I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
Here's the problem with that logic. You say that, because orcs aren't real then God musn't be real, for they leave the same amount of evidence. However, millions of people believe there is evidence of God all around us. Now, before you tell me "okay, then this tree is evidence of orcs, they must exist", I advise you create a religion, preferrably the largest in the universe, before you assert such claims.
The orcs didn't make the tree. The Might Union did. Prove he didn't.
What, 314d1, is the Might Union? I might as well ask, since that comment, like most of your statements, has nothing to do with what I said.
The Might Union is a giant Union that created the earth. It involves the Giant Onion, whose layers are the mold for life. His layers outer layer even created the earth. His gift was the Onion, as well as life. It is so great you cry when you prepare to enjoy it.
The next member is the Cat, who cuts the layers into there form. He also gave them attributes to survive in there aria, and is responsible for what the foolish call evolution, as he is great enemies with the element god, Popo. His gift is every attribute for survival.
Popo is a huge peace of popcorn that we see as clouds. His children are the smaller clouds that also help regulate the weather. He is quick to anger, causing natural disasters. The seasons change because he is trying to kill life to anger the Cat. He is forced to leave the middle of the earth alone by the leader of the union.
The leader of the union is a huge amorphous blob we human see as the universe. Every planet is inside of him and he is ever expanding. He is the father of all gods who lays down the law.
If you can't prove or disprove something, then it can not be said to exist until proven.
If you can't prove or disprove something, then it is said to exist until disproven.
If you look at the above, you see one argument that atheists often make, and another that theists often make.
The atheist argument is backed up by adopted rules used in science. If you can't prove its existence, then you can not claim its existence as fact.
The latter argument, the theist/agnostic argument, can not be used by scientific standard.
However, if god exists in a way in which he can not be proven, then it is impossible to know for sure if he exists because he will not let himself be known. It is, however, possible to know he does not exist according to our perception through use of our own senses.
That being said, you can't justify God's existence because he can not be disproven, because lack of evidence is proof enough that it should not be accepted as fact until proof is found.
If you believe in God, then the only justification to believe in him is faith. Faith is not enough to prove God exists, but it is enough of a reason to believe in God, because faith can't be argued with much ease.
Sure, there are many "coincidences", but you can only use coincidences to back up your faith. You can't use these "coincidences" to argue God's existence.
God is a metaphysical being therefore you cannot prove or disprove his existance by physical means.
Therefore we must accept that he does not scientifically exist. You can believe in him, but you can't put God over science as of yet.
Sure thing, although I don't enjoy repeatig myself. If this "might union" was real, wouldn't more people be aware of it? Even if you got this off of some God hate site, I highly doubt something an educated upper-class 15 year old has has never heard of created the earth.
Are there any sacred writings on this? Or do they takethe first five books of the spaghetti monster bible and call it the Cat'ran? You have provided me with no backround of this might union, you have not outline details of their beginning or issued any proof of their existance. From these observations, I could if I wished assert your lack of passion for this might union is an apparent sign of their non-existance.
Are there any sacred writings on this? Or do they takethe first five books of the spaghetti monster bible and call it the Cat'ran? You have provided me with no backround of this might union, you have not outline details of their beginning or issued any proof of their existance. From these observations, I could if I wished assert your lack of passion for this might union is an apparent sign of their non-existance.
Then we shall write books about this union. We shall build homes of worship. We shall make everyone aware of the union. In one or two thousand years, everyone shall worship this union. All your requirements will be met. You will have writings, you will have time, you will have people believing. These are all the reasons some people believe in God today, which is good enough reason in my opinion to believe, but these are not reasons that prove God actually exist, only that he might exist. If he "might" exist, then we can not accept him as fact when it comes to science.
You have every right to spread the word of God, as well as atheists have every right to spread the word of loopholes and contradictions within the realm of religion.
That's completely from an atheist standpoint however; if you're a theist you cannot consider God to be an "unnecessary value", but as some could see a completely necessary one, considering
It's from a rational stand point. It's only because of a theistic bias, the theist will see God as a necessity as much as an alcoholic will see needing a drink as one.
Orcs would be physical beings and thus their existence would be able to be proved or not. If numbers said that there was an orc camp in his backyard I could get his adress and physically check for these orcs. God is a metaphysical being therefore you cannot prove or disprove his existance by physical means. The analogy doesnt work as you're comparing apples to oranges.
If God has effected this universe in a physical way then we can check for that.
On comparing God to orcs, how about magic pixies. pixies are often regarded as metaphysical beings in folklore. So what if I were to say there were magic pixies in my backyard? Since they are metaphysical beings you say we can't test for them, if you apply the same rules you do to God being metaphysical then you must believe they to exist.
If God has effected this universe in a physical way then we can check for that.
âMiracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.â -C.S. Lewis
I can't help you if you cannot recognize it.
So what if I were to say there were magic pixies in my backyard? Since they are metaphysical beings you say we can't test for them, if you apply the same rules you do to God being metaphysical then you must believe they to exist.
Can the pixies be directly identified using the five senses? If so then the analogy is, again, moot.
Sure thing, although I don't enjoy repeatig myself. If this "might union" was real, wouldn't more people be aware of it? Even if you got this off of some God hate site, I highly doubt something an educated upper-class 15 year old has has never heard of created the earth.
The Might Union, its upper case, does not need to flaunt it's existence. It does not require warship, and has no reason to show itself.
Are there any sacred writings on this? Or do they takethe first five books of the spaghetti monster bible and call it the Cat'ran? You have provided me with no backround of this might union, you have not outline details of their beginning or issued any proof of their existance. From these observations, I could if I wished assert your lack of passion for this might union is an apparent sign of their non-existance.
They do have there sacred righting, for your information, it is called the Might. It has a dozen books with hundreds of pages gathered from people who speak with the universe.
Why can't we work together? Atheist all you have to do is agree that god created the big bang, and christains will except that we evolved from apes. This way until one of us can prove thee other wrong we can both agree on what we have, faith in GOD and faith in Scientific theroies, for a theroy is not fact, so by beliving entierly in it you have faith, just like christians do. So lets just agree on that, how about it?
This is a common misconception among those who don't fully understand what a "scientific theory" is. A theory is an explanation of something that occurs in the natural world and is composed of laws and facts. Science calls these groups of laws and facts "scientific theories" because scientists admit that no matter how much evidence we have regarding something, or how many facts and laws we know, we will never be able to explain anything 100%.
[quote]This is a common misconception among those who don't fully understand what a "scientific theory" is. A theory is an explanation of something that occurs in the natural world and is composed of laws and facts. Science calls these groups of laws and facts "scientific theories" because scientists admit that no matter how much evidence we have regarding something, or how many facts and laws we know, we will never be able to explain anything 100%.
[/quote] Soo.... if it is a theory it is not a fact, there could be supporting facts but not enough to 100% prove it meaning it is not a fact, All you did was say what a theory is, that doesn't mean anything bec. by your def. it still isn't a fact.
My point is that the big bang theory has enough accompanying fact for me to be able to reject the idea of an immovable mover [god(s)] creating the universe simply because it felt like it.
My point is that the big bang theory has enough accompanying fact for me to be able to reject the idea of an immovable mover [god(s)] creating the universe simply because it felt like it.