ForumsForum GamesBeat the User Above You With a Random Power

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Welcome to Beat the User Above You With a Random Power! The game based on the Superpower Wiki.

The game is simple, roll three random powers by clicking this link and battle the user above you with your set. If you think your set of powers is no match for the user above you just say "I lose" or something to that effect.


R2D21999: I got Oil Manipulation

User 1: Ha, that's no match for my Water Manipulation.. I'll wash your oil away.

User 2: I got Fire Attacks I might be able to put up a good fight for a little while, but ultimately I'll be no match against your Water Manipulation.

By the way, please don't keep rerolling until you get an OP set. Remember, this is RANDOM powers. It pretty much defeats the purpose of the game if your powers aren't random.

If there aren't any questions, I'll just got started.

, Dance Manipulation, and Demonic Beam Emission

Let's see someone try to beat me.

  • 92 Replies
8,256 posts

Soul Resonation, Pain Constructs, Determined Strength

The first power is supposed to make me stronger as I synchronize with other souls, but mostly spiritually. Since I have no other spiritual power, I guess this is a dud.

However, I can put up a good fight with my two other powers; I can make ample use of all the immense pain I might get from contact with your acid, and so create a vast number of constructs and weapons to fight you with; armor is obsolete given your ultimate acid, though I might erect many barriers to stall its effect. Determined Strength means I always fight at full strength even if I am hurt or dying. Effectively, if I lose a limb I don't grow weaker, and can potentially replace that limb with a pain prosthesis.

I like that combination as it makes me a formidable fighter; though whether I win this duel depends on your acid attacks. If you're sufficiently powerful, I might not be able to stand for long. With a bit of chance I might hit you with a pain weapon before you dissolve me entirely.

3,826 posts

Boneless Body, Energy Bow Construction, and Red String Manipulation.

This is a pretty bunk set--especially given your powers. Shots from my energy bow would effectively just strengthen you. And my boneless body could still be cut into tiny chunks.

All this leaves me with my Red String Manipulation. At first glance, it seems like the lamest superpower ever. But these are the 'red strings of fate', which determine who your soulmate is.

My plan: have you fall in love with my squishy self. There's no need to fight when there's twoo wuv! I was trying to figure out what your Soul Resonation would do here, but the article is really brief. Best I can tell, we both become stronger--in our wuuuuv!

Of course, you're going to lose me as soon as someone posts below; they're going to absolutely wreck me

18,319 posts

Healing Prayer, Weapon Swapping, and Technology Transmutation.

Wow, uh. Healing Prayer... yeah... Guess that's useless, unless I'm injured. I was hoping weapon swapping would allow me to take your weapon, but it's not that kind of swapping. So unless I have some awesome weapons already stored in my storage dimension(comes with weapon swapping) that won't be too useful.

The only one I can see working is Technology Transmutation, and that's if I turn myself into a robot so your strings would have no effect. I guess I could transmute your strings into technology, but I have no idea if that would have the desired result. Even if it did though, you still have that energy bow, and I don't think all of my praying will help me stop that from skewering me.

So my best hope is whatever weapon I have in my dimension storage. That's such a small chance though. You win this battle.

Also, even if your strings didn't have those love effects, those things can do such incredible things. Especially that Puppet Mastery power it comes with.

17,384 posts

Invisibility, Kinetic Activation and Spell Amplification.

Thanks to my Spell Amplification, my invisibility is improved so now it'll be even harder to find me. It'll also improve my Kinetic Activation so now I can force you to move into walls. Alternatively, I could have nearby object move towards you.

So in other words, there's nothing that can save you from having tons of broken bones. Not even turning yourself into a robot would stop you from getting crushed to death. Overall, I win this battle. And you'll never get to see who your opponent was.

1,917 posts

Eh.... well, I win...
Transcendent Science and Supernatural Intelligence.

Well,I got a transcendent power.

17,384 posts

Psammokinetic Creature Creation, Organic Beam Emission and Addiction Manipulation

Psammokinetic Creature Creation allows me to create creatures made out of sand. Organic Beam Emission allows me to create beams out of any organic material such as blood, hair, plants or poison. Finally, there's Addiction Manipulation which allows me to manipulate addictions.

Whilst I could maybe try make you addicted to losing, you'll probably be able to cure it easily. And none of my attacks or my pets will even leave a scratch on you. Thus, this is a loss to me.

1,917 posts

Lol, I got Remote Materialization, which basically lets me create stuff. Even universes, and my two powers were still related to creation so I won't mention them.

Well, for this battle i'll simply spam stuff to you and also create some nice shields for my self, so probably my win.

18,319 posts

Gravity Constructs, Meta Crafting, and Teeth Manipulation.

I can create things out of gravity, create anything and everything out of anything and everything, and control teeth.

Huh, seems we both have a creation ability. Except, mine's better. You see, your power implies that it doesn't really "improve" anything by adding things to an object. While you can create things with abilities in mind, you can't improve already existing objects... such as yourself.

I however, can. I can literally give myself any power. I can essentially change everything about anything. My only problem is, I need a space to work. But I can just create a work space out of gravity, and time isn't really a problem as I can actually forge at incredible speeds, according to my power.

