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ForumsForum GamesCount to 100: Games Chat

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The original "This Thread is Currently About" is back! Yes, it's Count to 100!


1. Count by ones from 1 to 100 in 100 consecutive posts according to the Core Rules.
2. Restart the count from 1 after:
a. a Moderator (or an Administrator) makes a stopping post (post without counting) if users and Knights are counting..
b. a user or Knight or Warden makes a stopping post (post without counting) if Moderators and Administrators are counting.
c. breaking a core rule, spamming, or cheating.
d. reaching 100.
3. Announce why you restart the count so other counters don't get confused.
NOTE: For the time being, Moderators are allowed to help Users count, so as long as the other rules are observed you do not need to restart the count if you see a mod count. However, if a Moderator makes a stopping post, i.e. a post without counting (not the same as a non-count post since they're technically different teams), it is considered an interruption and the count will restart.


No mistakes. A count must start from 1 and increase by ones up to 100, save for exceptions noted.
No double-counting. No counter may count two consecutive numbers.
No back-to-back counting. No two counters may alternate for more than three consecutive numbers.
Okay: P1 P2 P1 P3
Not Okay: P1 P2 P1 P2
Okay: P1 P2 reset P1 P2
No editing. No counter may edit their post. If an edit tag shows on a count, the attempt is forfeit.


No "spamming". Please don't post only the number and please don't post gibberish, either.
Multiple one- or two-word counts may also disqualify a count.
No "cheating". This shouldn't need to be said. Counting to 100 doesn't count if you cheat.
This is an exercise in teamwork, not rule bending.
No "spoiling". Don't mess with the count. Posts should start with the correct number.
Posts with no numbers should be ignored. See also: No non-counts.
Posts with intentional mistakes should be ignored.
No "spilping". If this is your first post in this thread, please post "I'm new and here to count to 100!"
No non-counts. No counter may post without a counting number or make a post without bolding that number if that counting number is not at the start of the post.

Please refer to the complete set of rules for additional information and examples of what is valid or invalid.
Please also check out the discussion thread for new gameplay or rule proposals or general discussion on the gameplay and rules of "Count to 100".


Once you reach 100, you start this Sisyphean task all over again back at 1. Users should notify the Commissioner of the Count (HahiHa) that the count reached 100 and the Commissioner will review it to make sure there were no mistakes or cheating. If there were no mistakes or cheating, then the users who took part in the successful count to 100 will get a shiny new Quest!


bold = counted 100, italics = previous winning participant, [#] = # of total wins, (#) = # of times counted 100

Highest Count: 15!
1. 9! - 3865 (2533) pages / 286 days, Feb 13, '15 at 5:49pm, 3 users, 6 minutes.
Gantic, Ferret, weirdlike
Note: Earned by handicap.

2. 14! - 2135 pages / 937 days, Sep 08, '17 at 1:25pm, 3 users, 6 mins.
Moegreche, nichodemus, UnleashedUponMankind
Note: Earned by handicap.

1. 100! - 537 (355) pages / 94 days, Aug 6, '14 at 9:28pm, 16 users, 14 hrs 33 mins.
apldeap123, Azywng, Crickster, Chryosten (as Darkfire45), Darktroop07, evilsweetblock, JACKinbigletters, kalkanadam, Loop_Stratos, MPH_Complexity, Omegap12, Patrick2011, R2D21999, Snag618, Tactical_Fish, Voyage2


50. 100! - February 12, '24, 11 users, 52 days.
sciller45 (5)[17], HalRazor [5], saint_of_gaming [5], JimSlaps (1)[2], TheMostManlyMan (1)[14], Solas128 [3], nichodemus (2)[9], Widestsinger [5], SirLegendary (2)[22], skater_kid_who_pwns, disastermaster30 (3)[5]

51. 100! - March 17, '24, 11 users, 35 days.
JimSlaps (1)[3], sciller45 (5)[18], saint_of_gaming [6], TheMostManlyMan (1)[15], Strop, skater_kid_who_pwns [2], GhostOfMatrix [4], WidestSinger (1)[6], HalRazor [6], SirLegendary (2)[23], Solas128 [4]

  • 78,621 Replies
4,755 posts

1. Happy anniversary man!

Resetting (double 5) and just a few words about fixed places in the universe to actually address your point @sciller45 :

The global center of the universe maybe starts from the place where the big bang occurred, I mean somewhere something should be fixed. But that doesn’t involve the given problem: the Earth is indeed moving from the perspective of the universe. It’s orbiting, turning, wobbling and whatnot. But the center of the Earth is not moving from your and your mobile teleporting device’s perspective. It’s a fixed point. While the Earth is moving - you change your position, a point to which you want to teleport changes its postion and the center of the Earth changes its position in the universe – though on the scan none of this points is moving if nothing changes on the Earth’s surface in those places. All in all: the global coordinate system for you starts in the center of the Earth when teleporting and the local coordination system of your body is only to enable transporting correctly. You can ignore changes from the perspective of other places in the universe.

