ForumsForum GamesThe Superhuman RPG (2016)

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I allow as many players as possible. Registrations are open!


Does.. Does anyone remember The Superhuman RPG? Way back about 4 years ago?

I admit, I didn't think I would be opening this game again. But then I think of the fun I had hosting it when I was fourteen. I started this RPG back when I was thirteen, I believe, and it had been a blast to play with my players.

Now that I'm almost eighteen (at the time of this OP), maybe I want to give this another try.

If you are aware of what I do here in the forums (and I really mean, aware. So skip past if you don't know anything about me):

[My ideas are all fizzed out at the moment. I will continue to update, though it DEFINITELY will be infrequent. What I'm sure, though, is that The Superhuman requires more improvisation than my own story. So it takes less of an effort, not that it detracts from how much I want to host this game.]


"A human figure rose and fell, its chest swelling slightly. It looked up, not knowing what it would look at in this darkness. Then a voice spoke into its head, and the figure screamed out, its body writhing in pain.

The figure stepped out into the light. It breathed in..

And something small fell out of its womb.

And it breathed out. It smiled and more fell from its body.

And more.

And more."

"You kiddin' me?"

A thirteen-year-old boy jumped in shock, as he looked at the source of the voice that startled him.

A woman, sat opposite him, stared at him with a quizzical and mocking look.

"That's how the first superhuman came to be?" said the woman.

The boy nodded fervently. "Yes! You've gotta believe me!"

"This is ****ing ridiculous."

The woman stepped out as the boy continued to shout, pleading for her approval. She slammed the door behind and shook her head. She looked around, the city bustling about her.

Superhumans were everywhere. She saw a few men and women in a construction site, lifting fifteen-metre bars of metal in each hand, walking about. The woman could hear chattering and laughter among them.

Cars streaked by in front of her, but there were many, racing past the cars. A lot of them wore business suits, T-shirts, shorts, jeans. Normal people, she thought.

She heard a booming voice coming from her left. She turned and looked as the glass walls of the town hall burst into shards as the mayor stepped out to view, red fury in his face. She heard a sigh coming from behind the mayor as the glass shards floated back to where they originally were.

The woman heard another scream, something ten times softer than the booming voice, coming from in front of her as a man in black snatched a woman's purse away. The man looked back, summoned a flicker of flame and threw a ball of fire at the woman. She ducked out of the way and sent her hand out. The man grunted as his grip on the purse loosened. He put his hands to the sides of his head and screamed in agonizing pain. The woman picked her purse up and fired a shimmering wave of force at the man, knocking him towards the road.

Where did they come from? she thought.


I hope the story above can explain the setting and tone of this whole RPG.

Now, I allow as many players as possible. I will try to keep track of everyone, but I need to have you do something for me. First off, fill it this sheet.

Name: (Insert)
Sex: Male/Female
Age: (Anything)
Superpower: (Anything within reason)
Biography: (Please keep it concise. I can't read walls and walls of text. It should include your past, personality and how you came to be in the present.)
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

Then, what I type below your sheet, please quote it and post it. I will also do the same for you.


I hope I can update once every day. I will try my best.

  • 721 Replies
18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Transgender :3 Ugh fine, male.
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface on a carpet of flying spoons, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

(By the way I'll most likely be gone next week because vaycay.)

2,300 posts

Everyone, please quote my previous reply, like how HahiHa is doing. It would be greatly appreciated.


Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

I try to make an ice wall on the ground as tall as me and then run to do as the teacher says.

"Ax!" the teacher shouted, then sighed afterwards as he watched you leave. He turned towards the metallic man and blurred towards him, pushing him off the window again. You heard another distant 'clunk' as the man landed.

You stepped out to the corridor, schoolmates spilling out from their classes like ants against flowing water. Schoolmates apart from your class were more confused than scared. They wanted to know what was going on. Surely enough, soon after, the fire alarm rang.

You saw a few teachers rushing into your class to deal with the assailant while the other teachers were waving their hands, hurrying the students forward.

As you stepped out of the school, seemingly with no trouble, you moved further and further. Chatter started to form around you, mainly about how this alarm was a ****ing bore and hated the fact that they were walking so far away. At first, everyone was jogging. Then it slowed to a walking pace.

As you walked further away, you glanced back and saw Mr. Sully walking towards you with an annoyed look.

"Ax," he said. "Come here."

Behind him was the same boy that shot the man with electricity, his face sullen.

"You," Mr. Sully said. "And you, Gerald, are going to be in big trouble."

