ForumsForum GamesBeat the User Above You With a Random Power

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Welcome to Beat the User Above You With a Random Power! The game based on the Superpower Wiki.

The game is simple, roll three random powers by clicking this link and battle the user above you with your set. If you think your set of powers is no match for the user above you just say "I lose" or something to that effect.


R2D21999: I got Oil Manipulation

User 1: Ha, that's no match for my Water Manipulation.. I'll wash your oil away.

User 2: I got Fire Attacks I might be able to put up a good fight for a little while, but ultimately I'll be no match against your Water Manipulation.

By the way, please don't keep rerolling until you get an OP set. Remember, this is RANDOM powers. It pretty much defeats the purpose of the game if your powers aren't random.

If there aren't any questions, I'll just got started.

, Dance Manipulation, and Demonic Beam Emission

Let's see someone try to beat me.

  • 92 Replies
8,256 posts

Electric Shield Construction, Air Bullet Projection, and Organic Shield Construction.

While the three of them are useful combat powers, which is not a small feat, I suppose they're useless against your life and death powers. I can block your weapon hands easily, and that's about it. I'm afraid I lose.

17,384 posts

Poetry Embodiment, Superstition Manipulation and Cosmic Bomb Manipulation

Poetry Embodiment sounds useless until you look at the powers it gives which are control over books and symbol magic. This means I can send books flying at you or trap in a book itself. Alternately, I can create symbols to do a variety of things. Of course, the only shtick is that it probably has to be in poetry.

Then there's Superstition Manipulation which allows me to control irrational beliefs over objects and supernatural things. I could probably make you think that that bad things might happen if you try to fight me or use your powers. Although, it'll probably be ineffective as you'll overcome it easily. Thankfully, if I put enough power into it, the superstitions can become reality.

And finally, I have Cosmic Bomb Generation which allows me to create explosions out of cosmic energy. It might overcome or disrupt your shields since it's made from cosmic energy.

Overall, it'll probably be a close fight but I might win this one if I had some preperation beforehand. Otherwise, you'll probably win with your shields blocking all my attacks and firing air bullets at me.

18,319 posts

Weather Attacks, Conceptual Music, and Ice-Fire Attacks.

Interesting, I have conceptual music which allows me to alter reality through music, and you embody all poetry, however I don't see any reality manipulations on your Poetry Embodiment, that won't be too much of a problem as long as I'm fast with my music.

However, that's not the power I'm too worried about. Superstition Manipulation is probably the kicker. Not only could you essentially make me be in a bad mood, which can cause my music powers to be ineffective, Probability Manipulation comes with it, and one of the powers to that is Path to Victory. Now, one of the limitations to that power is that if victory seems impossible, you can't win. However, your poetry embodiment could essentially do some serious harm in which you could choose the right symbols or use some Literary Manipulation to control me or something.

Your Superstition Manipulation is my main problem, and with nothing I can really do about that except throw weather attacks and ice-fire attacks(they could help for a little bit I guess). I think you have more of a chance of winning, and honestly I don't think you gave Superstition Manipulation much credit in your fight with HahiHa

1,917 posts

Void Creation, Rainbow Flight and Enhanced Resurrection Roulette

Enhanced Resurrection Roulette is useless since I can't ressurect.


Well, the only useful thing is void creation. I create a void and you will not exist anymore.

So... my win?

8,256 posts

Organic Blade Construction, Religion Embodiment, Rhinoceros Physiology.

I am the embodiment of religion *chuckles*, shaped like a rhinoceros and able to form blades out of organic materials. While the idea of a rhinoceros with massive blades is terrifying, it will be of no avail against your void power.

However, through being the embodiment of religion I am given the powers of divinity and prophecy. Meaning I have god-like powers, and I can manipulate the past and future. I'm fairly confident that I win this round.

(Also if I somehow lose and the void erases my existence, I guess that also erases religion. Depending on how your stance on religion is, I could use this as a means of pressure against you)

17,384 posts

Possibility Manipulation, Color Generation and Poisonous Body Fluids.

