I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
To all of the above, while being 14 may excuse her from some of it, shes actually very smart, but this came up in a conversation, where i asked the same question and she says to me that's because Christianity came first, I haven't pressed it since shes a devout christian and a snobby bitch but i'm just wondering if anyone else follows this view?
Fair enough. I wouldn't be surprised if some people held that view. And I typically don't just flat out tell people what they believe is just plain wrong. But seriously, anyone who does hold this view would be wise not to admit it. It is quite possibly the most incoherent view I've ever heard. It is a rejection of pretty solid evidence in the bible, which as a Christian I would assume you must accept.
Once I asked a devout christian how they could say the earth is so young, when carbon dating, the simple detection of the decay of carbon 14 into nitrogen 14, isotopes that all once living creatures have inside of them could be wrong, he replied, "Well whose to say that god didn't put things in the ground that would appear to be millions or billions of years old?" I suppose that would be possible if god existed in the way he believes, but crap man, i thought he wanted a relationship with people, why in gods name (lol gods name) would he be inclined to place within the earth evidence that is contrary to what he wants people to believe?
My basic point with that spiel is, there is no talking to those people about fact. People can believe in anything, have faith in anything, but it takes something else entirely to accept truth. Although, I do not mean to knock anyone who has this belief system, so long as it is not within their nature to condemn others, and their belief system helps them live a happy life.
I am a christain and I belive that Jesus is the lord of all and that faith and Goodworks will get you to heaven. I belive evolution but God was the cause of all of it
I'm way to lazy to read 14 pages of posts so I'm just going to start posting now. Hopefully no one will really mind.
I believe in God, I believe that he's real. I was raised as a Roman Catholic and Catholicism has shapped who I am today. I'm not really a Catholic anymore but my whole family is and it is the first version of Christianity, in my opinion.
As for atheists, I don't know much about them but I know I'm not one.
I never understand that idea of God testing our faith with stuff like making new things look old.
What do you mean by making new things look old? General testing of faith is so that you believe without seeing. I've seen on many Christian/Atheism forums the argument that the good works of Atheists are better than Christians because they don't do it for some eternal reward. But that's kind of the point of believing without seeing. Those of us who do good works without KNOWING, even if some of us believe, that there is a reward are the ones who will receive it. Maybe that explains it better
It looks like the belief Christinaity is the oldest religion isn;t isolated.
That's simply ridiculous. The Old Testament itself contains numerous examples of religions preceeding Christianity.
Where do you think the stereotypical depiction of God comes from, the old man in a white robe with a big white beard? It was adapted from the Ancient Greek God Zeus by the Christian church in the Middle Ages.
I find it simply stagerring how wrong people can be.
when an "a"or "ab" is added infront of a word, it means the opposite.
Let's not forget in- or un- :P
on the topic of how things on the earth are billions of years old yet people still believe it is a few thousand years old.
Are they billions of years old? Do we know for sure? A billion years is a long ways away and there really isn't much to confirm that belief. Chemical dating methods can't give an accurate reading because the results can't be verified past ancient civilization since there is most likely no written records past then.
It may be true that the earth is billions of years old, but it's also possible that the Earth is thousands of years old. We just don't know for sure since no one was there to keep record of it.
Are they billions of years old? Do we know for sure? A billion years is a long ways away and there really isn't much to confirm that belief. Chemical dating methods can't give an accurate reading because the results can't be verified past ancient civilization since there is most likely no written records past then.
It may be true that the earth is billions of years old, but it's also possible that the Earth is thousands of years old. We just don't know for sure since no one was there to keep record of it.
You don't need a first and accounts to verify results from radiometric dating.