Of course, I always have manipulation over your teeth. What's stopping me from simply having your teeth grow and impale your brain? Perhaps I can control your teeth faster than you can create your objects and have them do what you want them to. So I could probably win this.

8,256 posts

****atrice Physiology, Sound Infusion, Future Life Awareness

I'm a sort of weird fantastical medieval fowl-dragon hybrid, which includes claws, wings/flight, and the death stare. Yes, I can kill you by looking at you. Depending on the source, I cannot be killed by regular means, though it doesn't say what the conditions are, and it also comes with some special ways I can die, like looking at my own reflection.

I can also infuse stuff with sound, making it more effective/energized, like... I don't know, my claws? Yeah.....

Future Life Awareness appears useless on first sight, as all it does is giving me knowledge about my future life. Now, if you read carefully it does say that I might be able to remember and use some powers from my future lives. But there's just too much uncertainty in this aspect of the power.

This is difficult. I think that in a long, drawn-out fight I probably don't stand a chance against your crafting powers. On the other hand, I have the power to instantly kill you. So it really depends how well prepared you are.

PS. Having a beak means I have no teeth! HA!

660 posts

Genesis Creation: I can create life of all kinds, so I can summon an army of mirrored creatures to kill you.

X-Radiation Manipulation:
I can mess with X-Rays to wreak havoc on you. I could kill you without even lifting a finger.

Nature Teleportation

I can merge with a natural object and then come out from any object of the same type anywhere. You won't know where I am until I sic my monsters on you, keeping you distracted just long enough to give you a fatal dose of X-Radiation! You stand no chance!

P.S. Please don't lock this for necro. It seemed like a fun game, I thought I'd revive it.

18,319 posts

Life Element Manipulation, Relative Strength Perception, and Sloth Constructs.

The first and third are pretty good. I'm able to grant life, which is basically like your genesis creation and also create things out of laziness like weapons, armor, walls, etc; which is good because I'm actually pretty lazy.

The second one kind of throws things out of balance for me though. It means that I'm only as strong as someone thinks I am. My strength is all dependent on how threatening you see me, which even if you didn't already know that I have this power you might consider yourself stronger than me just because of your x-ray manipulation and your teleportation. I don't really consider your Genesis Creation as a threat considering that I have Life Element Manipulation, so the only power I have that could possibly mess you up are my sloth constructs.

Unfortunately I have a pretty good chance of losing this fight.

4,755 posts

Stochastic Mimicry, Abjuration and Chronokinetic Constructs.

I can also create constructs but out of time (Chronokinetic Constructs), while preventing you from creating Sloth Constructs – that is either by purification of your mood (Abjuration spells that heal morale), or by disrupting this skill with Stochastic Mimicry. If you can’t create constructs, you can’t animate them with Life Element Manipulation. After neutralizing your two other powers I don’t see you as strong, so Relative Strength Perception works to my advantage. Even if you manage to attack me with a sloth construct, after changing my body into mathematical probability (Stochastic Mimicry), I prevent you from hitting me. All I need to defeat you is some time gun, and I can create an automatic one (semi-living).

660 posts

Storybook Mimicry, Occurence Manipulation, and Future Order Manipulation.
I can attain the powers of any being from any book I wish. So I can turn into, say, Cthulu, and drive you nuts, or whatever else I want to do. I can also manipulate the frequency of things happening, i.e. making you need to sleep more often than is conducive to your victory. I can also just manipulate the future and bring you dying up into the present. Either way, I think I win this one.

287 posts

Possibility Reconstruction Electrical Telepathy Midpoint Dominance

Note: below ill show some sub-powers of these, that is the link. NOT MAIN POWER.

oh boy, 2 people with event-changing powers.
Possibility manipulation (Sub-Power of Meta Probability Manipulation.) : I can produce a new possible outcome/event from using fragments or an entirety of already existing probabilities from the no-ending void of alternate outcomes/realities/etc. this means using parts of existing probabilities from the infinite void of realities. i use the ability to get the reality where i win the fight.

Electrical Telepathy: pretty useless

Midpoint Dominance (sub-power of Omnipotence): I can cause an absolute midway point between the start and end or ending and start for anything and everything. I can also control what happens in the midpoint of something. I Can change any event.

your mimicry into Cthulhu would make you lose your personality as this quote "Becoming a character risks personality spill-over or even total loss of self if the character is too powerful." your manipulation changes how often things happen, but they are nothing compared to your final ability : Future Order Manipulation. you can make you win rather than lose. BUT with midpoint dominance i can Change Events in the NOW, not future. Or i can use Possibility Reconstruction. even though i cant remove your power with this (because this: "Possibilities available for use may be limited by the context of the story.) i can make it so you get worse powers.

GG i win. but we both are OP

660 posts

Well played, Charles. I didn't even think of the whole 'loss of self thing' with Cthulu. Now, next round!

Conceptual Ice Manipulation, Bone Regeneration, Formless Mind

Now, these are all pretty cool powers. I can make stuff freeze at temperatures below and beyond absolute zero, regenerate my own bones, and my brain is just too much for you to handle, operating on an entirely different level. If I can freeze you before you can get going, I might have a chance, but you can reconstruct the present to make that not happen. I don't stand a chance against that set. GG once again!

Showing 61-75 of 92