ForumsForum GamesBeat the User Above You With a Random Power

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Welcome to Beat the User Above You With a Random Power! The game based on the Superpower Wiki.

The game is simple, roll three random powers by clicking this link and battle the user above you with your set. If you think your set of powers is no match for the user above you just say "I lose" or something to that effect.


R2D21999: I got Oil Manipulation

User 1: Ha, that's no match for my Water Manipulation.. I'll wash your oil away.

User 2: I got Fire Attacks I might be able to put up a good fight for a little while, but ultimately I'll be no match against your Water Manipulation.

By the way, please don't keep rerolling until you get an OP set. Remember, this is RANDOM powers. It pretty much defeats the purpose of the game if your powers aren't random.

If there aren't any questions, I'll just got started.

, Dance Manipulation, and Demonic Beam Emission

Let's see someone try to beat me.

  • 92 Replies
25 posts

I got Spatial Vortex Creation, Heart Restoration and Sodium Manipulation
I could use Spatial Vortex Creation to evade your acid vortex creation or even make way for my minions which will be... the dead. With Heart Restoration, I will revive the dead and command them to kill you. There is no hope for you because even if you survived the attack you cannot escape my Sodium Manipulation. kekekeke

18,319 posts

Mystical Martial Arts, Ice Manipulation, and Truth Manipulation.

So I got some heavy hitters here. Especially the last one, which would just be overkill.

I could kill you with mystical martial arts, but since you have an Acid Vortex I might want to stay away from that. So in this case I might want to rely on my other two powers. I could either freeze or whatever else ice manipulation can do, or I can manipulate reality and say you were never alive. Either one seems pretty promising.

Ninja'd by paul, but I can still win the same way with Truth Manipulation.

3,826 posts

Another OP set! The Mystical Martial Arts makes you a deadly force, while Truth Manipulation makes you virtually unstoppable. Maybe I can roll some sort of relevant negation here. Let's seeeeee...

Mindscape Materialization, Culinary Magic and Cycle Manipulation.

Oh wow. This is going to be an epic battle! I'm going to magic myself up a delicious meal to prepare for this!

Cycle Manipulation allows me to control meta-events (the beginning/end of a universe or multiverse). On its own, this power would destroy the both of us. But combined with Mindscape Materialization, I might have a chance here. But only maybe.

Basically, this allows me to imagine a world and then bring that world into existence. And, once that world exists, I can maintain its existence with Cycle Manipulation. Now, your Truth Manipulation might seem like an obvious counter to this. You can just state that "Moe's imagined world doesn't exist." But the application for Cycle Manipulation involves what's called Absolute Restoration. In other words, I can restore and maintain this world (as I understand it) despite any other influence. In a sense, it seems to trump other powers (again, as I'm reading it).

Our battle be one on the meta-level, with each of us working to make true the claim that the other one has lost. What I could see happening is me creating a world in which you lack your powers while you make it true that I lack mine. At that point, though, you'd probably still win since you would still have martial arts capabilities (just not Mystic ones).

So now that I'm thinking about it, our battle looks more like a stalemate that leans more towards you winning. Still, that was super fun! A real meta-fight!

17,384 posts

Your Mindscape manipulation might be a tough one to beat.

Tractor Beam Emission, Morale Manipulation and Fire Whip Creation

Honestly, whilst I can't beat your Mindscape Materialisation, I can try reduce your morale so you'll lose the will to fight and give up before you create your world. Of course, you are somewhat lacking in offense so I could easily create a fire whip and strike you constantly with it. Tractor beams are only useful if there are any nearby objects to use to hit you with which I doubt you'll allow thanks to your mindscape.

Overall, speed plays a factor in how fast I am in making you surrender before you put your domain up.

2 posts

wait I forgot I can make worlds and make living things, and I'm being protected
by an inner world, and I can teleport to the inner world's knowledge and dimensions!I'm like a god!(just like a god not as strong as a god)by your set of powers chryosten, I think thats hard to beat,but the knowledge of the inner world can be mine and I can form universe, summon inner world armies, and I can undo the makings of the worlds and universe if I want it to be removed!plus I can go into the boundless worlds that I am only one who can use power and manipulate it to the real world, and you guys can't use your powers cause I change the law of power of the real life
(Cosmological Force Manipulation
Boundless Inner World, and
Army Creation)

18,319 posts

Hey, @Aspect0Zero, you know that if you decide to fight again you need to get 3 new powers. You can't reuse your old ones.

In which case, I'll just fight Chryo.

Plasma Web Creation, Supernatural Accuracy, and Life Renewal.

Well this kind of sucks. Only one of these powers I can use to harm someone(Plasma Web Creation), and another only makes it to where I can more likely hit you(Supernatural Accuracy). The third power isn't useful in a fight and only effects my aging to where I can stay young whenever I want. It doesn't bring me back to life.

In which case, I guess it isn't too bad against Chryo's set. My webs can bind him and with them being made out of plasma they can do some serious harm, and with the added benefit of Supernatural Accuracy I'll practically never miss. Although your tractor beam emissions could essentially stop my plasma webs, one of the limitations on Tractor Beam Emission is that you might have a limitation on how many objects you can beam. Of course, you also have morale manipulation, and with that comes will breaking, which could essentially cause me to give up.

