ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
753 posts

Lack of faith? After they just massacred several armies without losing a man, or at least without mention of loosing a man? Stop trying to make excuses for the Bible. It says no were in the Bible that it was because of his lack of faith. You are just making excuses for the Bible. Now could you please find a verse as I have?

There is really no use for a facepalm. Almost seems as if you're trying to direct attention away from you being wrong. Men are weak and unfaithful. Even after they pwned those armies, Judas was still afraid. Simple as that. There is a difference between making excuses for the Bible and saying what it means. As for a verse, Genesis 1 There I found a verse. Be more specific.
3,817 posts

Dude, stop assuming that God would do all of the fighting for someone, if that was the case, then there would be no wars now.

If there was an all loving god, there would be no wars in the first place. If this god was omnipotent, then we would be perfect.

Besides, what I remember from the Bible is that God aided with morale, not the meteors and earthquakes that people first think of.

Now we are getting to the how you interpenetrate it stuff. It says "God was with him" that could mean he was literally down there with a sword fighting or it could mean that he filled him with moral or even super strength, as in the case of Samuel.

Maybe you're the one with the closed mind here? You seem so intent on proving what cannot be proven, and what is illogical this time: that an omnipotent being can be stopped with small advances in metallurgy.

Probably a little bit, you know I don't believe in god or I would be attempting this at this moment. There have been many instances were the Christian god does not seem omnipotent or omniscient, such as when he wrestled and lost, being held down for a good amount of time, or when he asked questions.
3,817 posts

There is really no use for a facepalm. Almost seems as if you're trying to direct attention away from you being wrong. Men are weak and unfaithful. Even after they pwned those armies, Judas was still afraid. Simple as that. There is a difference between making excuses for the Bible and saying what it means. As for a verse, Genesis 1 There I found a verse. Be more specific.

I am not wrong. And hahaha. Now find a verse that says they did not get past the iron chariots, even though it says they didn't get past "for they had chariots of iron", because of human error.
9,462 posts

What if I don't care whether you believe it or not, and sure as hell don't care what you have to say about it?

Then what are you doing on this thread in the first place?

There is a difference between making excuses for the Bible and saying what it means.

All you have done is made a claim with nothing, not even the Bible backing it up.
676 posts

If there was an all loving god, there would be no wars in the first place. If this god was omnipotent, then we would be perfect.

there's a difference between loving and being a pushover. Also, we are perfect in God's image. We are not perfect in our own humanly image though.
9,821 posts

Also, we are perfect in God's image. We are not perfect in our own humanly image though.

Our own image is god's image. So we are perfect >_>

Or was your wording just confusing?
4,005 posts

The bible states that God created man in his image.

Nowhere does it say we have a "humanly image".

Now using this reasoning we can come up with a couple of options.

1. Either the bible is right, God made us in his image, and we are perfect beings.

2. Or the bible is right, God made us in his image and we are imperfect, therefor God is imperfect.

3. The bible is wrong and God didn't make us in his image at all.

4. The bible is wrong and God didn't make us.

9,462 posts

You know God being perfect, all powerful and some really hurts God's credibility.

It really does make more sense that God is not a perfect, all powerful, all knowing being.

God Is Too Powerful

676 posts

Excuse my suckiness at wording. If there was some threads debating mathematics I would be all over that! Hurray for transitive theorem! :P

back to seriousiness.
Let me try one more time.
We are perfect in God's eyes. It's what we do that imperfect. Hate the action, not the person. Does that make more sense?

4,005 posts

We are perfect in God's eyes. It's what we do that imperfect. Hate the action, not the person. Does that make more sense?

In a sense. However this still points at the either powerlessness or malevolent nature of God.

If you despise the actions of your children you do everything in your power to rectify that behavior. You make it clear and obvious that what they are doing is wrong, and show them how to make it right. And if you can't do that you don't damn them to an eternity of suffering for your failures as a parent.

And before you say the bible is god's way of telling us we are wrong, don't give me that. The bible was written only 2000 years ago. That's a drop in the ocean of time that man has been around, and if we have been sinning since our inception, why would God wait thousands and thousands of years before helping his children? And I'm sorry, but a vague book full of analogies and metaphors is not a clear and concise instruction manual of how we are to act. And if the Bible is God's word to us, then we must accept every other religious text as his word as well. Each provides the same evidence for it's importance and legitimacy.

So either:
1. God doesn't care what we do and won't punish us for it
2. God cares, but not enough to intervene to stop us
3. God derives some satisfaction from punishing us, hence his allowing our sins to run rampant with no intervention on his behalf to show us the error of our ways
4. Or there simply is no God.
676 posts

Of your choices, number is probably the closest. Besides the not caring enough. We also have free will so forcing to stay in line kinda eliminates free will. If God were to force us to be good, I would consider him a tyrant.
His intervention is through other people like the saints and Jesus, giving us an example of what we should live like, but it's not just those people, any normal person can too.

If you really are serious about wanting to know all the why's of the church other stuff, I'd talk to a priest. I know the priest at parish would love to talk to anyone about faith. I found these forums are fun when you're just happy. For reason I'm happy today , probably cuz drivers ed is finally over ! FREEDOM!

4,005 posts

Of your choices, number is probably the closest. Besides the not caring enough. We also have free will so forcing to stay in line kinda eliminates free will. If God were to force us to be good, I would consider him a tyrant.

Well if he doesn't care, then there isn't punishment. If he does care then he either gets off on punishing us, or lacks the capability to sway us away from sin. As a parent I can tell you that if I knew my children were going to suffer for eternity for their actions I would do a heck of a lot more than write them a book. And I would not rest until I found a way to stop their suffering. So either God is a crappy parent, or he lacks the ability to keep us from suffering. Either way contradicts the Judeo-Christian ideals of God.

If you really are serious about wanting to know all the why's of the church other stuff, I'd talk to a priest.

Actually my uncle is a Methodist Pastor, I have an aunt who is a nun, and another uncle who is a Monseigneur and has a Phd. in Theology. Most of my family is actually quite religious. I was encouraged from a very early age to study religions, hence my conclusion that they are based entirely on fiction.

That being said I would love nothing more than to know that heaven is real and there is a loving God who my family is going to see when they die. I just happen to be one of those who chooses reason and logic over faith.
676 posts

Someone, give me a facepalm, I epicly failed. I forgot to say the number. Number 2 was what I meant to say. Which totally messed up every else, probably.

4,005 posts

Didn't mess me up. I understood what you were replying to. The failure is that not only is it vague, not at all concise, and completely open to interpretation (just like everything else in religion) but by saying that any

normal person can too
is completely fallacious. You say we are all sinners, and as an example of how God wants us to live he gives sinners as example?? Really??

here you go, since you asked for it... literally

3,437 posts

Here's another proposisition from me.

Let us consider that the bible is nothing but propaganda, and let us consider that hypothetically that god encouraged it's writings. If YOU were god wouln't you write it so that you appeared all powerful? What if god is just someone who is the first "being" that came into existence and claimed that he created all else afterward.

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