You are the butler of the above person and you are asked to do an impossible task. You have to do it, so tell us how you did it.
Example: P1: Butler! Cut my milk! P2:I freeze it and then cut it with my knife. Butler! Bathe in lava and come out unscathed. P3: I put on a heat suit and bathe in lava. Butler! Go get me a real dinosaur! and so on...
Now let's begin:
Butler! Go fly without using any modes of transport!
I travel trough time, asking Einstein , Da Vinci, Platon how to make one, and at the end i just go to the future and buy one for 1$ from the nearest Perpetual Motion Machine Store 9000.
Now can i try to ruin this game ?
Butler! Don't post, write, say, quote anything in this thread. If you do let it be ignored and only whiteness to remain. And make sure Nothing to exist after this WORD
I do what that guy who was asked to eat the giant icecream did. Go back in time to before you sent that and kill you!!!
Butler!Eat the biggest icecream in the world in 0.000000000001 seconds and no going back in time and killing me and no growth systems or clones and don`t get brainfreeze.
I do it. Cos unless you do what i sayed, you cant continue playing.
Butler! Write something without writing, or any kind of comunication at all, but it must be visible. No empty spaces , because empty space is not visible word. So just write a word, and to be visible, but without writing at all oe doing anything else..
I would rather be sent to the moon, At least then I get to meet the Vashta Nereda (In case you were wondering, Doctor Whooves adventurers, episode 6, I think) Butler! Talk to the Vashta Nerada.