But really, soccer is a tough sport. It requires a lot of stamana, just because it only requires you to wear shin guards thin is that the Dangers of Soccer isn't very life treatening like football. The only real dangerous situation I can think of is if you fall and about a dozen idiots step on you with cleets.
Akward, summoning up a post from a long time ago. But to be honest, I was sitting down once on the sides of the field, and my stupid teammate smashed his cleet on my hand. It freakin hurt >.<
Also, in soccer, alot of people cheat. I've been elbowed a few times myself, as long as the ref. isn't watching I could just as well trip someone if I wanted. [I don't though, unless its by accident, then all I can do is keep playing and laf xP]
its a very good sport, its not girly, i know a guy for when the ball goes out of bounds, dose a front flip to through it! plus, you can KICK people, and no one gets angry! i played soccer and hockey for all my schools (not collage) and its very fun
Im not that into sports (Great at football but it bores me nonetheless) but i do think that soccer is a bit girly, but that may just have been my experience, seeing as everyone in soccer is either a short and/or girly guy, or a very hot chick... just my experience in the matter.
Soccer is not a girly sport, unless you play like a girl that is. Thanks to soccer i got big bruse in the (place a guy never wants to have a bruse). I'd rather it be my stomach!
Ok we have come to an agreement lets stop posting. Soccers not girly, sports in general are unisexual.
I have an interesting fact here: Did you know that in the Olympic games of the Greeks and Romans no woman was allowed to participate? In order to make sure no woman was impersonating a man, all the men had to do the games naked.
my grandpa was in the hungarian national socer team, one of the best in his entire country...and i couldnt kick that ball rite if my life depended on it. but yea, its not girly. lotsa people break bones an stuff in soccer