Sorry for the wall of text :-P The previous infos were more around, not explaining why coordinates shouldn't be the real problem.

20 posts

2. Numbers, many numbers

665 posts

3. I'd like to point out at 13 I had made a post at the same time as Vis and then deleted it so we could avoid restarting, but it failed

2,870 posts

4. Happy anniversary, Ramit! My, God, I've had this account for six and some years! Does that constitute me as an AG veteran?


So everything I just said really collides with time. Since you need at least SOME time, even if it's just a second. So let's say you have a powerful handheld teleportation machine which can take into account all the wibble wobbles, all the rotation, all the gravity from all the other planets moving (and more!) and make it insanely fast, computing maybe a reasonable 1000 hertz aaaaaaand you got a handheld supercomputer. The device will really have to simulate the whole universe. It may be possible to make the coordinates with a super powerful stationary computer, but other than it being cool it'd be impractical. How much energy just washed away when one could just take the super fast magnetic pill railway! But that's not the point...

If there's just ONE malfunction! One hertz more or less, and you got teleported to 10 feet under the ground or 3 meters in the air, into a wall or off a cliff. If it starts lagging, you're done for.

So you're looking for an extremely powerful, handheld supercomputer, able to simulate the entire universe and do so 1000 times a second, as new data from the simulation comes around. Oh, and it has to be perfectly programmed as to not have any lag.

Then it somehow teleports you. How would it teleport you, anyway? Will it turn you into energy and beam you off? How come other beams wouldn't collide and react with your beam, with the Earth, air...
Could there be a wireless connection fast enough to transfer you huge body with millions of atoms and all the states of those atoms, and do so in a meagre amount of time? What could possibly recreate you? How would the device incinerate your body and itself to make it ready for transport?

Oh, boy, I haven't argued since my keyboard warrior phase.

4,755 posts

5. @sciller45 You're taking your analysis too far for no reason, you probably didn't get my last answer. Your last post applies if somebody wanted a mobile teleporting device that could take them to any place in the entire universe - I put the whole answer here - it had too much of walloftextness in it so I wrote and share it with my special eye-resting forme xD

2,870 posts

6. Oooh, I got so deep into the heat I forgot what my point was. Actually, I still can't remember what it is...
I should probably stop now, but am I stubborn?
Am I just waiving my sword in the air hoping that I'm gonna cut a fish in half?
Am I, in a way, attacking a strawman, completely avoiding everyone's points?
Oh, now I remembered why I stopped arguing in the first place.

Aaah, I'm too mentally tired to care about anything anymore.

Wait. But if we have a super high tech, 3D scanning satellites, is there a need at all for the (global) coordinate system? Couldn't a satellite get just take your atoms and information, transfer them to another satellite which would just plop you down to Earth with no need at all for 3D scanning satellites? So the only real problem would be picking your atoms up and transferring them. So you wouldn't need so much high tech to teleport around the Earth but would need high tech to teleport around the universe. The only disadvantage would be that you couldn't teleport inside buildings, but you also couldn't teleport into the ground.

I think I've been thinking about this the wrong way.

1,917 posts

7. Stahp. You need to stahp. Too hard für me.

2,870 posts

8. I'm hoping this officially stops this. But I guess it's great to have some mental gymnastics from time to time. Sorry for the inconvenience :-\

And for sort of taking over the thread.

I'll stop now.

4,755 posts

9. I’ll also answer to this one because I don't agree that this might be an alternative.

This is an abstract:
- your solution is using stationary teleporters. Place them on planets and space ships instead of satellites, that doesn't make sense.
- place wheels on the teleporters (and other needed stuff) to make it more mobile. When they're on satellites that's only making the distance longer to the Earth because of how far they are.
- the number of satellites won't be the only problem in this case because of how crowded is becoming Earth's Orbiting Junkyard.

And this is my second mobile FoC teleporting solution in short - use a Drone as a destination teleporter. Place it wherever you want and teleport there.
Here are whole arguments. I like debating so if you wanna continue, then we can. Although we should cut it like me, or even more - to not disturb Forum Games.

2,870 posts

12. Why don't I just put the links here
That way no one is bothered!

Never thought something like this could be brought up by someone saying "Wouldn't it be cool if goats could teleport."

4,755 posts

13. Catlover can speak the native Birdperson language? Amazing. And pokemonrocks was wondering about teleporting goats. Nevertheless, that's an extraordinary thought.
Here you've got answer and here for copying. Well, it will be for copying if nobody trolls this file xD

4,755 posts

15. Break your brake! Bake a
Cake, make a steak. Shake that Shaykh.
Quake a lake and wake.

2,870 posts

Clear your mind take a
aspirin or few hundred!
May not be alive (after taking few hundred aspirins. Do not try at home. Discretion is advised)

4,755 posts

18. I was about to write a silly haiku but then all of a sudden BOOM! And that's why I didn't write it.

1,917 posts

19. 'Morrow is the first if April, be ready for everything! I won't surely remember it, so I'll be shocked!

Showing 71221-71235 of 78621