ForumsProgramming ForumSonny: Genesis [Sonny Fan Game]

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738 posts

Back when the first Sonny hit the internet I was hooked;
I didn't develop games back then, but it's one of those games
that sparked my interest for the profession.
Now, it's time for me to create a tribute.

Sonny: Genesis is the next big project I've set for myself.
It'll cover much unexplored territory for me,
and is a perfect opportunity to grow as a developer.

Sonny: Genesis
The game takes place in the same universe as the original
flash games, but will feature a brand new cast of characters.
This doesn't necessarily mean you won't see familiar faces

The gameplay will be very similar to the flash games, with the
addition of some new battle mechanics. This means it'll be
characterised by turn-based combat, and broken up by 'roaming'
sections where you'll be able to outfit your characters and
purchase new gear.

Sonny: Genesis is being developed as a standalone
game for the PC platform; this means it won't run inside
a browser like the originals. Porting the game to HTML
or mobile is not something I currently plan to do.

Planned Features
- 3 (Playable) classes with unique skill trees and playstyles:
The Combatant, Illusionist and Sentinel.
- 5 Story Zones + Post-Game Content
- Side quests
- Fully voice-acted
- Illustrated story cutscenes
- Online leaderboards and achievements

I love involving fellow fans of the series in the creative process.
That's why I encourage anyone to post their ideas and suggestions;
several have already made it into the game!

I'll also be holding multiple creative contests throughout development;
winners of these contests will see their name and contributions added
to the final version of the game!

Previous contests:
Armor Design
Winners: @spaceskeleton @jonathannanhu and @Koshionos

Very early Screenshots & Artwork:

All of these are subject to change!
(Ability screen)
(Base character)
(Idle Animation)
(Skill Icons)

I need Playtesters!
As a playtester you'll recieve unfinished builds of the game
in various stages of development, with the task of helping me
find bugs & glitches and providing feedback.
I'll try to strip these builds down to include as few story elements
as possible, in an effort to minimize spoiling the finished version.
I can't promise that they will all be spoiler-free though.

At first it'll mostly be about trying to find the most enjoyable
game loop and working out any bugs and quirks on different machines.
Then we'll move on to balancing the different classes and abilities.
I fully realise everyone's got a life, so there are no deadlines
and you can always take your time.

I need an Artist!
As you've probably seen, my art is mediocre at best.
That's why I'm looking for a skilled artist that's willing to help
me bring this project to life, and speed up the development!

Again, there will be no set-in-stone deadlines; as this is a fan
project and everyone's doing it on their own time. You'll of course
be credited for your work, both in-game and on the forums.

If you're interested in bringing this project to life,
you may send samples of your work to:
If you know anyone that might be interested,
you may refer them to this thread.

Keep in mind that the story will be spoiled for you;
because you'll mostly be working on the art for the cutscenes
in-between zones!

Will it be free?
Of course the game will be 100% free.
Besides obvious legal reasons, I always intended to create
a tribute to the games for the community; and I feel the
best way to do this is to not charge anything.
Once the game is released, I may consider adding
the option for people to be able to donate something;
this won't give you any in-game rewards or benefits,
but it allows people to support me if they want to.

What are the system requirements?
I'm always trying to optimise the game where I can,
in order for it to run smoothly on a wide variety of machines.
Final system requirements are TBD and depend on the feedback
from the playtesters.

Will players be able to duel online?
Network programming is something I sadly have very little
experience with.The closest thing to an 'Online Mode' I could
implement would be something similar to the PvP-mode
from Sonny 2; which I'm currently not focussing on.
I am planning to add online leaderboards and achievements
to the game.

What is the release date?
There's currently no release date.
You can stay up-to-date on the progress
by keeping an eye on this thread.

Feel free to ask any questions, provide feedback
or post ideas in the comments!

  • 90 Replies
3 posts

Awesome! Good to hear all that... I guess I'll sign up for testing then.

3 posts

Wait wait wait wait, when you say Beta testing. Do you mean like being able to play the game as it is being made? Because I would love to try it out. Of course I am not sure how worthy of something like that I am. Also I already am spreading the news of this fan game, plus there are links to ths thread on a few steam pages which is a great thing as well!

13 posts

Beta testing!
I've never tried to test, but I'm ready to help the fan project, I can find flaws, mistakes, bugs will share my opinion
I'm more than willing to check out your combat system !
If you need help in testing I can help ! You can bealive my! Give Us A Chance !

2 posts

Great project! I would love to it available soon

2 posts

By the way i hope we can have a function to control any member in party like sonny 2. That will be a lots of fun

7 posts

Not to read through the full topic, at which state the development is now?
Btw, I think I can help with game balance. I'm currently studying at SPBU, Mathematical Modeling programme, so it's sorta the thing that is gonna be my future occupation

1 posts

A flash game that has it own wiki is already impressive enough(judging on how no one would give a care about flash nowadays).But having a fan game contributed to the original blew my mind( couldn't find a better way to exagerrate),I wish you goodluck on this project and hope you would achieve your dream of being a developer in the near future,just take your time if you feel that you are working too hard.Thank you for reviving my interest in the Sonny franchise and gave me something to hyped for! You do really have talent,(Is the new main character a zombie like Sonny?)

1 posts

Hey, can you check your SonnyFanGame email?

5 posts

how far along are you?

738 posts

@Gulvan @Middleton7551 I'm still working on the engine and mechanics; The roaming mode is mostly finished (Shop, Equipment and Inventory system, etc.) I'm focussing on the battle-system atm. Once that's done the 'hard' part is over- and I can begin filling the game with actual content.

@Vainicle Will do!

@t_m_b_i Thanks for the kind words! (I'm not going to give anything about the characters away yet :P)

1 posts

If you need more testers, I'd be more than willing to test the game.
I'm pretty good at exploiting mechanics, so I'll do my best to find broken things and gamebreaking glitches (like, for instance, the item devour glitch from Sonny 1, or the various instant kill combos from Sonny 2) and let you know about them before it's too late to fix.

Apart from that, I've wanted to make something like this for a long time (though I never did get around to learning how to program things), and it's nice to see someone actually making it.

7,024 posts

Fancy seeing you here mate welcome to the forums officially

I'd be more than willing to test too when you reach that phase hope it's going well

1 posts

I tried creating a new account to then discover i already had one, so i resetted all my usernames and paswords just to login and tell you guys that i love you. You are continuing on the path that Krin should have continued, before those corporate *******s intervened in his craft. I am pleased to see that the love for the original Sonny hasnt faded and still goes on. My only request in all of this for you guys is, to maybe consider bringing this masterpiece to the mobile arena aswell, I am sure many would love having it everywhere they go. Appart from this not so humble request of mine, just a big *** THANK YOU for all of this. The Sonny community will forever be indebted to you.
Cheers and carry on the great spirit

3 posts

Hey, looks like I'm not the only one who asked this, could you please check your mail?

2 posts

I'm a huge fan of the Sonny flash series and its nice that you are taking steps to make some fresh content. Good luck. Also wondering if the game is close to being finished?

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