Sully grabbed you by the forearm, too quickly for you to react, and dragged you and Gerald away from the massive crowd that are the schoolmates.

"Listen, both of you," said Mr. Sully. "You better not do that again. Ax, that man was about to kill you. Gerald, you too. You two should've stayed back, and let me handle the situation. I know what to do, and you don't. Is that clear?"

Gerald half-heartedly nodded, giving you a look that you probably shouldn't lick Mr. Sully's boots.


Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 20/20

I raise my left arm to block the, uh, arm? Ew.

(Assuming the block was successful) Almost in the same moment as the makeshift club crashes on my upraised arm, I inhale deeply and breathe out a cloud of incandescent ash in the creature's face. Without losing time, I strike out for another hit with my right fist, hoping to have dazed the creature long enough.

You lifted your left arm, blocking against the arm that made another crack in your ash shell.

OOC: You're probably not powerful enough to breathe hot ash. You can probably breathe some ash. Your power is limited to a point where the creature could potentially break through your ash shell in a matter of seconds if you hadn't interrupted it. It's fairly weak.

You blew at the creature, ash spilling out from your mouth. It wasn't much, but it blinded the creature enough so as to get hit by your fist. You hit it square in its long nose, hearing a crack from its face. It fell forward, tensed its muscles for a bit and fell unconscious.

(1 XP)

You took a breather and looked at the now-unconscious creature. The human arm was a few inches away from its hand. Blood started to pour from its nose, spilling out to both sides of its face. It seemed to be breathing.

(OOC: The wiki article lists fire generation as an associated ability of ash mimicri, however I think I will limit myself to heat generation. So instead of breathing actual fire, I breathe out hot ash, which has a similar effect but is much more limited in range)

This RPG won't be following the Wiki per se, but you and I can take inspiration from it.


Name: John Steele
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Superpower: Active Healing
Biography: I lived with my mother and sisters and I grew up close to the forest so me and my sisters would usually go adventuring, but one day I fell down a side of a cliff and broke my leg, but as my sisters were trying to find a way down to me I saw my leg start to form itself back into what it previously looked like. That's when I found out about my power and after that I did a good deal of working out in the gym. Nothing to fancy, just simple weights and a self defense class every now and again. I have kept my power hidden, so that I can live a regular life, and today I work at a burger joint as one of the cooks.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 18/20

"Sarah! Get out of the cave!" I tell her with a push towards the exit and back away from the creatures arm looking around for some type of weapon to hold him off till Sarah gets away.

You pushed your sister away, who stumbled a few feet away.

Unfortunately, the arm went too fast and slapped the side of your face, leaving you dazed from the hit.

(-2 HP)

Even in your dazed state, you did manage to find a few rock pieces scattered about. You snatched a rock and threw it at the monster. The rock hit its calf, but nothing seemed to be of effect.

You turned to see Sarah, with her hand aimed at its face, firing a light ray at it. It also seemed unaffected. She stepped backwards slightly with a dumbfounded look on her face. Oh, it had no eyes.

The thing now had its arms extended out, the both of them pooling on the ground like snakes before moving.

OOC: Your control over active healing isn't powerful yet. You could heal 1 HP in a matter of minutes, maybe, but not during battle. You would need to have more experience before you could heal up seconds into getting a wound. So I'd say, when your leg was broken, it would probably take you a few days' worth to fully repair it. That is a feat, considering normal humans heal in a few months' time.


Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Transgender :3 Ugh fine, male.
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface on a carpet of flying spoons, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

(By the way I'll most likely be gone next week because vaycay.)

Lol, if you wanna be a trans-man or trans-woman, sure. Whatever you like.

If you're going on a vacation, will you be back to play?

Also, pertaining to your bio, I don't think I would allow for a sudden burst of power by manipulating a carpet of spoons. That sort of thing would probably be possible at levels 4 or 5 and above. I'll see as we continue. You did get out of that well, with two spoons as picks.

Now, to start off..

You subtly heard a familiar song. This song. You'd swear you could recite it in your head. Then you realised, oh, it's the ****ing alarm.

You turned sideways, grabbing for your phone and hitting the snooze button. As you were about to fall over the brink of sleep, you heard your door being banged three times. Your eyes struggled to open in this daylight coming from the window to the left of your bed. Your bedroom was a mess, soft drink cans and bags of chips strewn about, a few large and small spoons sat on the computer desk in front of you.

As you stood on your feet, there was another set of three bangs. You thought, Impatient ****, and dragged yourself to the door. You looked through the peephole and saw two men in black leather jackets. One had a baseball bat on his shoulder, and the other had a butterfly knife, who was playing with it.

