This is a battle of the sexes. If the poster is male, he will add 1 to the number above him and then make a comment of any sort he wishes. If the poster is female, she will subtract 1 from the number above her and make a comment. If the number reaches 0, the girls win. If the number reaches double the starting number, the guys win. For instance if we start at 1,000, the guys win at 2,000. Please always leave a comment with your number so it doesn't devolve into just another counting game. Comments obviously make it much more interesting.
All forum rules apply. Keep the comments civil. No double posting.
We will start with:
1,000 - This game can be really fun and a good way to have ad hoc conversations.
Amended Rules
All of the above still applies EXCEPT:
• Girls may now subtract 5 per post owing to the fact the forum demographic is skewed so much toward males.
• Each new game will begin at 50 until further notice.
• Turncoats are allowed. Meaning you may post for either gender regardless of your own gender.
68. I know, I'm not going to buy anything on it either, but I saw the people buying stuff on TV, just wow! they were like going mad when buying, they were even fighting
Then, the reporter interviewed a guy who was going to buy a TV in a store, she asked "how much are you going to pay on it?", the guy said: "I don't even know yet, I'll wait until I reach the cashier to discover "
Also, because your a male, you were supposed to add 1 to the number. Not subtract.
So after going with the right count (including my post) fixing mistakes, we should probably be at...
70. Klanje literally means slaughter. Yeah, we basically slaughter pigs and turn their meat into sausages and ham and bacon. We take their guts, clean them and put their own meat in them (That's how sausages are made). We also make I guess a kind of goulash with more kinds of meat called Čobanac. Also, krafne are basically holeless doughnuts topped with either chocolate spread or some kind of marmalade.
71. I remember when McD's started selling nuggets and they were horrible. Very processed, mostly dark meat, you'd get pieces of gristle all the time, it was bad.
72. And I. Don't have a McDonald's near me. I guess part of it is because I live in a rural area. But as far as I know of McDonald's, it tastes like crap and doesn't fill you up at all!
Daymit I felt sick after seeing your description. All the good meat goes to other food and the worst stuff is grinded to make a pulp - McNuggets® But the worst thing is how chickens are massively produced and slaughtered.
Did you know that chickens are the closest descendants of T-Rex? That's right, we should respect them more.
74. How the heck do mass chicken producers even manage to farm chickens the battery way!? We tried to do that small-scale and they kept peckin' their eggs and each other. We used to let them roam free, but they pooped(?) and laid their eggs EVERYWHERE. We once found chicken excrement on the combine seat so we decided to cage them up. They're in a large cage now, but some still manage to get out (and if it's nighttime, get eaten by foxes).
76. Yes, so many lives taken in vain, Though some of the more conservative thinkers would say a chicken's sole purpose is to provide sustenance for others.