I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
[quote] The historicity of Jesus Christ. I mean, seriously. Jesus was mentioned historically once outside of the Bible in the general timeframe of his "life", in the Testamentonium Flavium -- one PARAGRAPH! -- and nevereverever while he was supposed to be alive.
Exactly what I would say of most chemical dating methods...[/quote]
Wut? That they weren't mentioned historically, so they weren't accurate? Weird!
My philosophy is that Jesus was a great man and definitely makes the top 5 greatest people (MLK, Gandhi, etc.) but is/was not divine. The main problem is that the entire Christian religion hinges on Jesus' divinity, which makes for a weak belief system. He was a wonderful person, the first philosopher who preached love over death and destruction, but the only source that spoke of his divinity was the Bible, which has been translated hundreds of times from dead language to dead language, so has no logical credibility as a good source for anything but a classic fiction and mythology collection.
I learned ALL about Jesus last year. Supposedly he was the first one to get all crazy about christianity, but with all that attention, that got the romans attention.
and it is impossible for him to have died on the cross
Do you know how long a human lives without water? Malnutrition? At that age of time [Roman] infection and disease where everywhere, it is possible he could've died by infection.
for everyone here who says evolution isn't real, could one of you give me any evidence supporting creationism?
You go to school right? If so, pick up the nearest Biology book. That should hook you up. And obviously you are on the computer, access to internet, and are smart enough to get to ArmorGames. So, look up Creationism!
You go to school right? If so, pick up the nearest Biology book. That should hook you up. And obviously you are on the computer, access to internet, and are smart enough to get to ArmorGames. So, look up Creationism!
But he wants the DEBATERS to support it. Furthermore, if he looks for evidence, he won't find any, considering there is none for creationism. Theorists supporting it, yes; evidence, NO.
I do acknowledge that it is possible for somebody to die on a cross. Considering Jesus had wounds in his hands/sides for three days, maybe he bled to death.
Thisisnotanalt: The problem with no historical evidence for Jesus's DIVINITY is that there wouldn't be any. Godliness is the kind of thing that conveniently doesn't leave evidence. Like there's no evidence, besides Hindu dogma, of Brahman and the others.
Ok this topic has changed a little bit since I posted. First of all, I'd like to ask say something about Jesus Christ dying of disease. Aren't we pretty sure the Romans killed Jesus Christ in some way, even if not by putting him on a cross and letting him bleed to death? Sure he could have gotten a disease through the wounds on his hands/feet if in fact he was put on a cross, which is widely accepted to be true. Like I said earlier I'm agnostic so I'm not taking sides and I'm just going to assume that Jesus Christ was pinned to a cross by the Romans and just leave it at that. I'd also like to make a comment about the bible becoming a collection of fictional and mythological stories or however it was worded earlier. Greek/Roman Mythology which was widely accepted in the time when Greece and Rome were still in power. Of course today it is not accepted to be true, but more of a fictional tale. In thousands of years are we going to begin to claim that Christianity or any religion that you believe in a god/gods is false? Some people are claiming it today like Atheists, but will Atheism become the most common belief and Christianity become the thing people look down on others for believing? Maybe, maybe not. The thing is, we only can truly believe something when we have solid evidence for something, which for something like this is nearly impossible, and even if it is found out that mono/polytheist beliefs are baloney, it will take quite some time. This thread has evolved from a Christianity vs. Atheism debate to a "What do we have evidence for?" debate, or at least in my opinion it has. It still is related to what the topic used to be, but as time has gone on, it has changed, just like as time goes on, beliefs will change. Now before I start to rant too much, I'm going to rap this up. We only believe what we want to believe. Some people believe what they think to be true, then change their minds, unless they're stubborn, when there's evidence against what they believed, and the people who wait to believe something until there's evidence to believe something. And then there's all the people in between. People believe what they want and we can't do anything to change their minds except prove them wrong.
if you guys think he died of disease you guys are way off you need to know that that is totally not true he died as dragonballl05 said on a cross by the romans and actually technically by the people they let out the worst criminal for jesus to die on the cross, they demanded that pontious pilot put jesus to death
and it is impossible for him to have died on the cross Do you know how long a human lives without water? Malnutrition? At that age of time [Roman] infection and disease where everywhere, it is possible he could've died by infection.
