ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

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1,044 posts

Science is not an entity

Neither is God ;]

Jesus was a modest man who wanted his followers to do good. As far as I'm concerned, he failed at his objective, and his followers were no where near good. The way I look at it, Jesus was simply a moral teacher, and if he claimed to be God, then I lost a great deal of respect to him.

I agree with you all the way.


Oh yea! The main theory with ghosts is that they are people who died before fullfilling their 'needs' in life. So it is a wanting that drives their soul for more and to live on until they are satisfied.

One Idea to think about though... Science can't make a religion. Science is just modeling the world mathematically. For instance, If I drop a ball one hundred times then I realize gravity exists. But What made gravity is the religious question. It is logically impossible that The rules of Science made themselves. Just as Laws of America need congress to make them. The Laws of Nature need some sort of god to make them.

Well to answer: 'What made gravity'-
Nothing 'made' gravity, for it can't be created, but-

Gravitation is a natural phenomenon by which objects with mass attract one another.

So it is not the ball falling per se, but the attraction between Earth and the ball.
5,838 posts

If that makes sense good, if not just ask me to clarify.

I understand what you mean thanks.
291 posts

Oh yea! The main theory with ghosts is that they are people who died before fullfilling their 'needs' in life. So it is a wanting that drives their soul for more and to live on until they are satisfied.

I choose not to believe in ghosts and the such.

Oh, and gravity is a theory.
945 posts

science isn't made, it is discovered.

55 posts

[Well to answer: 'What made gravity'-
Nothing 'made' gravity, for it can't be created, but-

Gravitation is a natural phenomenon by which objects with mass attract one another.

So it is not the ball falling per se, but the attraction between Earth and the ball. ]

The point of my argument is why does the earth and ball attract each other. Did the ball and earth hold a pow-wow and decide to attraction was the best option. Why don't they repel? Somehow at some point rules were given for nature for nature to follow. I say this has to be done by God.

55 posts

science isn't made, it is discovered

Talo thats my point perfectly. You can only discover something that already exists. Now how did science's laws ( gravity, theory of relativity...) get Created.
320 posts

They are both wrongs in different ways.

Christianity needs to correct some of its stories that are actually made up (such as noahs ark which is actually from ancient history before the greeks) but besides that it could actually be right

Athiests need to learn to keep to themselves and learn that perhaps they ARE wrong. Yeah christianity may be wrong but if it gives people hope and lets them get on with things let them be. Athiests are far worse than any christians I know, they shove it in your face and tell you that you ARE wrong, in every single way. They don't believe in an afterlife even though it would make this life absolutely pointless if we didn't have an afterlife as this life is relatively short.

I'm agnostic I question God but I can argue why certain points of christianity is probably wrong but I sure as hell don't tell people that they are completely wrong and that there is no hope for the future. So atheism needs to shut up and learn to accept everyone else...just like every other religion.

5,838 posts

Second Noahs arc really isn't that crazy in fact it makes sense

This is how it "makes sense" this was collected together by the gods at QI and "the Shape and capacity of Noah's ark" by Johannes Buteo wtitten in 1554.
1. The volume of the arc was 1.5 million cubic feet (about a 1/3 the size of the ALbert Hall).
2. There were likely to be 3 levels: the bottom holding the animals, the middle holding provisions and the top housing humans birds and dogs (who would be pleased to "eat their own vomit" for the duration of the trip). The bottom layer would be kept completly dark because wild animals like the dark and would actively seek it out.
3. There are thought to be 32 millions species in the world ( both discovered and undiscovered) Even at the lowest total estimate of 5 million species (10 million on board) each animal would have 0.15 cubic feet of space each (great for a mouse not so good for a rhino).
4. At an average zoo there are 25 animals per keeper. On the ark there would be 1.25 million animals per person.
5. To feed each of these they would ahve had to feed 115 animals per second.
6. There are 3000 termite species but hte ark was made of wood.
7. At the start there woudl be 200,000 species of fly on board however (if left alone) by the end of the flood there would have been 190 trillion.
8. And lets not forget the many species of plant that would not survive a flood.

So this is how it makes sense. I bet you feel kinda dumb doubting some one who could feed 115 animals a second.

( ow can my sarcasm end yet its starting to hurt my brain.)
291 posts

There are thought to be 32 millions species in the world ( both discovered and undiscovered)

Comedy gold! How do you know the amount of species that are undiscovered?
13,657 posts

Comedy gold! How do you know the amount of species that are undiscovered?

"Thought"? It is not known, it is a speculation.

That is like doing math and concluding there is life elsewhere in the universe, because the chance of us being the only intelligent race is so tiny!
9,821 posts

there's not enough water on the planet to completely flood Earth. There would have to be some freak incident where a huge body of liquid water just collides with Earth if the whole thing were to flood.

5,838 posts

Thanks Cenere. Read the quote it is just an estimate Skyla. I was just writing from the source.
However I am glad I amuse you so.

9,821 posts

pathetic belief like that

Don't be so Anti-Cocacolian! We have feelings too =*(

Praise the Cola. It is the Cola that feeds the child's hydration, the Cola that refreshes the mind. It is the Cola that elevates the senses. It i the Cola that soothes the soul. It is the Cola that supports our economy. It is the Cola that binds our soul to our physical form. It is the Cola and the Cola alone that shelters us from the storm of dehydration and absence of flavor. The Cola sustains, the Cola invigorates, the Cola gives inferior humanity the inspiration to do great things. It is the Cola. It is our savior.

That's the Cocacolian version of the Lord's Prayer

The Cocacolian belief system has an afterlife too. We believe that if you are a sincere Cocacolian and you tithe, that coca-cola won't hurt you. When you die, you awaken again in a bountiful garden of Coca-Cola wonders. Our hell is a Pepsi Factory

we also have a Noah's Ark story. Coca-cola was mad at the world for drinking so much Pepsi, so it caused a rare strain of salmonella to spawn in all of the Pepsi cans. All of the people and other species of animal got salmonella except for Noah, who dutifully drank Coca-Cola every day.

When you enter a Cocacolian church, you have to dip your fingers in Holy Soda. I'm the Cola Pope, so I get a cool hat
4,871 posts

yet christians are the ignorant idiots who are intolerant of every belief but there own...

13,657 posts

there's not enough water on the planet to completely flood Earth. There would have to be some freak incident where a huge body of liquid water just collides with Earth if the whole thing were to flood.

Noah knew only his own world, being a rather small part of the world. Mjor floods have been proved, but no world-flooding ones. But rather big areas where Noah should have lived has been flooded.

Anytime, Pixie.
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