Science is our 'God' per se. The one whom we believe in.
Science is not an entity
As far as I know Dajjal, it is believed, will rise up and form an army of people he has deceived and fight a war against JESUS and his followers.
We're on Islam now? According to Islamic beliefs, Dajjal is the Anti-Christ talked about in the Bible. In the Quo'ran he is described elaborately but he is well-known for having only one eye, reminds me of Cyclops in Greek Mythology
. The Dajjal will have many god-like powers such as raising the dead, healing, control over weather, ect.
With his powers he will fool the weak-faithed believers into worshipping and following him as their God. This is seen as a test of faith in Islam. Every step he takes moves him 8 km forward (as far as the average human being sees.) Muslims, like many Christians, believe Christ is not dead and will rise again to defeat the Dajjal in the final battle between good and evil.
I'm starting a new religion that worships coca-cola as our lord and savior.
I'm in! You bring up an interesting point, actually, is a pathetic belief like that any different from organized religion? Hey, at least you can see coca-cola, helps the credibility along
What I find annoying is that when people talk about UFOs and aliens, everyone looks at them like they're sick or crazy, but when someone says they believe in an invisible being in the skies who watches everyone's actions ALL THE TIME, they respect their beliefs. In reality, which is more plausable?
90% percent of science is theories, your believeing something that isnt true :P
Where do you get these insane statistics? Don't make claims like that if you don't have proof to back it up.
As for the Muslims they have a different profit of savior, their savior is actualy the christians anti-christ and our christ is their anti-christ.
Whoa! Muslims believe Jesus is a profit, and they praise him as part of their prayers, they respect him and believe that he will come back when the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) arrives, and lead all believers to victory. Since when is Muhammad the Christian Anti-Christ?
Christianity, the religion of peace and love
Christianity is the leading cause of death.
Hey, look throughout history. I made a discovery, people who are victims at one point in history use that as their excuse for EVERY mistake they do in the future. For example, no one blames Christians for the wars they caused because Jesus was crucified by the Jews. No one blames Israel for their assault on Palestinian rights, because of the holocaust. See a pattern emerging?
First Muhammad isn't even their savior incase you missed that
He didn't even say Muhammad was their savior! To the Muslims, Muhammed is simply a messenger, just like Jesus and Moses and many others before them. In Arabic, he is called "Al-Monther" Meaning "The Warner". I know it doesn't make much sense, I'm a terrible translator but the idea is he was sent to "warn" his people (who at the time worshipped statues) of the afterlife, trying to lead them to the right path of love and to heaven.
Noahs arc really isn't that crazy in fact it makes sense
The question is, how does it make sense?
actual christians strive to be like Jesus however were humans were no different from anyone, we just usualy feel worse when we do something wrong.
Jesus was a modest man who wanted his followers to do good. As far as I'm concerned, he failed at his objective, and his followers were no where near good. The way I look at it, Jesus was simply a moral teacher, and if he claimed to be God, then I lost a great deal of respect to him.
Who are you to be speaking for all non-Christians? Atheists and Agnostics are critical thinkers who actually analyze what is put in front of them and make careful decisions, instead of blindly accepting what is taught to them without paying the slightest attention the other side which they are being shielded from, and yet assume that their side is correct and that all others are inferior to them. Of course, this is a generalization and I am not talking about all Christians, just the majority of them.
out of the millions and millions of species in the world, in addition to those which we have not discovered yet, Noah put them all on a boat that was however many cubits tall, and however many cubits wide, and then managed to feed them, maintain their health, and keep them from killing each other for over 40 days and 40 nights?
Don't forget the many different species of every insect and animal, must've been hard for him to gather'em all
anyone can become a ghost after death