technically if you think about it the cold war basically caused a bunch of different wars Chinese revolution, Korean war, Vietnam, Czechoslovakia coup d'etat, Hungarian revolution, soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia during the Prague Spring, Soviet invastion of Afghanistan and a bunch more
"Stalingrad is no longer a town...Animals flee this hell; the hardest stones cannot bear it for long; only men endure"
Cool looks like my library has it.
I agree Stalingrad was terrible though it has been a while since I have looked at it. This as the one where Hitler wouldn;t allow the 6th army to retreat?
Cannae was pretty bad with Hannibal just for one day casualties at about 70,000. Whereas Stalingrad as more prolonged.
the worst individual battle would have to be Verdun
I'm really not sure on this one. They are very close. Either way they are bith horrible. Verdun was just do damn long. But Stalingrad was so brutal. It was a conflict of extermination.
That's because only modern wars have included the technology enabling killing to take place on a scale never seen before, even in the most epic of sword and shield era battles.
um what? even if it was exaggerated think of the sheer numbers.. modern warfare we fight from a distance (most times) unless its urban, but then, you were in their face.. i get what you are saying.. i mean look at spartacus.. if im correct, they crucified all the slaves that were left.
i mean look at spartacus.. if im correct, they crucified all the slaves that were left.
Horrible things have happened in modern wars too. The use of gas in WW1, making their lungs bleed causing people to drown in their own blood. Not to mention men being machine gunned by the thousands. People's arms would actually be cut off by the machine guns and left dangling on the wire as they tried to climb over. That's a pretty horrible way to die in my opinion.
Yea, I guess we could go on all day on horrible ways people have died during wars, but that would be pointless. I was just making the point that even if war has become somewhat removed in the 20th/21st century, truly horrible things have, and still do occur.
also what about when Vlad Tepes had 30k merchants and officials impaled and they lingered on for days before they actually died and that's only one instance of the mass impalements that took place during his reign i don't actually know what the war was called but it was Wallachia vs. The Ottoman Empire
That guy is one twisted mofo. I had to do a school report on him a while back. Naturally I wanted to learn all the gory details, but they were really rather disgusting, even to a young pubescent lad like me.
A lot of the stories about him are made up but he did like to impale people. He knew he didn't have the forces to stop the ottoman empire so he engaged in psychological and guerrilla warfare.
A lot of the stories about him are made up but he did like to impale people. He knew he didn't have the forces to stop the ottoman empire so he engaged in psychological and guerrilla warfare.
For a time yes. He peaked and troughed depending on the politics of the surrounding nations like Hungary too. ALthough I remember one instance when an invading army, which vastly outnumbered his came to the River bank marking the border of his territory, it was littered with bodies mutilated in such a way, that the army returned home in fear.
There are indeed lots of legends, but what he did do was worse in some instances.