams are ranked in skill from A-D) I usually make the A-Team or B-team each year. My profile has the link to my soccer club. If the website says girls soccer club, Its wrong. My club recently added a boys soccer program to match the other clubs in my area. My head-coach's name is Mike Lawrence. My other coach's name is Dave.
I don't like baseball at all. I don't like football at all. I actually like rugby a lot.
Since we're on the topic of American sports why is American football called football? You barely kick the ball! Also how in the world can one consider baseball entertaining?
Since we're on the topic of American sports why is American football called football? You barely kick the ball! Also how in the world can one consider baseball entertaining?
American football is called football because we're weird like that, ya know? Among other things, of course. FOR EXAMPLE, our language! Some things it just lets you decide on (judgement vs. judgment), and others are strict in the most inconvenient of cases (insert example here).
Also, a lot of people like baseball. I can't imagine why, but apparently, these guys think they have a reason.
Football is THE. SPORT. it is the ultimate mix of every aspect of fitness put together into one breath-taking and nation uniting game. Speed, tactics, control, power and teamwork. No other sport can put these together as well as football can. Football is the greatest and most enjoyable sport on Earth. One can play it using ANY object. Give me a tin can and a dirty old street and I can play for hours if I have to.
Since we're on the topic of American sports why is American football called football? You barely kick the ball! Also how in the world can one consider baseball entertaining?
The same could be said for any sport. Why watch soccer, as it is nothing but twenty-two men walking across a lawn, waiting for the ball to come to them, at which point they run towards the goal to be promptly slide tackled. Why watch American football, as it is nothing but a bunch of guys throwing a ball around and tackling each other, at which point they walk back into a huddle for thirty seconds. Why watch hockey, as it is nothing but a bunch of skaters trying to shoot a rubber disc into a goal. What I am saying is that many different people have many different opinions, and sometimes we just cannot see eye to eye with them.