8,256 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 20/20

This RPG won't be following the Wiki per se, but you and I can take inspiration from it.

I know, I'm just getting ideas from the wiki and trying to see what is OK/reasonable. I'm beginning to realize how you're dealing with gaining experience and powers.

You lifted your left arm, blocking against the arm that made another crack in your ash shell.

You blew at the creature, ash spilling out from your mouth. It wasn't much, but it blinded the creature enough so as to get hit by your fist. You hit it square in its long nose, hearing a crack from its face. It fell forward, tensed its muscles for a bit and fell unconscious.

(1 XP)

You took a breather and looked at the now-unconscious creature. The human arm was a few inches away from its hand. Blood started to pour from its nose, spilling out to both sides of its face. It seemed to be breathing.

Once I caught my breath, I move closer and examine the creature. "What on earth is this... thing doing here?" Struck by a sudden thought, I pick up the severed arm, put it into the shower, go back and make sure the creature is still passed out, before checking the other rooms. "I wonder where the rest of the body is", I think.

As soon as I finish investigating the house, I take up the phone and dial the police's number, with the intention of reporting what I discovered when examining the creature and the house, then ask what to do.
18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

I will be back to play as long as I remember... and I have a terrible memory... so...

And as far as my powers go how limited am I? I assume I can control spoons, but is there a certain number I can control at once? Am I able to create spoons out of thin air or create them out of elements such as dirt?

I open the door and, assuming I won't get attacked right away without an explanation, exclaim: "Hello gentlemen! What is it can I do for you today?" I give most of my attention to the guy playing with the butterfly knife, "You better not play with that." I warn. "You might cut your finger."

5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

"Very clear, sir. I'm sorry for that." I look down.

2,300 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 20/20

I know, I'm just getting ideas from the wiki and trying to see what is OK/reasonable. I'm beginning to realize how you're dealing with gaining experience and powers.

If you want (and I really mean, IF YOU WANT), I hosted this game years ago under the name 'The Superhuman Grand Reopening'. It'll come up in the first result if you search it up. That was back when I was newer to RP and RPG as a whole (and didn't know what D&D was). I'll be switching up the scaling of levels and powers here, but the concept is pretty much the same.

Once I caught my breath, I move closer and examine the creature. "What on earth is this... thing doing here?" Struck by a sudden thought, I pick up the severed arm, put it into the shower, go back and make sure the creature is still passed out, before checking the other rooms. "I wonder where the rest of the body is", I think.

As soon as I finish investigating the house, I take up the phone and dial the police's number, with the intention of reporting what I discovered when examining the creature and the house, then ask what to do.

As you examined the creature, it appeared to be a sickly green creature. You didn't know much else about it. You put the arm in the shower, checking your other rooms as you made sure that the creature was unconscious. So far, every room you've been into was fine; the kitchen was quite messy, a few plates and utensils stacked up in the sink. Your bedroom was fine; you did your bed today before you left. The storage room was as cramped as you remembered, storing things from your childhood and whatnot.

You grabbed the phone and dialed for the police (My god, I don't know how to make dialogue for the police).

You hear a female voice. "Hello, what's your emergency?

"Ma'am, there is some sort of creature in my house. A green one. Looks like a goblin-"

"Okay, sir, please calm down. Where do you live?"

B****, don't we have superpowers to tell? you thought.

As you were giving your location, the creature hacked out a cough. At the corner of your eye, you saw it trying to get up.


Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

I will be back to play as long as I remember... and I have a terrible memory... so...

Haha! Alright, when you get back, I'll tell you what's going on.

And as far as my powers go how limited am I? I assume I can control spoons, but is there a certain number I can control at once? Am I able to create spoons out of thin air or create them out of elements such as dirt?

You're limited to controlling a few spoons at a time. You can lift them to the air as well as lifting them with telekinesis. You cannot create spoons, unfortunately, not at this level. You'd need more experimentation and experience before attempting something even remotely possible like creation.

I open the door and, assuming I won't get attacked right away without an explanation, exclaim: "Hello gentlemen! What is it can I do for you today?" I give most of my attention to the guy playing with the butterfly knife, "You better not play with that." I warn. "You might cut your finger."

You opened the door and the two men barged in, pushing you back.

"Hello gentlemen!" you said. "What is it can I do for you today-"

"Mother****er," the man with the bat said. "You're gonna pay us back, or we'll beat your ****ing body to a bloody pulp." Standard intimidation.

The man whispered to him about something, but you did catch an utterance of your restaurant's name before he turned back, his knife ready to stab. The other man had his bat ready.


Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

"Very clear, sir. I'm sorry for that." I look down.

"Ax," Mr. Sully said. "I understand. It's fine, you were trying to defend yourself, and your classmates. But you don't know the full extent of your powers yet. Neither do you, Gerald."

As he sighed, you saw a man, unknown to you, walking towards Mr. Sully.

"Um," Mr. Sully said. "Hello-"

The man sent a punch straight to his face. He fell forward, immediately unconscious. He looked at the both of you with a frown and proceeded to walk towards Gerald. He was already charging up his hands when the man grabbed them. Then the sparks were gone. Gerald was surprised, then was hit in the neck, falling unconscious with Mr. Sully.

5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

I fire an ice bolt again. This time, i also try to fire twice in a row with both hands, though i concentrate my first one to work first.

"I hope this works..." I internally monologue.

5,291 posts

I want to ask, are the players' world the same? Because i saw the Grand reopening topic and seemed like it's different worlds.

2,300 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

I want to ask, are the players' world the same? Because i saw the Grand reopening topic and seemed like it's different worlds.

Yes, they are. So that means Hephaestus, John Steele and Donary Trunton are probably in the world somewhere.

If you read on (I suggest you don't do that, but take my word for it), I made a few other players collaborate to kill a major boss. That was pretty cool.

I fire an ice bolt again. This time, i also try to fire twice in a row with both hands, though i concentrate my first one to work first.

"I hope this works..." I internally monologue.

You concentrated on your first ice bolt. It formed, one with a sharp point at the end, and you fired. It struck the man in the shoulder, driving him back a few feet. You tried to form the second one quickly enough, but all it formed into was a block of ice. You fired it at him again, hitting him in the abdomen. He let out a "HMMPH!" and looked at you with clenched teeth.

He charged his hands, electricity jumping between his fingers and fired at you.


Name: John Steele
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Superpower: Active Healing
Biography: I lived with my mother and sisters and I grew up close to the forest so me and my sisters would usually go adventuring, but one day I fell down a side of a cliff and broke my leg, but as my sisters were trying to find a way down to me I saw my leg start to form itself back into what it previously looked like. That's when I found out about my power and after that I did a good deal of working out in the gym. Nothing to fancy, just simple weights and a self defense class every now and again. I have kept my power hidden, so that I can live a regular life, and today I work at a burger joint as one of the cooks.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 18/20

I pick up some rocks and try to get around the creature and then I start throwing rocks around the cave to create noise everywhere, then I stand still.

You picked up some rocks, threw them around the cave, making some noise. It bounced from corner to corner, filling out the cavern. Sarah saw what you did, and stayed still.

The monster now stood still as well, about ten feet from you. It seemed that it had stopped trying to look for you, or that it couldn't find you.

5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

You concentrated on your first ice bolt. It formed, one with a sharp point at the end, and you fired. It struck the man in the shoulder, driving him back a few feet. You tried to form the second one quickly enough, but all it formed into was a block of ice. You fired it at him again, hitting him in the abdomen. He let out a "HMMPH!" and looked at you with clenched teeth.

He charged his hands, electricity jumping between his fingers and fired at you.

I try to sidestep and then fire an ice bolt.

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

"Yeah... well I haven't gotten paid this week so I can't really give you anything." I say, trying to distract them. "So bye!"

I quickly try to close the door and lock it. If they try to stop the door from closing with their feet, hands, or any other body part I remotely lift a spoon and jam it into said body part. If they stop the door from closing with an object, like the bat, I remotely jam the spoon into his chest. If there's no lock on the door, or it is broken I try to stop them from opening the door by pressing my body against it.

2,300 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

I try to sidestep and then fire an ice bolt.

You sidestepped, just barely dodging the streak of white energy. You focused, and fired an ice bolt. The man was ready, and sidestepped just like you did. There was a moment of confusion where you didn't know what was going to happen next, then you were lifted off the ground. Pain filled around your neck as his fingers dug into your skin.

(-1 HP)

Slowly but surely, you started to get deprived of oxygen.


Name: John Steele
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Superpower: Active Healing
Biography: I lived with my mother and sisters and I grew up close to the forest so me and my sisters would usually go adventuring, but one day I fell down a side of a cliff and broke my leg, but as my sisters were trying to find a way down to me I saw my leg start to form itself back into what it previously looked like. That's when I found out about my power and after that I did a good deal of working out in the gym. Nothing to fancy, just simple weights and a self defense class every now and again. I have kept my power hidden, so that I can live a regular life, and today I work at a burger joint as one of the cooks.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 18/20

I search for another rock to toss down the opposite end of the exit of the cave, and if he goes for it, I grab sarah and run, If he doesn't go for it I yell for sarah to run as I attempt to stop him from making any progress on her

You tossed another rock towards the opposite end, making more noise as it landed. The monster turned towards it and stared at it. It didn't move, but its attention was probably on the rock that you threw.


Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

"Yeah... well I haven't gotten paid this week so I can't really give you anything." I say, trying to distract them. "So bye!"

I quickly try to close the door and lock it. If they try to stop the door from closing with their feet, hands, or any other body part I remotely lift a spoon and jam it into said body part. If they stop the door from closing with an object, like the bat, I remotely jam the spoon into his chest. If there's no lock on the door, or it is broken I try to stop them from opening the door by pressing my body against it.

"Yeah... well I haven't gotten paid this week so I can't really give you anything," you said, trying to distract them. "So bye!"


You shut the door, then in panic, tried to find the lock. You locked it shut, and they already started banging on the door. As you stepped back, there was a louder bang, sending the middle part of the door to splinter. The baseball bat stuck out of the door.

The door was slowly being demolished, but you're ready, your three spoons behind you on the computer desk.

18,319 posts

Name: Donary Trunton
Sex: Trans-man
Age: 21
Superpower: Spoon manipulation
Biography: Was kicked out of high school from his extreme spoon fetish. After being kicked out, he stupidly jumped down a well and became unconscious. It was when he woke up that he found himself with his unusual power of spoon manipulation. When he returned to the surface using spoons as picks, he immediately got a job at the local cafe as a dishwasher.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 20/20

Assuming the one with the bat breaks down the door, and that I don't have crap aim, I send a spoon to the crotch of the man wielding the bat. Assuming it hits, I run and push past both of them. If it doesn't hit I jump out a back window. If the fall is 15 feet or more, then I'm probably dead.

8,256 posts

Name: Hephaestus
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Superpower: Ash Mimicry
Biography: Formerly named Tom, he grew up in the city to a working class family. He learned the trade of metalworking and has been employed by the biggest steel works of the city ever since. His power was revealed several years ago when he survived a tragic accident that cost two of his coworkers their lives. Triggered accidentally at first, he quickly learned to control his abilities at will thanks to his stoic and obstinate nature, and subsequently adopted the name Hephaestus.
Level: 1
XP: 1/20
HP: 20/20

As you examined the creature, it appeared to be a sickly green creature. You didn't know much else about it. You put the arm in the shower, checking your other rooms as you made sure that the creature was unconscious. So far, every room you've been into was fine; the kitchen was quite messy, a few plates and utensils stacked up in the sink. Your bedroom was fine; you did your bed today before you left. The storage room was as cramped as you remembered, storing things from your childhood and whatnot.

You grabbed the phone and dialed for the police (My god, I don't know how to make dialogue for the police).

You hear a female voice. "Hello, what's your emergency?

"Ma'am, there is some sort of creature in my house. A green one. Looks like a goblin-"

"Okay, sir, please calm down. Where do you live?"

B****, don't we have superpowers to tell? you thought.

As you were giving your location, the creature hacked out a cough. At the corner of your eye, you saw it trying to get up.

"Hang on, just a second, please."

Still holding the phone, I walk up to the creature trying to get up, kick it in the stomach, push it back on the ground and sit on its back to prevent it from standing up.

"Still here. Sorry. You got my address? ... Yes. ... As I said, a green creature that looks like a goblin. ... It was in my living room when I came home. ... Hostile, yes. ... I'm sitting on it right now, so if you could hurry... Wait! One more thing: it was gnawing at an arm. Human, by the look of it. Yes! ... I don't know, I haven't found anything else. Yes. Thank you. Goodbye. "

I throw the phone on my sofa and look down on the creature.

"Now we wait. Can't wait to have you out of here. I'm already in enough trouble as it is thanks to you."

(I hope I haven't taken too many actions at once?)
5,291 posts

Name: Axorez
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Superpower: Ice Magic
Biography: In the past, he lived with his moderate family whose parents work as farmers. He discovered his superpower while playing hide-and-seek in his school with his friends. He made ice in the ground. Fortunately, he was hiding in an empty room and tried to melt it, which worked. No one discovered it. He is responsible, often putting himself at fault, and moderately kind. He lacks self confidence. Present day, he's a 9th grade student doing fine.
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 19/20

(You didn't subtract my HP. I did it)

I try to make an ice bolt, while my legs kick him(probably to little avail) and then fire the ice bolt with the rest of my energy.

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