Look, I'm pro choice. Just saying that gets you an ear full by pro life nut jobs. I believe in the Greek way of killing all infants who showed disabilities or birth defects. I believe that uncontroled births in India, Africa, and Mexico is causing over population in an area that can not support them. What is better? To die of sickness and starvation at the age of 10, or be put out before you even know about pain.
I believe in the Greek way of killing all infants who showed disabilities or birth defects.
That is euthanasia that , while it is controversial, I agree with. But that's off topic.
I believe that uncontroled births in India, Africa, and Mexico is causing over population in an area that can not support them. What is better? To die of sickness and starvation at the age of 10, or be put out before you even know about pain.
That is abortion which is completely different from murder. Abortion is an issue for another topic. but it is a solution to some teen pregnancies.
I believe in the Greek way of killing all infants who showed disabilities or birth defects. I believe that uncontroled births in India, Africa, and Mexico is causing over population in an area that can not support them. What is better? To die of sickness and starvation at the age of 10, or be put out before you even know about pain.
That's what separates us from other animals. We have hope that the person will recover, or at least live a happy life despite the disability. It's more logical to get rid of them at the first opportunity, but that's not how our species is hardwired.
Mothers care for their children. However that isn't always the case in teen pregnancies. The parents haven't developed enough or matured enough to be able to love or care for something with that strong of a passion, so they choose not to care.
A mothers love for her child though is the ultimate bond that can almost never be broken.
If we were, we wouldn't be having the world issues we have now.
You don't think that there would be problems if we were programmed to care for something? Maybe not the same problems, but humans from birth feel an urge to protect others of their species. People who have never met, when faced with danger, will defend each other. That's why armies work. We protect each other simply because we're the same species.
You should know this, since you claim to be in the military.
They protect their smaller group from other humans.
Yes, but they would also protect the other humans if the situation was reversed. We're not programmed to dislike anyone. We may develop the disliking, but we still have a bond deep down inside.
And don't tell me what I know..
Then prove that you know it before I have to point it out.
No, but we are programed to envy, lust and greed over what some one else has. We will always unite against a common enemy, but we always look out for ourselves. Women are full of hormones and that usually keeps us from eating our young. But men are programmed to have many children with different women.
No, but we are programed to envy, lust and greed over what some one else has.
It's encouraged, if not created, by society. Much of advertisement creates the image that if you don't have the newest phone, coolest clothes, best video game console, you won't be as cool. So when someone else has that and you don't you're going to be envious. Partially because of what the adverts have told you.
But men are programmed to have many children with different women.
We're programmed to have children. Society decides the rules.