soccer takes more fitness than most sports out there. running agility flexibility have to be at there best and these are just some reasons why it isn't girly
i think soccer is a boy sport. cause girls are to wimpy and dont like to get dirty and in soccer i got hit in the nuts and fell face first into the grass.(why did i have to tell you that?)
i dont think it is especially when playing against the biggest kids in my high school (no rule version) ow! but i dont think you should care what people call your sport as long as you are enjoying yourself its a good sport
Soccer is not any gender sport, it's tough and hard for anyone, and being girly is not that bad. I know some girls who are better than all the boys I know, so it doesn't even matter if it's a "girly" sport.
Soccer is awesome, man! Don't mind your friends, and I agree with Carle, David Beckham he is one heck of a man! Soccer is one of the violent sports I've ever played in my life! And it is one of the sports that gave me serious injuries! And hey, some girls in our school doesn't appreciate Soccer much because of their stupid complains about UV rays, mud, etc.! It really hurts to hear you people saying playing Soccer is for girls.
P.S. One of my serious injuries in Soccer is getting my nose broken. I got hit in the face too hard. (I'm Goal Keeper.) I hope this would teach them a lesson.
Seriously Nicksta? have you ever even played soccer? If you have you should relize that it is a very difficult and dangerous sport. You are out their with no padding or anything, just shinguards, a shirt, shorts and some shoes. It hurts like heck when you get hurt. You have a high risk factor for injury(Bratt sucks about your nose)I've been to the hospital a few times becuase of injurys from the sport. Its not even close to a girly sport.