My doom is pretty much imminent. I could maybe try make it so none of your powers work but there's no guarantee it'll succeed. Or try give you a seizure by rapidly changing the colors of everything in the vicinity. I could even try get as close to you as possible before spitting my poisonous saliva at you.

But lets be honest, you'll definitely smite me before I can even get near you. So you win this one.

1,917 posts

Velocity Manipulation. with this one I can control a moving body so I can stop it ignoring inertia, make it go faster and other stuff. great for controlling your body in a perfect way. Maybe I can even make you stop immediately since I manipulate velocity?

Perfection Embodiment... I got this... Do I even need a third one? Well, for the sake of the rules I will get a third one.

Temporal Bypassing I can ignore temporal protection/immunity.

Well, since I'm perfection I win.

18,319 posts

Orbital Debris Manipulation, Body Part Erosion, and Urban Empowerment.

Considering your Perfection Embodiment comes with Omnipotence, there's nothing I can really do. I can throw as much space junk and corrode most of your body as I can, but that's like throwing pebbles at category 5 hurricane.

I lose.

19 posts

Pure Ice Manipulation

I have a chance on you but will most likely be defeated due to you have three set of power >.<

18,319 posts

@Mashi_Kip69, you're allowed to have up to three powers.

1,917 posts

Since mashi kip only used a single power I will use R2 as a reference.

Fire Attacks I can use in whatever method to attack with fire. Sweet.

Speed Combat I can do combat at very high speed.

Supernatural Leap I can Leap vetu high and far.

I will have to do combat at long range and Iwill probably be able to dodge most attacks. This is simply a battle of attrition, whether I can defeat you sooner with my fire powers or run out of energy.

17,384 posts

Adaptive Resurrection, Enslavement Branding and Universal Force Sealing.

I don't think there anything that you can do really. No matter how you kill me, I'll just revive and adapt to whatever you used to kill me. I'll just keep running at you straight on until I enslave you by placing a symbol onto you. After that, I could have you serve me forever or seal gravity, time or cosmic energy into before releasing it in order to destroy your body.

Alternatively, I could just seal magic into myself and then I have access to every single superpower ever. So long story short, you're pretty much screwed.

1,917 posts

Absolute Constant Velocity
Here I ignore physics and let an object always go forward if I want, so If I hit you with something there will be a hole whereI hit you.

Supernatural Accuracy
Wow. I got lucky. Now I can not worry about not hitting you...

Ice Manipulation I can control Ice and Cold.

This was good, but unfortunately, you have adaptive ressurection So maybe you will be able to doge when You die once and Since I can't kill you you can seal use universal locking to defeat me... I lose.

18,319 posts

Retroactive Immortality, Mysticism, and Intelligence Enhancement.

Wow, I got lucky on the Retroactive Immortality, which is basically like adaptive resurrection except without the adaptive part. I can 'die' but I won't stay dead. Now, there's the possible chance that you could freeze me and do that continuously forever(which you can't live as long as I do), however I also get the addition of Mysticism, which is a pure magic that gives me access to things like teleportation, life force manipulation, intangibility, and even superpower manipulation. I can take your superpowers away if I so need to.

So, I think I have a good chance at winning this one.

17,384 posts

Photokinetic Whip Generation, Stochastic Mimicry and Infection Energy Manipulation

I get the power to create light whips which I could use to hit you from afar. Then I have the power to transform my body into mathematical probability. Whilst it allows me to not only become invisible and intangible, it also allows me become extremely unpredictable. And finally, I have the ability to manipulate infectious energy which I could use to make you sick or decompose your body.

Unfortunately, you have this one in the bag due to your immortality preventing me from killing you along with your mysticism to rob me of my powers. Not to mention your enhanced intelligence would be able to easily figure out my personal logarithm, which could disable my powers. Thus, you've won this round.

Showing 31-45 of 92