I understand everything your saying and I respect that. It is your opinion. So please don't tell me that my opinion is wrong. It's an opinion which still stands at 70% parents vs. 30% kids. (notice the kids do take a portion of the responsibility in my opinion.)
You are allowed to have an opinion, but when you lay down statements such as:
raise your kids properly and this crap wont happen
Parents pass values and morals to their children
Expect to see some serious criticism. The fact of the matter is that at a certain age you are responsible for your own actions. You make the choice, it doesn't matter what your parents told you. I don't agree with most of the values that my parents hold. If you are old enough to have sex, you have a mind of your own.
So, stop getting so defensive. This is a debate forum. If you deal out the crap, expect to have it handed back to you.
It's an opinion which still stands at 70% parents vs. 30% kids. (notice the kids do take a portion of the responsibility in my opinion.)
It's easy to blame everyone else for your problems. I don't see how who to blame is an opinion. Unless the parents are saying "Little Johnny, I want you to go have sex with Suzie and don't use a condom, ok? Good boy!" Then you can blame the parents, but as long as you still have control over your penis and testicles and your partner still has control of her vagina it's your fault and that's it. You, as a human, make your own choices. Do you blame the parents of killers for them being killers? Does your 70/30 ratio hold up?
I am just saying that this can't really be opinionated because these are perportions. You can't really opinionate a perportion, but I don't want to get into that.
Now you think ONLY 30% is of the 2 (well, maybe more if you like it that way :P) people that partake in sex? Parents aren't egging them on or anything.
The only morals that parents could actually give off, is them actually doing it right in your living room in front of you....or maybe your father giving you the "talk," but that isn't really giving off a sense saying, "Go have sex!"
Now you think ONLY 30% is of the 2 (well, maybe more if you like it that way :P)
Yes I do.
tempo, can you please backup your opinion? Cause' I think what your saying is wrong.
Join the club.
I like this debate. clashing opinions draw many good points. really fun and interesting.
Join the club.
But like Estel said, you make your own decisions and you have to take some blame. Can anyone accept responsibility for their actions any more? Kids kill themselves and they blame rap music. Kids have sex and they blame the movies. Kids smoke they blame the advertising. Why cant anyone just say "I chose to smoke, it's my fault." All my friends used to smoke both tobacco and marijuana but I never took a single puff and I never will. So it's my choice not to, but when you smoke everyone wants to blame it on peer pressure and marketing. Grow up people!
i didn't know that opinions needed proof...for example...do you believe in God? yes or no? can you prove either? see it's just an opinion with no right or wrong answer. i'm not bashing your opinions so why bash mine!?!?
i didn't know that opinions needed proof...for example...do you believe in God? yes or no? can you prove either? see it's just an opinion with no right or wrong answer. i'm not bashing your opinions so why bash mine!?!?
Yes, usually in this type of environment you say WHY you think the way you do. There is evidence for and against believing in a god. You aren't bashing our opinions because you aren't doing things right, we are bashing yours because we are doing it right. That's the whole point of these forums is to argue points in a productive manner.
Sex Ed in public schools is horrible. They push for abstinence when it isn't going to happen. They should push for safety and information. All these kids need is an available, friendly place to receive STD testing, condoms, birth control, etc. And we need to stop making sex so bad. Turn it into something that isn't a BIG BAD deal and you won't have as many people rebel and do it. It will be a choice they make because they have the right information about it.
Well Said
I also agree that awareness makes all the difference. A lot of people see something bad in even saying the work Sex. It's not a huge deal, if you know the facts and don't ignorantly do it. Get tested, and practice safe sex is pretty much all I would have to say. Sex isn't the real problem, ignorance is!
And we just simply have better proof, sorry! I mean proving God is real is pretty much impossible, but something like this is quite simple to figure out with the proper logic.
@TROJANS, you pretty much need proof for...EVERYTHING in this forum. It's pretty hard to get your point across without giving proof....
Crap, my computer is so laggy. 3 comments go by when I post mine :P
okay people here's my only logical reasoning in my statement...are you ready...again this is my opinion...I only think this way because i believe that if parents properly warn their children and teach their children of the dangers of pre-marital sex such as diseases and teen pregnancy the teens may practice abstinence. that's all. but what does my opinion matter anyways...about jack squat.