Don't take my ideas out of context! you can't just quote a small part part of the sentence and mock it. I said if he was "too" divine (i.e. too god like) he couldn't die as in he would be immortal making death an imposibility.
if you guys think he died of disease you guys are way off
OK, if you want to be a part of a thread, do some background reading on the topic. For I clearly stated it was possible he died by infection. For it is plausible he could've died by infection and or disease, malnutrition/ dehydration, by bleed-out, put-down [execution], or he could've been put out of misery by his followers. Anything could've happened for we just don't know. And with the technology we have today, there is no 100% way to find out.
Don't take my ideas out of context! you can't just quote a small part part of the sentence and mock it. I said if he was "too" divine (i.e. too god like) he couldn't die as in he would be immortal making death an imposibility.
OK, once again, I did that not to prove you wrong or mock you, but to simply state, that he could've died in any way. I was using example. And 'divine' could be a push over. For all I know he was a normal person. How was he 'divine' anyway? Just beause he took christianity to the next level, and boasted that God talked to him? You can't run anything off of that! I just don't see how that could be. For with someone with all that power [God] there must be a superior?! Or even a Mother or a Father? The point is, was he divine? Or was he just some man who wanted to create something to put hope in peoples hearts? A man who wanted people to see the bright side of things, get through hardships.
the fact that people argue over who is the real god proves that the religious concept of god was manufactured. It's like arguing if coca-cola tastes better than Pepsi, there is almost no difference between single-god religions when it comes to the concept of their god. It's kind of silly to argue over which manufactured idea is true and has been around for all time.
the fact that people argue over who is the real god proves that the religious concept of god was manufactured. It's like arguing if coca-cola tastes better than Pepsi, there is almost no difference between single-god religions when it comes to the concept of their god. It's kind of silly to argue over which manufactured idea is true and has been around for all time.
Considering the fact that your entire paragraph is an opinion, and that pepsi is way better than coke your argument falls short. First off people argue over abortion does that mean it doesnt exist?no it simply means people have conflicting views. Second how many single God religion have we argued over...i'm pretty sure atheism has no God.
And 'divine' could be a push over. For all I know [Jesus] was a normal person. How was he 'divine' anyway? Just beause he took christianity to the next level, and boasted that God talked to him? You can't run anything off of that! I just don't see how that could be. For with someone with all that power [God] there must be a superior?! Or even a Mother or a Father? The point is, was he divine? Or was he just some man who wanted to create something to put hope in peoples hearts? A man who wanted people to see the bright side of things, get through hardships.
....if Jesus was just a normal person, Christianity COMPLETELY falls apart. Look at the name of it. It's essentially "Jesus-was-God-ism".
Considering the fact that your entire paragraph is an opinion, and that pepsi is way better than coke your argument falls short. First off people argue over abortion does that mean it doesnt exist?no it simply means people have conflicting views. Second how many single God religion have we argued over...i'm pretty sure atheism has no God.
Soda, pepsi, coke, or otherwise, completely sucks in taste and is horrible for your teeth, just like religion is harmful and makes people fight! HA.
More to the point, the idea is this: Why would God have duped the Jews, and the Muslims, and the Buddhists, if Jesus was the True God? ESPECIALLY the Jews. He spent an entire Testament leading them on if Christianity is true! Half of the Bible!
Andy Parsons sumed it up best 'you dedicate your whole life to something and on your death bed you see 5 Gods (/insert leader of religion) each holding a card. You walk up to your god your happy you made the right choice you don't want to switch and he turns over the card and... "BLUFF" oh you'd be annoyed'
Out of all the religions in the world only one can be right.
Why would God have duped the Jews, and the Muslims, and the Buddhists, if Jesus was the True God? ESPECIALLY the Jews. He spent an entire Testament leading them on if Christianity is true! Half of the Bible!
The Jews just missed it don't blame God on this one, and many of them did convert, only .2% of the world is Jewish, 30-50% is christian. As for the Muslims they have a different profit of savior, their savior is actualy the christians anti-christ and our christ is their anti-christ.
Why would God have duped the Jews, and the Muslims, and the Buddhists, if Jesus was the True God? ESPECIALLY the Jews. He spent an entire Testament leading them on if Christianity is true! Half of the Bible!
The Jews just missed it don't blame God on this one, and many of them did convert, only .2% of the world is Jewish, 30-50% is christian. As for the Muslims they have a different profit (not money profit but im not sure how you spell the other...) and savior, their savior is actualy the christians anti-christ and our christ is their anti-christ.