My only hope is that your tractor beams do have the limitation of how many objects it can carry, and that you never use your morale manipulation.

1,917 posts

Yo I got extremely lucky. R2 has a really weak set and I got an OP one.

First of all I can buff myself with Food With Food Augmentation

Then I can become Hekatonkheire Physiology Also known in Clicker heroes fr being the one that increansesthe duration of superclicks.

Then I have Plot Armor.
Hero Embodiment

So... my win.

17,384 posts

Ha. I take your OP power set and raise you another.

Psychic Force-Field Generation, Supernatural Charisma and Bada** Adaptation (link edited cause it got censored).

No matter what attacks you throw at me, you won't be able to succeed in bypassing my force-field. Also, my charisma can easily persuade you in abandoning your attempts in fighting me in favour of joining my side. This is further bolstered by my Bada** Adaptation which allows me to defy logic in order to win through adaptation and evolution.

So as usual, it's my win with the potential to gain one ally through this battle. And I don't even need to get my hands dirty (not that I have any offensive abilities anyway).

8,256 posts

Well, your supernatural charisma is a lot of hot air, so I should have no problem defending against it with my Aerokinetic Immunity
Though seriously, that first power is completely useless...

However, your psychic force-field is of no use. I got Psychic Symbiosis, which includes manipulation of psychic forces.

I also got Absolute Strength, which normally would mean I win easily. The only problem is your super adaptation... this one is tricky, as you could potentially adapt to my attacks. However, absolute strength includes one-hit kill, and you cannot adapt to something that immediately kills you, right? Also, my psychic symbiosis includes mind control, with which I can just prevent you from adapting in the first place.

This is a close one, but I think I have what it takes to win.

1,917 posts

You look like someone strong but I got lucky: The most useful ability I got would be Paralysis Inducement
So I can stop you for a limited amount of time.

Then I have Fire Transmutation
So I can turn the floor which is beneath you in fire to damage you.

For the last power... I got Dark Matter Manipulation
Which I don't understand very well, but it should be something powerful...

18,319 posts

Invisibility Combat, Entrapment Field Projection, and Possibility Reconstruction.

That Dark Matter Manipulation is pretty good.

However, Possibility Reconstruction alone at it's lowest level of applications has death inducement, so I'd be able to kill you with that. Even without it, I still have Entrapment Field Projection to either trap you in, or trap you in there with me and use my invisibility combat to try and kill you that way though. No reason for me to do the latter though because I can apparently get trapped in my own field and it could be constantly active. Doesn't sound too fun for me.

Anyway, yeah. I have a pretty good chance at winning. A good roll on that Dark Matter Manipulation, but Possibility Reconstruction has so much benefit for me. There's a slim chance of you winning if you're quick enough to paralyze me, or if my possibility isn't chosen(the power only adds possibilities, I can't control unless I'm at the Master Level). Although again, not much possibility chosen if I decide to just entrap you in a field.

17,384 posts

Atomic Resistance, Bronze Manipulation and Bio-Metallic Symbiotic Exoskeleton

I'm very resistant to atomic attacks but not completely immune to it. Not very useful to be honest unless you somehow manage to have an atomic bomb dropped on me. I also have Bronze manipulation which allows me to control and manipulate bronze which is fairly redundant compared to my Bio-Metallic Symbiotic Exoskeleton. That allows me to manipulate my size and also create metal weapons from my body.

The only problem is you can just entrap me and be done with it. Your invisibility combat is useless as I'm made of metal and you won't be able to do much damage to me anyway. Overall, you'll most likely win and you can entrap me faster than I can create my weapons.

1,917 posts

Psionics. So... Do I have every psionic power with this? If so, then OP I am.

Cache. With enough time and preparations I am tireless so I can continue forever and I can release hidden attacks with this huh?

Helicopter Propulsion
. I can simply fly like Tails with this. Not extremely useful but it's okay.

If Psionics Is every psionic power then I most likely win by default...

18,319 posts

Oh boy, that psionics is pretty good considering it uses the entire psychic and mental power categories. Hopefully I can find something that'll help me combat that.

Life Resilience, Almighty Magic, and Frictionless Skin

I talked about having something to combat your psionics, and I may have found exactly what I need with Almighty Magic. The big one being that Metapotence comes with it, which is the power that can allow me to do anything without limit, no matter how impossible. This is not omnipotence with the sense that I'm the highest form of everything, but the power does allow me to do whatever I want. It's a lower form of omnipotence. So I can do anything I want because of magic.

So without having to rely on my other two powers, which is just allowing me to be immune to death manipulation/inducing abilities and allowing me to basically be sliding around forever, I could actually wipe you out despite all of your psionic powers. I was very lucky this round.

7,024 posts

Life And Death Connection
Antibody Generation
Weapon Hands

While great powers overall, my most powerful one is useless against you due to your Life Resilience, which makes you invulnerable to Life and Death Manipulation. I can still attack with Constructs of Life and Death Force, but there's Almighty Magic to deal with too. So pretty much, that's a clear win of yours

Showing 16-30 of 92