I rly dislike those totaly random, luck-based quests... the first 5 are not a great problem and there is a good way to solve them.
But the last 2... legendary item and specially the evolve quests (getting a legendary, mutations & those fragments out of quests) are so totaly luck-based.
Im am also not a big fan of MMOs in general... nothing against a hard, maybe grinding way to get items, but if it is that much luck-based, i mean you can waste tons of keys and start legendary treasure hunts without any effort... not my cup of tea.
4x identical mutations(price of each= 20 diamonds, or 80 RP). Total = 80 diamonds/320 RP.
15x archaic fragments(price of 5 = 20 diamonds, or 80 RP). Total = 60 diamonds/240 RP
In other words, you'll need a total of 140 diamonds or 560 RP(assuming you're completely RNG-screwed). Hopefully, you can earn a mutation every week from keys and 5 archaic fragments. Every week, you also earn 33 RP(assuming you are in a winning guild(can be tricky) and fight enough people(not hard)).
I'm guessing the maximum possible speed is 3-4 weeks, with much potential to be slower. Most important(aside from farming keys, which can be very tedious) is to make sure you earn that 25 RP a week from guild winning(or better yet, start a guild, but it's tough to find enough people to even win a single fight if you can't boost your guild's rank).
@UnleashedUponMankind the legendary item doesn't take that much RNG. If you have a level 5 blacksmith, you can meld items. 3 Supremes + 2 grands ==> 1 flawless(91% chance), 3 flawless + 2 supreme ==>1 epic(91% chance), 3 epic+2 flawless==>1 legend(94%). They take gold(1k, 3k, 6k, respectively), but it should be entirely doable with some grind.
I could imagine you need 10 fragments to evolve from lvl 2 to lvl 3 mutation, so it sums up to a total of 20 fragments (purchasable for 65 diamonds). Can anyone confirm/refute this assumption?
Ugh. Didn't mind the other quests on this game, but this is very similar to the long "BSI Quest" on Dawn of Dragons ... which took a long time to complete.
Okay, so the average player is looking at a month to complete. How much time per day does that represent?
Well, I lucked my way into a second void demon mutation(a nice spree of chest keys today). current total = 2 void demons, 2 arcane shards(so about 1/3 of the way there). Also hit the first daily cycle completion, which earns 3 diamonds(but probably useless unless you supplement it with some random offers).
Sooo.. I reached level 20.
And I have still a total of three lvl1 mutations and one (1!) archaic fragment.
I think "Easy", "Medium" and "Hard" categories are not enough for quests. There should be something like "Infinite" or "Donate".
Well, it so happens that I'm currently on cycle 2, daily reward 1. So far, I have:
3 Void Knights(worth 240 RP)
1 Void Demon(sadly, probably not useful)
10 Arcane shards(worth 160 RP)
41 RP(and 33 more inbound)
6 diamonds(not really usable, as minimum purchase size is too large)
Since it takes about 560 RPs of value to get to the finish line, I'm about 5/7 of the way there, or 75% or so. My guess is that another week or so should bring me very close to the end, especially if I earn another void knight.
In terms of farming, this game has been fairly time intensive(typically 2+ hrs/day). Typically, I prioritize arena battles, as they tend to yield quite a bit of mystery keys. Single battles are okay, but if you plunder a key chest, you get two keys, which is very nice. Brawls/GWs are particularly nice in this regard, as they allow for plunder + high key rate. I also smurf(e.g. tank single matches) pretty hard to allow me to continue winning arenas at a high rate(basically, a 5x and 3x win is better than 2 4x wins, imo). I'm mostly rolling in legends(my game-playing style involves chucking every item I don't use(every supreme and low value grands) into the meld, again to dominate arenas. I'm also picking low-traffic hours to arena, so that my smurfing is less intense.
I run pretty low on gold, actually. I haven't really upgraded my buildings past level 5, but it doesn't matter for the quest. It's not really required, though it is somewhat fun to do that I guess. Gold is a pretty precious resource, though, and I do suppose that running legendary expeditions might give you a bit more mystery keys.
Single battles invariably rack up cash, since basically everything you get from there is junk(occasionally a grand item). I sell every purple item that's worth more than 100 or so, and occasionally, when I'm short of gold, a 500+ gold supreme weapon. For amulets, it's probably best to save up the craftable ones to turn them into supremes if you need them(price ~35k essence, using armor pierce/generic stat for cheapness), but sell everything that's below grand.