I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
JRR tolken came up with the idea of orcs in the beginning as apart of his master plan to introduce to the world how fantasy books should be written. the word is derived from Old English orc "demon", but only because of its phonetic suitability did he choose to keep the usage of "orc" which is then coined as word describing fantasy monsters of green skin and affinity towards brutality.
War, famine, parasites, and general poverty... Yep. Looks like footprints of some all loving god alright...
JRR tolken came up with the idea of orcs in the beginning as apart of his master plan to introduce to the world how fantasy books should be written. the word is derived from Old English orc "demon", but only because of its phonetic suitability did he choose to keep the usage of "orc" which is then coined as word describing fantasy monsters of green skin and affinity towards brutality.
Yes, but if anyone believed it, it would be classified in the NONFICTION section as a religion. Lets say I believe there are orcs in my back yard. Now its non-fiction.
And the other way, the Bible was written by different desert-dwellers that needed answers and couldn't find them.
Lets say I believe there are orcs in my back yard. Now its non-fiction.
just because you believe something that has actual proof it doesnt exist doesnt mean it is nonfiction. just means you are crazy. and your previous arguments are invalid.
And the other way, the Bible was written by different desert-dwellers that needed answers and couldn't find them.
yea but what proof do you have that they are written by desert dwellers. what is the evidence of that.
just because you believe something that has actual proof it doesnt exist doesnt mean it is nonfiction. just means you are crazy. and your previous arguments are invalid.
Yes, actually it does. Religion books are non-fiction. If I make orcs in my back yard a religion, then it is no longer a fiction book but a nonfiction book.
yea but what proof do you have that they are written by desert dwellers. what is the evidence of that.
How about the fact that it takes place in the desert, it admits to having desert dwellers wright it, and that everything was found in the desert?
How about the fact that it takes place in the desert, it admits to having desert dwellers wright it, and that everything was found in the desert?
anybody could have written it and said, oh hey. desert dwellers wrote it.
If I make orcs in my back yard a religion, then it is no longer a fiction book but a nonfiction book.
no, it has to be recognized as a religion by the public. your orcs in your backyard. no one believes it.
like I said, maybe if you come back in a few years with some evidence to back up what you write. MAYBE it will be a debate. but as of now you have nothing.
anybody could have written it and said, oh hey. desert dwellers wrote it.
True, but why would they?
o, it has to be recognized as a religion by the public. your orcs in your backyard. no one believes it.
It might take a few years, but it is possible to get it set as a religion.
like I said, maybe if you come back in a few years with some evidence to back up what you write. MAYBE it will be a debate. but as of now you have nothing.
just because you believe something that has actual proof it doesnt exist doesnt mean it is nonfiction.
Now apply that same argument to religion. It is just as applicable when debating religion as when debating the existence of orcs. And honestly, I'm more inclined to believe that we will find orcs in the fossil record than we will find proof of a god...
Now apply that same argument to religion. It is just as applicable when debating religion as when debating the existence of orcs. And honestly, I'm more inclined to believe that we will find orcs in the fossil record than we will find proof of a god...
well derp. anything that doesnt exist now aka you can't find it at this exact moment is pretty much metaphysical and lives in your imagination. something like orcs is easier to disprove because it is a known fact they were made up. where as an entity like god which is already metaphysical and ethereal is harder to disprove if anything because of his said "omnipotence" plus with a couple thousand years of history the words passed down through mouth are misinterpreted.
there is little to no proof there is a god, and by extention there is little to no proof there isnt a god. some people believe luck to be a manifestation of god? but it's just chance.
Orcs would be physical beings and thus their existence would be able to be proved or not. If numbers said that there was an orc camp in his backyard I could get his adress and physically check for these orcs. God is a metaphysical being therefore you cannot prove or disprove his existance by physical means. The analogy doesnt work as you're comparing apples to oranges.
It should be just as apparent as it always was. There are no orc footprints or god footprints, its reasonable to assume they both don't exist.
Here's the problem with that logic. You say that, because orcs aren't real then God musn't be real, for they leave the same amount of evidence. However, millions of people believe there is evidence of God all around us. Now, before you tell me "okay, then this tree is evidence of orcs, they must exist", I advise you create a religion, preferrably the largest in the universe, before you assert such claims.